use strict;
use warnings;

package Device::Plugwise;
  $Device::Plugwise::VERSION = '0.4.1';

use Carp qw/croak carp/;
use Device::SerialPort qw/:PARAM :STAT 0.07/;
use Fcntl;
use IO::Select;
use Socket;
use Symbol qw(gensym);
use Time::HiRes;
use Digest::CRC qw(crc);
use Math::Round;


#use constant DEBUG     => 1;  # Print debug information on the module itself
#use constant XPL_DEBUG => 0;  # Print debug information on the plugwise protocol
#use constant PHY_DEBUG => 0;  # Print debug information on the physical link

# ABSTRACT: Perl module to communicate with Plugwise hardware

sub new {
    my ( $pkg, %p ) = @_;

    my $self = bless {
        _buf               => '',
        _q                 => [],
        _response_queue    => {},
        _connected         => 0,
        baud               => 115200,
        device             => '',
        list_circles_count => 16,
    }, $pkg;

    if ( exists $p{filehandle} ) {    # do not open device when a filehandle
        delete $self->{device};    #  was defined (this is for testing purposes)
    } else {

    $self->_stick_init();          # connect to the USB stick

    my $msg = $self->read(3);

    if ( !defined($msg) || ( $msg ne 'connected' && !exists $p{filehandle} ) ) {
"The device connected to $self->{device} does not appear to be a Stick";

    # Request the calibration info for the known Circles
    # Set the 'dont_scan_network' parameter to skip this (for testing)
    return $self if ( exists $p{dont_scan_network} );


    # And ensure all initialization commands in the queue are processed
        $msg = $self->read(3);
    } while ( defined $msg );

    return $self;


sub device { shift->{device} }

sub baud { shift->{baud} }

sub port { shift->{port} }

sub filehandle { shift->{filehandle} }

sub list_circles_count { shift->{list_circles_count} }

sub _open {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( $self->{device} =~ m![/\\]! ) {
    } else {
        if ( $self->{device} eq 'discover' ) {
            my $devices = $self->discover;
            my ( $ip, $port ) = @{ $devices->[0] };
            $self->{port}   = $port;
            $self->{device} = $ip . ':' . $port;

sub _open_tcp_port {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dev  = $self->{device};
    print STDERR "Opening $dev as tcp socket\n" if DEBUG;
    require IO::Socket::INET;
    import IO::Socket::INET;
    if ( $dev =~ s/:(\d+)$// ) {
        $self->{port} = $1;
    my $fh = IO::Socket::INET->new( $dev . ':' . $self->port )
      or croak "TCP connect to '$dev' failed: $!";
    return $self->{filehandle} = $fh;

sub _open_serial_port {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{type} = 'ISCP';
    my $fh = gensym();
    my $s = tie( *$fh, 'Device::SerialPort', $self->{device} )
      || croak "Could not tie serial port to file handle: $!\n";
    $s->baudrate( $self->baud );

    sysopen( $fh, $self->{device}, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY )
      or croak "open of '" . $self->{device} . "' failed: $!\n";
    return $self->{filehandle} = $fh;

sub read {
    my ( $self, $timeout ) = @_;
    my $res = $self->read_one( \$self->{_buf} );
    return $res if ( defined $res );
    my $fh  = $self->filehandle;
    my $sel = IO::Select->new($fh);
        my $start = $self->_time_now;
        $sel->can_read($timeout) or return;
        my $bytes = sysread $fh, $self->{_buf}, 2048, length $self->{_buf};
        $self->{_last_read} = $self->_time_now;
        $timeout -= $self->{_last_read} - $start if ( defined $timeout );
        croak defined $bytes ? 'closed' : 'error: ' . $! unless ($bytes);
        $res = $self->read_one( \$self->{_buf} );
          if ( defined $res && !$self->{_awaiting_stick_response} );
        return $res if ( defined $res );
    } while (1);

sub read_one {
    my ( $self, $rbuf, $no_write ) = @_;
    return unless ($$rbuf);

    print STDERR "rbuf=", _hexdump($$rbuf), "\n" if PHY_DEBUG;

    return unless ( $$rbuf =~ s/\x05\x05\x03\x03(\w+)\r\n// );
    my $body = $self->_process_response($1);

