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<TITLE>SDF 2.001: SDF Guru Guide: - Miscellaneous Library</TITLE>
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<H1><A NAME="">2.5. - Miscellaneous Library</A></H1>
<H2><A NAME="Purpose">2.5.1. Purpose</A></H2>
<P>This library provides miscellaneous routines.</P>
<H2><A NAME="Interface">2.5.2. Interface</A></H2>
require &quot;;;

%<A HREF="#misc_misc_date_strings">misc_date_strings</A> = ...

$result =
&amp;<A HREF="#misc_MiscCheckRule">MiscCheckRule</A>($_, $rule, $type);

($action, $what) =
&amp;<A HREF="#misc_MiscDoAction">MiscDoAction</A>($action, $what);

$newtext =
&amp;<A HREF="#misc_MiscTextWrap">MiscTextWrap</A>($text, $wrap, $prefix, $suffix, $keep_spaces);

$result =
&amp;<A HREF="#misc_MiscDateFormat">MiscDateFormat</A>($fmt, $time, $msg_type);

$mixed =
&amp;<A HREF="#misc_MiscUpperToMixed">MiscUpperToMixed</A>($upper);

$upper =
&amp;<A HREF="#misc_MiscMixedToUpper">MiscMixedToUpper</A>($mixed);

<H2><A NAME="Description">2.5.3. Description</A></H2>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="misc_misc_date_strings">misc_date_strings</A></STRONG> contains the string lists used by <STRONG><A NAME="misc_MiscDateFormat">MiscDateFormat</A></STRONG> indexed by the symbols (e.g. 'month') used by that routine.</P>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="misc_MiscCheckRule">MiscCheckRule</A></STRONG> checks a <EM>rule</EM> for a value <EM>$_</EM>. If an execution error is detected, an appropriate error is output. The result of the code executed is returned as <EM>result</EM>. If <EM>rule</EM> is an empty string, <EM>type</EM> is used to lookup a default rule for that type, if any. If <EM>rule</EM> is still an empty string, 1 is returned.</P>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="misc_MiscDoAction">MiscDoAction</A></STRONG> executes a block of Perl code (<EM>action</EM>). If an execution error is detected, an appropriate error is output using <EM>what</EM> to name the block of code that failed. The result of the code executed is returned as <EM>result</EM>. <EM>action</EM> is only executed if it exists. If it does not, 1 is returned.</P>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="misc_MiscTextWrap">MiscTextWrap</A></STRONG> wraps a text string at a margin given by <EM>wrap</EM>. <EM>prefix</EM> is the string to begin each wrapped line. <EM>suffix</EM> is the string to terminate each wrapped line.</P>
<P><HR WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="Left">
<LI><EM>prefix</EM> is not added to the first line
<LI><EM>suffix</EM> is not added to the last line
<LI><EM>wrap</EM> includes <EM>prefix</EM> but excludes <EM>suffix</EM></UL>
<P><HR WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="Left"></P>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="misc_MiscDateFormat">MiscDateFormat</A></STRONG> formats a date-time value. <EM>fmt</EM> is a string containing the symbols below.</P>
<TR CLASS="heading">
day number in month
6 or 22
day number in month zero-padded
06 or 22
month name
abbreviated month name
month number (1..12)
6 or 12
month number zero-padded (01..12)
06 or 12
abbreviated year
weekday name
abbreviated weekday name
hour (1..24)
6 or 14
hour zero-padded (01..24)
06 or 14
hour (1..12)
6 or 12
hour zero-padded (01..12)
06 or 12
am or pm
AM or PM
minute (0..59)
0 or 42
minute zero-padded (00..59)
00 or 42
second (0..59)
0 or 42
second zero-padded (00..59)
00 or 42

<P><EM>time</EM> is a number of seconds since January 1, 1970. <EM>msg_type</EM> is the type of message, if any, to output when a bad format is found.</P>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="misc_MiscUpperToMixed">MiscUpperToMixed</A></STRONG> converts a name in an uppercase form (e.g. MY_STRING) to a mixed-case form (e.g. MyString).</P>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="misc_MiscMixedToUpper">MiscMixedToUpper</A></STRONG> converts a name in a mixed-case form (e.g. MyString) to an uppercase form (e.g. MY_STRING).</P>
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