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<!-- This file was generated using SDF 2.001 by
     Ian Clatworthy ( SDF is freely
     available from -->

<TITLE>SDF 2.001: SDF Reference: TBL Format</TITLE>
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<H1>4. File Formats</H1>
<H2><A NAME="Overview">4.1. Overview</A></H2>
<P>The file formats used are summarised below.</P>
<TR CLASS="heading">
<A HREF="../ref/fmt_ini.html">INI</A>
defines initialisation data
<A HREF="../ref/fmt_sdg.html">SDG</A>
defines formatting rules for <A HREF="../ref/sdfget.html">sdfget</A>
<A HREF="../ref/fmt_tbl.html">TBL</A>
defines a table

<P>Further details on these are provided below.</P>
<P><HR WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="Left">
<STRONG>Note: </STRONG><EM>sdm</EM>, <EM>sds</EM> and <EM>sdn</EM> files are normal <A HREF="">SDF</A> files used for normal modules, style modules and tuning modules respectively.
<HR WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="Left"></P>
<P><A HREF="fmt_ini.html">INI Format</A></P>
<P><A HREF="fmt_sdg.html">SDG Format</A></P>
<P><A HREF="fmt_tbl.html">TBL Format</A></P>
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