    # If we received an 'ack' then we need to try to read the next message
    if ( $body eq 'ack' ) {
        return unless ( $$rbuf =~ s/\x05\x05\x03\x03(\w+)\r\n// );
        $body = $self->_process_response($1);

    $self->_write_now unless ( $no_write || $self->{_awaiting_stick_response} );
    return $body;


sub write {
    my ( $self, $cmd, $cb ) = @_;
    print STDERR "Queuing: $cmd\n" if XPL_DEBUG;
    my $packet = "\05\05\03\03" . $cmd . $self->_plugwise_crc($cmd) . "\r\n";
    push @{ $self->{_q} }, [ $packet, $cmd, $cb ];
    $self->_write_now unless ( $self->{_waiting} );

sub queue_size {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return scalar @{ $self->{_q} };

sub _write_now {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $rec      = shift @{ $self->{_q} };
    my $wait_rec = delete $self->{_waiting};
    if ( $wait_rec && $wait_rec->[1] ) {
        my ( $str, $cmd, $cb ) = @{ $wait_rec->[1] };
        $cb->() if ($cb);
    return unless ( defined $rec );
    $self->{_waiting} = [ $self->_time_now, $rec ];

sub _real_write {
    my ( $self, $str, $desc, $cb ) = @_;
    print STDERR "Sending: $desc\n" if XPL_DEBUG;
    print STDERR _hexdump($str), "\n" if PHY_DEBUG;
    syswrite $self->filehandle, $str, length $str;
    $self->{_awaiting_stick_response} = 1;

sub _stick_init {

    my $self = shift();

    return 1;

#This is a helper function that returns the CRC for communication with the USB stick.
sub _plugwise_crc {
    my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
    sprintf( "%04X", crc( $data, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0x1021, 0, 0 ) );

# This function processes a response received from the USB stick.
# In a first step, the ACK response from the stick is handled. This means that the
# communication sequence number is captured, and a new entry is made in the response queue.
# Second step, if we receive an error response from the stick, pass this message back
# Finally, of course, decode actual useful messages and return their value to the caller
# The input to this function is the message with CRC, with the header and trailing part removed
sub _process_response {
    my ( $self, $frame ) = @_;

    print STDERR "Processing '$frame'\n" if XPL_DEBUG;

    # The default message is a plugwise.basic,
    # can be overwritten when required.
    my %xplmsg = ( schema => 'plugwise.basic', );

    # Check if the CRC matches
    if (
            $self->_plugwise_crc( substr( $frame, 0, -4 ) ) eq
            substr( $frame, -4, 4 )
        # Send out notification...
        #$xpl->ouch("PLUGWISE: received a frame with an invalid CRC");
        $xplmsg{schema} = 'log.basic';
        $xplmsg{body}   = [
            'type' => 'err',
            'text' => "Received frame with invalid CRC",
            'code' => $frame
        return \%xplmsg;

    # Strip CRC, we already know it is correct
    $frame =~ s/(.{4}$)//;

# After a command is sent to the stick, we first receive an 'ACK'. This 'ACK' contains a sequence number that we want to track and that notifies us of errors.
    if ( $frame =~ /^0000([[:xdigit:]]{4})([[:xdigit:]]{4})$/ ) {

        #      ack       |  seq. nr.     || response code |

        my $seqnr = $1;

        if ( $2 eq "00C1" ) {
            $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) }->{received_ok} = 1;
            $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) }->{type} =

            return "ack";
        } elsif ( $2 eq "00C2" ) {

            # We sometimes get this reponse on the initial init
            # request, re-init in this case
            return "re-init";
        } else {
            carp("Received response code with error: $frame\n");
            $xplmsg{schema} = 'log.basic';

