=head1 Mo Features

Mo is absolutely minimal, but it let's you easily add many features like this:

    use Mo qw[default builder other features];

This will load the modules L<Mo::default>, etc, and have them modify your Mo

Here's a list of the current feature modules that ship with L<Mo>:


=item L<Mo::builder>

Add C<builder> feature to C<has>.

=item L<Mo::chain>

Add C<chain> feature to C<has>.

=item L<Mo::coerce>

Add C<coerce> feature to C<has>.

=item L<Mo::default>

Add C<default> feature to C<has>.

=item L<Mo::exporter>

Exporter for L<Mo::Inline> usage. Only works with inlined Mo.

=item L<Mo::import>

Finalizer for L<Mo::Inline> usage. Only works with inlined Mo.

=item L<Mo::is>

Add C<is> feature to C<has>.

=item L<Mo::Moose>

Use Moose in place of Mo for everything.

=item L<Mo::Mouse>

Use Mouse in place of Mo for everything.

=item L<Mo::option>

Add C<option> feature to C<has>.

=item L<Mo::required>

Add C<required> feature to C<has>.

=item L<Mo::xs>

Use XS modules to make things faster.

Requires L<Class::XSAccessor>.


There are also feature modules that ship outside of the Mo distribution. You
can search CPAN, but heres a starter list:


=item L<Mo::xxx>

Exports the L<XXX> functions for debugging. Handy!


=head1 NOTE

Don't assume that all feature modules will work together. Sometimes the order
you specify them in may affect how they work together. Read the feature docs
and test your assumptions.

We continue to make more and more things work together, and when they don't we
try to document it. Let us know if you feel like something critical is broken.
See L<Mo::Hacking>.