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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Molecular Evolution of Protein Complexes Contact Interfaces
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @Authors:  HŽctor Valverde <> and Juan Carlos Aledo
# @Date:     May-2013
# @Location: Depto. Biolog’a Molecular y Bioqu’mica
#            Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de M‡laga
# Copyright 2013 Hector Valverde and Juan Carlos Aledo.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
# See for more information.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#                                   #---#                                    #

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading modules                                                      Chap.  1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
use Mecom;
use Getopt::Long;
if($ENV{PAMLDIR} eq ""){
    die("\nThe environment variable 'PAMLDIR' is unset.
MECOM can't find the PAML software, maybe it was not be installed
correctly. Try
\nexport PAMLDIR='path/to/PAML/bin'\n\nand try again.\n")

sub welcome{
    # Welcome
    my $welcome = "";
    $welcome.= "\n---------------------------------------\n";
    $welcome.= "\t RUNNING MECOM v".Mecom->get_version."\n";
    $welcome.= " Hector Valverde and Juan Carlos Aledo\n";
    $welcome.= " \tUniversity of Malaga\n";
    $welcome.= "\t     May, 2013\n";
    $welcome.= "---------------------------------------\n\n";
    $welcome.= "NOTICE: This distribution is an alpha version.\n";
    $welcome.= "Unexpected errors could be dumped. Contact with\n";
    $welcome.= "authors anonymously from\n\n";
    $welcome.= "Type 'mecom --help' on the command line to get\n";
    $welcome.= "a summarized manual.\n\n";
    return $welcome;

sub help{
    # Help
    my $help;
    $help = "\n\tMECOM HELP v".Mecom->get_version."\n\n";
    $help.= "\t*General usage:\n";
    $help.= "\t--------------\n\n";
    $help.= "\t\$ mecom [--pdb <pdbfile> --contactfile <strfile>]
            --chain <chainid> --alignment <msafile> [ --proximityth
            <float> --exposureth <float> --exposuretherror <float>
            --informat <msaformat> --oformat <msaformat> --gc <int>
            --ocontact <filepath> --report <htmlpath>] [--help] [--struct]\n\n";
    $help.= "\t*Requested Options:\n";
    $help.= "\t------------------\n\n";
    $help.= "\t--pdb and/or --contactfile <file>: A valid *.pdb or *.str input file\n";
    $help.= "\t--aligment <msafile>: A valid Multiple Sequence Alignment File\n";
    $help.= "\t--chain <X>: The analyzed chain identifier\n\n";
    $help.= "\t*Other options:\n";
    $help.= "\t--------------\n\n";
    $help.= "\t(see documentation to find default values)\n\n";
    $help.= "\t--ocontact <file>: A file path where write structural data (*.str file)\n";
    $help.= "\t--exposureth <float num>: Exposure threshold\n";
    $help.= "\t--exposuretherror <float num>: Exposure threshold margin\n";
    $help.= "\t--proximityth <float num>: Proximity threshold\n";
    $help.= "\t--informat <msaformat>: MSA format for the input file\n";
    $help.= "\t--oformat <msaformat>: MSA format for the output alignments\n";
    $help.= "\t--gc <int>: Genetic code\n";
    $help.= "\t--report <htmlfile>: A file path where write the output report\n";
    $help.= "\t--help: Show this help\n";
    $help.= "\t--struct: Carry out just the structural analysis\n";
    $help.= "\n\n";
    $help.= "For further information see the full documentation at man page or";
    $help.= " user manual at authors website:\n\n";
    $help.= " Copyright 2013 Hector Valverde and Juan Carlos Aledo.\n\n";
    $help.= " This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it";
    $help.= " under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published";
    $help.= " by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.\n";
    $help.= " See for more information.\n\n";
    return $help;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                                                            1.