            # Default error message
            my $text  = 'Received error response';
            my $error = $2;

            # Catch known errors for more user friendly feedback,
            # we overwrite the default text in this case
            my $msg_causing_error = $self->{_waiting}[1][1];

            if ( $msg_causing_error =~ /^0026([[:xdigit:]]{16}$)/ ) {
                my $device = $self->_addr_l2s($1);
                $text = "No calibration response received for $device";

# If we don't get a calibration response when we ask for it, we remove the Circle from the
# known Circles so it does not get reported when we request the list of Circles.
# This can be caused when a device is removed from the network. The Circle+ remembers
# the ID of the Circle that was removed, but of course the device will not respond to
# calibration requests.
                delete $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$device};
            $xplmsg{body} = [
                'type' => 'err',
                'text' => $text,
                'code' => $self->{_waiting}[1][1] . ":" . $error
            delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($seqnr) };
            $self->{_awaiting_stick_response} = 0;

            return \%xplmsg;


    $self->{_awaiting_stick_response} = 0;

    if ( $frame =~

# init resp | seq. nr.|| stick MAC addr || don't care    || network key    || short key
        # Extract info
        $self->{_plugwise}->{stick_MAC}   = substr( $2, -6, 6 );
        $self->{_plugwise}->{network_key} = $4;
        $self->{_plugwise}->{short_key}   = $5;
        $self->{_plugwise}->{connected}   = 1;

       # Update the response_queue, remove the entry corresponding to this reply
        delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

        print STDERR
"PLUGWISE: Received a valid response to the init request from the Stick. Connected!\n"
          if DEBUG;
        return "connected";

    if ( $frame =~ /^0000([[:xdigit:]]{4})00DE([[:xdigit:]]{16})$/ ) {

        #   circle off resp  |  seq. nr.     |    | circle MAC
        my $saddr = $self->_addr_l2s($2);

        $xplmsg{body} =
          [ 'device' => $saddr, 'type' => 'output', 'onoff' => 'off' ];

       # Update the response_queue, remove the entry corresponding to this reply
        delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

        print STDERR "PLUGWISE: Stick reported Circle " . $saddr . " is OFF\n"
          if DEBUG;
        return \%xplmsg;

    if ( $frame =~ /^0000([[:xdigit:]]{4})00D8([[:xdigit:]]{16})$/ ) {

        #   circle on resp   |  seq. nr.     |    | circle MAC
        my $saddr = $self->_addr_l2s($2);

        $xplmsg{body} =
          [ 'device' => $saddr, 'type' => 'output', 'onoff' => 'on' ];

       # Update the response_queue, remove the entry corresponding to this reply
        delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };
        print STDERR "PLUGWISE: Stick reported Circle " . $saddr . " is ON\n"
          if DEBUG;
        return \%xplmsg;

# Process the response on a powerinfo request
# powerinfo resp   |  seq. nr.     ||  Circle MAC    || pulse1        || pulse8        | other stuff we don't care about
    if ( $frame =~
        my $saddr  = $self->_addr_l2s($2);
        my $pulse1 = $3;
        my $pulse8 = $4;

        # Assign the values to the data hash
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{pulse1} = $pulse1;
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{pulse8} = $pulse8;

        # Ensure we have the calibration info before we try to calc the power,
        # if we don't have it, return an error reponse
        if ( !defined $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{gainA} ) {

#$xpl->ouch("Cannot report the power, calibration data not received yet for $saddr\n");
            $xplmsg{schema} = 'log.basic';
            $xplmsg{body}   = [
                'type' => 'err',
                'text' =>
                  "Report power failed, calibration data not retrieved yet",
                'device' => $saddr
            delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

            return \%xplmsg;

        # Calculate the live power
        my ( $pow1, $pow8 ) = $self->_calc_live_power($saddr);

       # Update the response_queue, remove the entry corresponding to this reply
        delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

