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# Created on: 2013-05-04 16:16:56
# Create by:  Ivan Wills
# $Id$
# $Revision$, $HeadURL$, $Date$
# $Revision$, $Source$, $Date$

use strict;
use warnings;
use version;
use Getopt::Alt qw/get_options/;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
use English qw/ -no_match_vars /;
use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
use Path::Class;
use Group::Git;
use Config::Any;
use Term::ANSIColor qw/colored/;

our $VERSION = version->new('0.1.2');
my ($name)   = $PROGRAM_NAME =~ m{^.*/(.*?)$}mxs;

exit 0;

sub main {

    my ($opt, $cmd) = get_options(
            sub_command => 1,
            default     => {
                page => 1,

    # do stuff here
    my $conf = Config::Any->load_stems({
        stems   => [ qw/group group-git/ ],
        use_ext => 1,
    $conf = {
        map { %$_        }
        map { values %$_ }

    my $module = $conf->{type} && !$opt->local ? 'Group::Git::' . ucfirst $conf->{type} : 'Group::Git';
    my $file   = "$";
    $file =~ s{::}{/}g;
    require $file;
    my $group = $module->new(
        %{ $opt },
        conf => $conf,

    my $action = $cmd || ( warn "No command specified!\n" && pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) );
    my $skip   = $opt->skip;
    my $match  = $opt->match;
    my %exclude = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $conf->{exclude} || [] };
    my %include = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $conf->{include} || [] };
    my $outfh = \*STDOUT;

    if ($opt->page) {
        my $tmp;
        $outfh = $tmp if open $tmp, '|-', $ENV{PAGER} || 'less -Rx4SFX';

    my $cmd_start = do_cmd( $group, $action . '_start' );
    my $cmd_end   = do_cmd( $group, $action . '_end' );
    my $cmd_body  = do_cmd( $group, $action, 1 );

    die "Can't find group-git sub-command '$action'!\n" if !$cmd_body;

    print {$outfh} $cmd_start->() if $cmd_start;

    for my $project ( sort sorter keys %{ $group->repos } ) {
        next if $skip  && $project =~ /$skip/;
        next if $match && $project !~ /$match/;
        next if $exclude{$project};
        next if %include && !$include{$project};
        next if !tagged($conf, $opt->tag, $project);

        my $out = $cmd_body->($project);

        if ($out) {
            $project = colored($project, 'blue');
            print {$outfh} "\n$project\n" unless $opt->quiet;
            print {$outfh} $out;
            print {$outfh} "-- $project --\n" if $opt->verbose;

    print {$outfh} $cmd_end->() if $cmd_end;


sub do_cmd {
    my ($group, $cmd, $fallback) = @_;
    if ( $group->can($cmd) ) {
        return sub { $group->$cmd( @_ ) };
    else {
        for my $path ( split /[:;]/, $ENV{PATH} ) {
            next if !-d $path;
            my $script = "$path/group-git-$cmd";
            next if !-x $script;

            return sub { system $script, @_; }

    return if !$fallback;

    return sub { $group->cmd( $cmd, @_ ) };

sub sorter {
    no warnings qw/once/;
    my $A = $a;
    $A =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf "%06d", $1/egxms;
    my $B = $b;
    $B =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf "%06d", $1/egxms;
    return lc $A cmp lc $B;

my $tagged;
sub tagged {
    my ($conf, $tag, $project) = @_;

    # everything is "tagged" if none is specified
    return 1 if !$tag;

    if ( !defined $tagged ) {
        $tagged = { map { $_ => 1 } @{ $conf->{tags}{$tag} || [] } };

    # return true if the project is tagged in the config file or has a tag file
    return $tagged->{$project} || -e "$project/.$tag.tag";


=head1 NAME

group-git - Perform operations over many git repositories at once

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to group-git version 0.1.2.


   group-git [option] (git-command) -- [args]

  -s --skip[=]regexp
                Skip any project matching this regexp
  -m --match[=]regexp
                Only process any project matching this regexp
  -l --local    Ignore any management type and just look at what is checked out
                Only useful if you have a group-git.yml file defining Github,
                Bitbucked or Gitosis types.
  -t --tag[=]str
                Only opperate on repositories tagged with str (tags can be
                specified in the config file see --man or with a file .[tag].tag
                in the project directory)

  Finding projects:
  -r --recurse  Recurses into subdirectories to check if they contain git
                repositories rather than only stopping at the current level.

  -p --page     Turns on paginating out put uses $PAGER environment variable if
                set or 'less -Rx4SFX' if not.
     --no-page  Turn off pagination.
  -q --quiet    Don't show project names before running git on the directory
  -v --verbose  Show more details

     --VERSION  Prints the version information
     --help     Prints this help information
     --man      Prints the full documentation for group-git

   group-git log -- -n 1
   group-git --local status
   group-git --verbose grep 'where is it'
   group-git --tag perl pull


Run any git command over all repositories in the current directory.

=head2 Configuration

If you have a config file set up in the current directory (group-git.yml or some
other suffix group-git file supported by L<Config::Any>) extra functionality
becomes available if you use Github, Bitbucket or Gitosis as your repository
remote store. The config file will be read to supply the appropriate user
credentials or in the case of gitosis the admin project location.

With this extra information both the pull and the update commands will try to
clone any repository that are not currently checked out in the current directory.

 eg group-git.yml
 # Type may be any of Github, Bitbucket or Gitosis
 type: Github
 #type: Bitbucket
 #type: Gitosis

 # if username or password are missing they will be prompted for
 password: securepass

 # for github you can specify an access token if using 2 factor auth
 #access_token: ....

 # Gitosis uses it's git url which needs to be defined or will be prompted for

 # Global Exclude a git project
 #  - project_not_to_be_managed
 #  - ...

 # Global Include only these projects (if mentioned only projects listed will be
 # processed any others found will be ignored)
 #  - project_of_interest_1
 #  - project_of_interest_2
 #  - ...

 # Set up tags for groups of projects so you can opperate only on that tag
 # Tags can also be defined with the projects directory creating a file with
 # a name of the format ".[tag].tag"
 #  eg to tag a project as mytag create a file .mytag.tag
 #  mytag:
 #    - project1
 #    - project2
 #  myothertag:
 #    - project2
 #    - project3

For Github and Bitbucket if username or password are missing you will be
prompted to enter the details.




If paginating the C<$PAGER> environment variable is used if it is not set the
command C<'less -Rx4SFX'> is used for paginating, if C<$PAGER> not set and
less not installed no pagination will be done.




There are no known bugs in this module.

Please report problems to Ivan Wills (

Patches are welcome.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ivan Wills - (


Copyright (c) 2013 Ivan Wills (14 Mullion Close, Hornsby Heights, NSW Australia 2077).
All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.  This program is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
