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<TITLE>SDF 2.001: SDF User Guide: Attributes</TITLE>
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<H1>2.7. Attributes</H1>
<H2><A NAME="Introduction">2.7.1. Introduction</A></H2>
<P>Attributes can be used to specify custom formatting, hypertext targets and jumps, indexing information, etc. For example:</P>
  Note[label='Important: ';size=&quot;16pt&quot;]
  Life is too short to drink bad wine.
<P>The result is:</P>
<P STYLE="font-size: 16pt"><HR WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="Left">
<STRONG>Important: </STRONG>Life is too short to drink bad wine.
<HR WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="Left"></P>
<H2><A NAME="Syntax">2.7.2. Syntax</A></H2>
<P>Paragraphs and phrases can be given attributes via the syntax below:</P>
  style&quot;[&quot;attributes&quot;]&quot; text
<P>where the syntax of <EM>attributes</EM> is:</P>
  name1[&quot;=&quot;expression1]&quot;;&quot; name2[&quot;=&quot;expression2] ...
<P>If an attribute name is given without a value, the default value is 1. Like style names, attribute names are:</P>
<LI>sequences of letters, digits and &quot;_&quot;
<H2><A NAME="Commonly used attributes">2.7.3. Commonly used attributes</A></H2>
<P>Some commonly used attributes are given below.</P>
<TR CLASS="heading">
<TR CLASS="group">
prefix label (e.g. Note:)
take this heading out of the table of contents
<TR CLASS="group">
hypertext target tag
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to jump to

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