        # Create the corresponding xPL message
        $xplmsg{body} = [
            'device'   => $saddr,
            'type'     => 'power',
            'current'  => $pow1 / 1000,
            'current8' => $pow8 / 1000,
            'units'    => 'kW'

        print STDERR "PLUGWISE: Circle "
          . $saddr
          . " live power 1/8 is: $pow1/$pow8 W\n"
          if DEBUG;
        return \%xplmsg;

# Process the response on a query known circles command
# circle query resp|  seq. nr.     ||  Circle+ MAC   || Circle MAC on  || memory position
    if ( $frame =~
        # Store the node in the object
        if ( $3 ne "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" ) {
            $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{ substr( $3, -6, 6 ) } =
              {};    # Store the last 6 digits of the MAC address for later use
                     # And immediately queue a request for calibration info
            $self->write( "0026" . $3 );

       # Update the response_queue, remove the entry corresponding to this reply
        delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

        # Only when we have walked the complete list
        return "no_data";

# Process the response on a status request
# status response  |  seq. nr.     ||  Circle+ MAC   || year,mon, min || curr_log_addr || powerstate
    if ( $frame =~
        my $saddr   = $self->_addr_l2s($2);
        my $onoff   = $5 eq '00' ? 'off' : 'on';
        my $current = $5 eq '00' ? 'LOW' : 'HIGH';
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{onoff} = $onoff;
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{curr_logaddr} =
          ( hex($4) - 278528 ) / 8;

        my $circle_date_time = $self->_tstamp2time($3);

        print STDERR
"PLUGWISE: Received status response for circle $saddr: ($onoff, logaddr="
          . $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{curr_logaddr}
          . ", datetime=$circle_date_time)\n"
          if DEBUG;

        $xplmsg{body} = [
            'device' => $saddr,
            'type'   => 'output',
            'onoff'  => $onoff,
            'address' =>
            'datetime' => $circle_date_time

       # Update the response_queue, remove the entry corresponding to this reply
        delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

        return \%xplmsg;

    # Process the response on a calibration request
    if ( $frame =~
# calibration resp |  seq. nr.     ||  Circle+ MAC   || gainA         || gainB         || offtot        || offruis
#print "Received for $2 calibration response!\n";
        my $saddr = $self->_addr_l2s($2);

        #print "Short address  = $saddr\n";
        print STDERR
          "PLUGWISE: Received calibration reponse for circle $saddr\n"
          if DEBUG;

        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{gainA} =
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{gainB} =
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{offtot} =
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$saddr}->{offruis} =

       # Update the response_queue, remove the entry corresponding to this reply
        delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

        return "no_data";

    # Process the response on a historic buffer readout
    if ( $frame =~
# history resp     |  seq. nr.     ||  Circle+ MAC   || info 1         || info 2         || info 3         || info 4         || address
        my $s_id     = $self->_addr_l2s($2);
        my $log_addr = ( hex($7) - 278528 ) / 8;

        #print "Received history response for $2 and address $log_addr!\n";

        # Assign the values to the data hash
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$s_id}->{history}->{logaddress} =
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$s_id}->{history}->{info1} = $3;
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$s_id}->{history}->{info2} = $4;
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$s_id}->{history}->{info3} = $5;
        $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$s_id}->{history}->{info4} = $6;

        # Ensure we have the calibration info before we try to calc the power,
        # if we don't have it, return an error reponse
        if ( !defined $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$s_id}->{gainA} ) {

#$xpl->ouch("Cannot report the power, calibration data not received yet for $s_id\n");
            $xplmsg{schema} = 'log.basic';
            $xplmsg{body}   = [
                'type' => 'err',
                'text' =>
                  "Report power failed, calibration data not retrieved yet",
                'device' => $s_id
            delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

            return \%xplmsg;
        my ( $tstamp, $energy ) = $self->report_history($s_id);