#                                   #---#                                    #

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variable initialization                                              Chap.  2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Required:
    my $pdb;            #or    # 1a. A valid path to pdb file or
    my $contact_file;          # 1b. A valid contact file
    my $chain_alignment;       # 2. The chain/s alignment/s
    my $chain;                 # 3. Chain or chains to analyze
# Optional:
    my $pth;                   # 1. Proximity threshold (Angstroms)
    my $sth;                   # 2. Exposition threshold (ASA fraction)
    my $th_margin;             # 3. Exposition threshold margin
    my $spec_chains;           # 4. Chains to contact with
    my $informat;              # 5. Alignment format
    my $oformat;               # 6. Output format for sub-alignments
    my $gc;                    # 7. Genetic code
    my $ocontact = "data.str"; # 8. Contact output data file
    my $help;                  # 9. Help boolean
    my $report;                # 10. HTML report
    my $struct;                # 11. Boolean for launch just struct. anal.
GetOptions (                  # Getting options from command line                  
    "pdb=s"              => \$pdb,                  # --pdb
    "alignment=s"        => \$chain_alignment,      # --alignment
    "proximityth=f"      => \$pth,                  # --proximityth
    "exposureth=f"       => \$sth,                  # --exposureth
    "chain=s"            => \$chain,                # --chain
    "exposuretherror=f"  => \$th_margin,            # --exposuretherror
    "contactfile=s"      => \$contact_file,         # --contactfile
    "contactwith=s"      => \$spec_chains,          # --contactwith
    "informat=s"         => \$informat,             # --informat
    "oformat=s"          => \$oformat,              # --oformat
    "gc=i"               => \$gc,                   # --gc
    "ocontact=s"         => \$ocontact,             # --ocontact
    "help"               => \$help,                 # --help
    "report=s"           => \$report,               # --report
    "struct"             => \$struct                # --struct
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                                                            2.

#                                   #---#                                    #

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HELP and variable validation                                        Chap.  3
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print help();
    print welcome();
#if(!$chain || !($pdb || $contact_file) || !$chain_alignment){
#    die("ERROR: Any requested option is missing. Type 'mecom --help' to view how to solve it\n");
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                                                            3.

#                                   #---#                                    #

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run program for multiple chains                                     Chap.  4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
print welcome();
my @chains = split(/ /,$chain);
# 1. Create the objects
my @objs_list = ();
if($#chains > 0){
    # The respective alignment files (also separated by commas)
    my @alignments = split(/ /,$chain_alignment);
    # Chains and align files number must be equal
    if($#chains != $#alignments){
        die("Invalid number of MSA files for specified input chains\n")
    for (my $i=0;$i<scalar(@chains);$i++){
        #print $alignments[$i]."\n";
        my $new_obj = Mecom->new(
                                    pdb         => $pdb,
                                    contactfile => $contact_file,
                                    alignment   => $alignments[$i],
                                    chain       => $chains[$i],
                                    pth         => $pth,
                                    sth         => $sth,
                                    sthmargin   => $th_margin,
                                    contactwith => $spec_chains,
                                    informat    => $informat,
                                    oformat     => $oformat,
                                    gc          => $gc,
                                    ocontact    => $chains[$i].".tmp.str"
        # Insert into the object list
        push(@objs_list, $new_obj);
    print "1. Running structural calcs\n";
    # Run structural calcs
    for my $obj (@objs_list){
        # Run structural calcs
        print("Running structural calcs for chain: ".$obj->get_chain."\n");
    # If $ocontact does not exists, create it
    if(!-e $ocontact){
        # Concatenate structural data into a single file
        open CAT, ">>".$ocontact;
        for my $obj (@objs_list){
            open FILE, $obj->get_ocontact;
                print CAT $_;
        close CAT;
    print "2. Filtering\n";
    # Create the codon list
    for my $obj (@objs_list){
    print "3. Building subalignments\n";
    # Create the sub-alignments
    for my $obj (@objs_list){
    print "4. Sub-alignments concatenation\n";
    # Concatenate sub-alignments
    # For each category within firs alignment
    my %merged_alns;
    for my $category (keys %{$objs_list[0]->get_subalns}){
        print "\t".$category."\n";
        # @extalns is an array with Bio::SimpleAlign objects
        my @extalns;
        for my $obj (@objs_list){
            push (@extalns, ${$obj->get_subalns}{$category});
        # Merged alignments within the same category
        $merged_alns{$category} = Mecom->cat_aln(@extalns);
    # Create a new object with the concatenated alignments
    my $coe = Mecom->new(
                                    pdb         => $pdb,
                                    contactfile => $contact_file,
                                    alignment   => $chain_alignment,
                                    chain       => $chain,
                                    pth         => $pth,
                                    sth         => $sth,
                                    sthmargin   => $th_margin,
                                    contactwith => $spec_chains,
                                    informat    => $informat,
                                    oformat     => $oformat,
                                    gc          => $gc,
                                    ocontact    => $ocontact,
                                    report      => $report
    # Set the subalignment for the new object
    print "5. Running evolutive calcs\n";
    # Yang
    print "6. Running statistics\n";
    # Stats
    print "7. Writting HTML report\n";
    # open?
    print "Do you want to open the generated report? [Y/n]: ";
    my $userinput =  <STDIN>;
    chomp ($userinput);
    if($userinput =~ /y/i || $userinput =~ /yes/i || $userinput eq ""){
        system("open ".$coe->get_report);