# If the timestamp is no good, we tried to retrieve a field that contains no valid data, generate an error response
        if ( $tstamp eq "000000000000" ) {

#$xpl->ouch("Cannot report the power for interval $log_addr of circle $s_id, it is in the future\n");
            $xplmsg{schema} = 'log.basic';
            $xplmsg{body}   = [
                'type' => 'err',
                'text' => "Report power failed, no valid data in time interval",
                'device' => $s_id
            delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };
            return \%xplmsg;

        $xplmsg{body} = [
            'device'   => $s_id,
            'type'     => 'energy',
            'current'  => $energy,
            'units'    => 'kWh',
            'datetime' => $tstamp

        print STDERR "PLUGWISE: Historic energy for $s_id"
          . "[$log_addr] is $energy kWh on $tstamp\n"
          if DEBUG;

       # Update the response_queue, remove the entry corresponding to this reply
        delete $self->{_response_queue}->{ hex($1) };

        return \%xplmsg;

# We should not get here unless we receive responses that are not implemented...
#$xpl->ouch("Received unknown response: '$frame'");
    return "no_data";


sub status {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{_plugwise};

sub command {
    my ( $self, $command, $target, $parameter ) = @_;

    if ( !defined($command) || !defined($target) ) {
"A command to the stick needs a command and a target ID as parameter"
        return 0;

    if (DEBUG) {
        print STDERR "Push to queue command '$command'";
        print STDERR "to '$target'" if ( defined $target );
        print STDERR "\n";

    my $packet = "";

    if ( defined $target ) {

   # Commands that target a specific device might need to be sent multiple times
   # if multiple devices are defined
        foreach my $circle ( split /,/, $target ) {
            $circle = uc($circle);

            if ( $command eq 'on' ) {
                $packet = "0017" . $self->_addr_s2l($circle) . "01";
            } elsif ( $command eq 'off' ) {
                $packet = "0017" . $self->_addr_s2l($circle) . "00";
            } elsif ( $command eq 'status' ) {
                $packet = "0023" . $self->_addr_s2l($circle);
            } elsif ( $command eq 'livepower' ) {

       # Ensure we have the calibration readings before we send the read command
       # because the processing of the response of the read command required the
       # calibration readings output to calculate the actual power
                if (
                    my $longaddr = $self->_addr_s2l($circle);
                    $self->write( "0026" . $longaddr )
                      ;    #, "Request calibration info");
                $packet = "0012" . $self->_addr_s2l($circle);

            } elsif ( $command eq 'history' ) {

       # Ensure we have the calibration readings before we send the read command
       # because the processing of the response of the read command required the
       # calibration readings output to calculate the actual power
                if (
                    my $longaddr = $self->_addr_s2l($circle);
                    $self->write( "0026" . $longaddr )
                      ;    #, "Request calibration info");

                if ( !defined $parameter ) {
"The 'history' command needs both a Circle ID and an address to read..."
                    return 0;

                my $address = $parameter * 8 + 278528;
                $packet = "0048"
                  . $self->_addr_s2l($circle)
                  . sprintf( "%08X", $address );
            } else {
                croak("Received invalid command '$command'\n");
                return 0;

            # Send the packet to the stick!
            $self->write($packet) if ( defined $packet );


    return 1;

# Interrogate the network coordinator (Circle+) for all connected Circles
# This sub will generate the requests, and then the response parser function
# will generate a hash with all known circles
# When a circle is detected, a calibration request is sent to ge the relevant info
# required to calculate the power information.
# Circle info goes into a global hash like this:
#   $object->{_plugwise}->{circles}
#      A single circle entry contains the short id and the following info:
#         short_id => { gainA   => xxx,
#                       gainB   => xxx,
#                       offtot  => xxx,
#                       offruis => xxx }
sub _query_connected_circles {

    my ($self) = @_;

# In this code we will scan all connected circles to be able to add them to the $self->{_plugwise}->{circles} hash
    my $index = 0;

    # Interrogate the Circle+ and add its info into the circles hash
    $self->{_plugwise}->{coordinator_MAC} =
      $self->_addr_l2s( $self->{_plugwise}->{network_key} );
    $self->{_plugwise}->{circles} = {};    # Reset known circles hash
    $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{ $self->{_plugwise}->{coordinator_MAC} } =
      {};                                  # Add entry for Circle+
        "0026" . $self->_addr_s2l( $self->{_plugwise}->{coordinator_MAC} ) );

    # Interrogate the first x connected devices
    while ( $index < $self->{list_circles_count} ) {
        my $strindex = sprintf( "%02X", $index++ );
        my $packet = "0018"
          . $self->_addr_s2l( $self->{_plugwise}->{coordinator_MAC} )
          . $strindex;
        $self->write($packet);    #, "Query connected device $strindex");


# Convert the long Circle address notation to short
sub _addr_l2s {
    my ( $self, $address ) = @_;
    my $saddr = substr( $address, -8, 8 );

# We will return at least 6 bytes, more if required
# This is to keep compatibility with existing code that only supports 6 byte short addresses
    return sprintf( "%06X", hex($saddr) );

# Convert the short Circle address notation to long
sub _addr_s2l {
    my ( $self, $address ) = @_;
    return "000D6F00" . sprintf( "%08X", hex($address) );

# Convert hex values to float for power readout
sub _hex2float {
    my ( $self, $hexstr ) = @_;
    my $floater = unpack( 'f', reverse pack( 'H*', $hexstr ) );
    return $floater;

# Return the time
sub _time_now {

# Print the data in hex
sub _hexdump {
    my $s = shift;
    my $r = unpack 'H*', $s;
    $s =~ s/[^ -~]/./g;
    $r . ' ' . $s;

# Convert a Plugwise timestamp to a human-readable format
sub _tstamp2time {
    my ( $self, $tstamp ) = @_;

    # Return empty time on empty timestamp
    return "000000000000" if ( $tstamp eq "FFFFFFFF" );

    # Convert
    if ( $tstamp =~ /([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{2})([[:xdigit:]]{4})/ ) {
        my $circle_date = sprintf( "%04i%02i%02i",
            2000 + hex($1),
            hex($2), int( hex($3) / 60 / 24 ) + 1 );
        my $circle_time    = hex($3) % ( 60 * 24 );
        my $circle_hours   = int( $circle_time / 60 );
        my $circle_minutes = $circle_time % 60;
        $circle_time = sprintf( "%02i%02i", $circle_hours, $circle_minutes );
        return $circle_date . $circle_time;
    } else {
        return "000000000000";

# Calculate the live power consumption from the last report.
sub _calc_live_power {
    my ( $self, $id ) = @_;

    #my ($pulse1, $pulse8) = $self->pulsecorrection($id);
    my $pulse1 =
      $self->_pulsecorrection( $id,
        hex( $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$id}->{pulse1} ) );
    my $pulse8 =
      $self->_pulsecorrection( $id,
        hex( $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$id}->{pulse8} ) / 8 );

    my $live1 = $pulse1 * 1000 / 468.9385193;
    my $live8 = $pulse8 * 1000 / 468.9385193;

    # Round
    $live1 = round($live1);
    $live8 = round($live8);

    return ( $live1, $live8 );


# Correct the reported number of pulses based on the calibration values
sub _pulsecorrection {
    my ( $self, $id, $pulses ) = @_;

    # Get the calibration values for the circle
    my $offnoise = $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$id}->{offruis};
    my $offtot   = $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$id}->{offtot};
    my $gainA    = $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$id}->{gainA};
    my $gainB    = $self->{_plugwise}->{circles}->{$id}->{gainB};

    # Correct the pulses with the calibration data
    my $out =
      ( ( $pulses + $offnoise ) ^ 2 ) * $gainB +
      ( ( $pulses + $offnoise ) * $gainA ) +