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                                                            4.

#                                   #---#                                    #

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run program for a single chain                                      Chap.  5
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# New object
my $coe = Mecom->new(
                                    pdb         => $pdb,
                                    contactfile => $contact_file,
                                    alignment   => $chain_alignment,
                                    chain       => $chain,
                                    pth         => $pth,
                                    sth         => $sth,
                                    sthmargin   => $th_margin,
                                    contactwith => $spec_chains,
                                    informat    => $informat,
                                    oformat     => $oformat,
                                    gc          => $gc,
                                    ocontact    => $ocontact,
                                    report      => $report

    # Run calcs
    print "1. Running structural calcs\n";
    # Structural data
    print "2. Filtering\n";
    # Filtering
    print "3. Building sub-alignments\n";
    # Sub-alignments
    print "4. Running evolutive analysis\n";
    # Yang
    print "5. Running statistics\n";
    # Stats
    print "6. Writting HTML report\n";
    # Report
    # open?
    print "Do you want to open the generated report? [Y/n]: ";
    my $userinput =  <STDIN>;
    chomp ($userinput);
    if($userinput =~ /y/i || $userinput =~ /yes/i || $userinput eq ""){
        system("open ".$coe->get_report);

    print "---------------------------------------\n";
    print "\t\tEND\n\n";
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                                                            5.

#                                   #---#                                    #

sub only_struct{
    my ($self,$chain,$pth,$sth,$th_margin,$ocontact) = @_;
    my @chains = split(/ /,$chain);
    my @objs_list;
    for my $chainid (@chains){
        my $coe = Mecom->new(
                                        pdb         => $pdb,
                                        alignment   => "-",
                                        chain       => $chainid,
                                        pth         => $pth,
                                        sth         => $sth,
                                        sthmargin   => $th_margin,
                                        ocontact    => $ocontact."_".$chainid."_.tmp",
        print "\n Working for chain $chainid with a pth of $pth\n";
        # Insert into the object list
        push(@objs_list, $coe);
    # If $ocontact does not exists, create it
    if(!-e $ocontact){
        # Concatenate structural data into a single file
        open CAT, ">>".$ocontact;
        for my $obj (@objs_list){
            open FILE, $obj->get_ocontact;
                print CAT $_;
        close CAT;



=head1 NAME

Mecom - Molecular Evolution for protein COMplexes

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.08


MECOM is a Perl program which implements a work flow to analyze the evolutive behaviour of different regions within a protein structure.

=head1 Support

This program, documentation, user manual and usage examples are available at:

You can find documentation for this module with the UNIX man command.

    man mecom

=head1 License and copyrigth

Copyright 2013 Hector Valverde and Juan Carlos Aledo.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