    # Never report negative values, can happen with really small values
    $out = 0 if ( $out < 0 );

    return $out;





=head1 NAME

Device::Plugwise - Perl module to communicate with Plugwise hardware

=head1 VERSION

version 0.4.1


  my $plugwise = Device::Plugwise->new(device => '/dev/cu.usbserial01');
  $plugwise->command('on', 'ABCDEF'); # Enable Circle#ABCDEF
  while (1) {
    my $message = $plugwise->read();
    print $message, "\n";

  $plugwise = Device::Plugwise->new(device => 'hostname:port');
  $plugwise->command('on', 'ABCDEF'); # Enable Circle#ABCDEF


Module for interfacing to Plugwise hardware.

Current implemented functions are


=item Switching ON/OFF of circles

=item Query circles for their status

=item Query the Circles+ for known circles

=item Retrieve the live power consumption of a Circle

=item Readout the historic power consumption of a Circle (1-hour average)


B<IMPORTANT:> This module required Plugwise firmware v2.37 or higher.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<new(%parameters)>

This constructor returns a new Device::Plugwise object. Supported parameters are listed below


=item device

The name of the device to connect to, The value can be a tty device name of C<hostname:port> for a TCP connection. This parameter is required.

=item filehandle

The name of an existing filehandle to be used instead of the 'device'

=item baud

The baud rate for the tty device.  The default is C<9600>.

=item port

The port for a TCP device.  There is no default port.


=head2 C<device()>

Returns the device used to connect to the equipment.  If a filehandle
was provided this method will return undef.

=head2 C<baud()>

Returns the baud rate. Only makes sense when connected over a serial connection.

=head2 C<port()>

Returns the TCP port for the device. Only makes sense when using this type
of connection of course.

=head2 C<filehandle()>

This method returns the file handle for the device.

=head2 C<list_circles_count()>

This method returns the number of Circles that will be interrogated with the
list_circles command. If you have more than 16 Circles in your network, increase
the setting to a higher value.

=head2 C<read([$timeout])>

This method blocks until a new message has been received by the
device.  When a message is received the message string is returned.
An optional timeout (in seconds) may be provided.

=head2 C<read_one(\$buffer, [$do_not_write])>

This method attempts to remove a single message from the buffer
passed in via the scalar reference.  When a message is removed a data
structure is returned that represents the data received.  If insufficient
data is available then undef is returned.

By default, a received message triggers sending of the next queued message
if the C<$do_no_write> parameter is set then writes are not triggered.

=head2 C<write($command, $callback)>

This method queues a command for sending to the connected device.
The first write will be written immediately, subsequent writes are
queued until a response to the previous message is received.

=head2 C<queue_size()>

This method reports the number of commands that are in the
queue to be sent to the stick.

=head2 C<status()>

This method returns the status of the internal _plugwise
This can be used to extract network information and for debugging.
Hash entries include


=item connected   : is the software connected to the USB stick

=item stick_MAC   : Zigbee MAC address of the stick

=item network_key : Full zigbee network ID

=item short_key   : Short version of the network ID

=item circles     : List of IDs of Circles that have responded to a calibration request and that hence are known to be active on the wireless network


=head2 C<command($command, $target)>

This method sends a command to the stick.

Supported C<$command>s with a target id are:


=item on        : switch a circle on

=item off       : switch a circle off

=item status    : request the current switch state, internal clock, live power consumption

=item livepower : request the current power measured by the Circle

=item history   : request the energy consumption for a specific logaddress


C<$target> can either be a single short hardware MAC address or a
comma-separated list of devices if multiple devices need to receive
the same command.


The code of this module is heavily based the code by Mark Hindess (Device::Onkyo), thanks Mark!
The initial Perl Plugwise interface code for firmware v1 was written by Jfn.

=head1 AUTHOR

Lieven Hollevoet <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Lieven Hollevoet.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
