#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use Data::Dumper; 
## grab info from the ENV
my $password = $ENV{'BOP_PASSWORD'} ? $ENV{'BOP_PASSWORD'} : 'TESTPASS';

my @opts = ('default_Origin' => 'RECURRING');

my $str = do { local $/ = undef; <DATA> };
my $data;

my $authed = 

use_ok 'Business::OnlinePayment';

    skip "No Auth Supplied", 3, !$authed;
    ok( $login, 'Supplied a Login' );
    ok( $password, 'Supplied a Password' );
    like( $merchantid, qr/^\d+/, 'MerchantID');

my %orig_content = (
    login          => $login,
    password       => $password,
    merchantid     => $merchantid,
    action         => 'Account Update',

my $batch_id = time;
    skip "No Test Account setup",1 if ! $authed;
### Litle Updater Tests
    print '-'x70;
    print "Updater SFTP TESTS\n";
    my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new("Litle", @opts);
    foreach my $account ( @{$data->{'updater_request'}} ){
        my %content = %orig_content;
        $content{'type'} = $account->{'card'};
        $content{'card_number'} = $account->{'account'};
        $content{'expiration'} = $account->{'expdate'};
        $content{'customer_id'} = $account->{'id'};
        $content{'invoice_number'} = $account->{'id'};
        ## get the response validation set for this order

        method     => 'sftp',
        login      => $login,
        password   => $password,
        merchantid => $merchantid,
        batch_id   => $batch_id,
        ftp_username => $FTP_LOGIN,
        ftp_password => $FTP_PASS,
    is( $tx->is_success, 1, "Batch Completed Correctly" );

diag("HTTPS POST");
    skip "No Test Account setup",54 if ! $authed;
### Litle Updater Tests
    print '-'x70;
    print "Updater TESTS\n";
    my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new("Litle", @opts);
    foreach my $account ( @{$data->{'updater_request'}} ){
        my %content = %orig_content;
        $content{'type'} = $account->{'card'};
        $content{'card_number'} = $account->{'account'};
        $content{'expiration'} = $account->{'expdate'};
        $content{'customer_id'} = $account->{'id'};
        $content{'invoice_number'} = $account->{'id'};
        ## get the response validation set for this order

        method     => 'https',
        login      => $login,
        password   => $password,
        merchantid => $merchantid,
        batch_id   => $batch_id,
    is( $tx->is_success, 1, "Batch Completed Correctly" );

    foreach my $resp ( @{ $tx->get_update_response } ) {
        my ($resp_validation) = grep { $_->{'id'} ==  $resp->invoice_number } @{ $data->{'updater_response'} };
            desc        => 'Updater check',
            is_success  => $resp_validation->{'message'} eq 'Approved' ? 1 : 0,
            result_code   => $resp_validation->{'code'},
            error_message => $resp_validation->{'message'},

diag("HTTPS RFR");
    skip "No Test Account setup",2 if ! $authed;
    my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new("Litle", @opts);
         login =>  $login,
         password   => $password,
         merchantid => $merchantid,
         date  => '2010-04-15',
     is( $tx->is_success, 0, "Correctly not finished");
     is( $tx->error_message, "The account update file is not ready yet.  Please try again later.", "Correct delay message");

diag("Batch Response");
    skip "No Test Account setup",21 if ! $authed;
    my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new("Litle", @opts);
    diag $batch_id;
    my $result = $tx->retrieve_batch(
        batch_return => $data->{'updater_batch'},
        batch_id   => $batch_id,
    foreach my $resp ( @{ $result->{'account_update'} } ) {
        my ($resp_validation) = grep { $_->{'id'} ==  $resp->invoice_number } @{ $data->{'final_response'} };
            desc        => 'Batch Response check',
            is_success  => $resp_validation->{'message'} eq 'Approved' ? 1 : 0,
            result_code   => $resp_validation->{'code'},
            error_message => $resp_validation->{'message'},

diag("Waiting for Batch processing");
    skip "No Test Account setup",30 if ! $authed;
    ok( sleep(90), "Wait for processing");
    my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new("Litle", @opts);
    diag $batch_id;
    my $result = $tx->retrieve_batch(
        method     => 'sftp',
        batch_id   => $batch_id,
        ftp_username => $FTP_LOGIN,
        ftp_password => $FTP_PASS,
    foreach my $resp ( @{ $result->{'account_update'} } ) {
        my ($resp_validation) = grep { $_->{'id'} ==  $resp->invoice_number } @{ $data->{'updater_response'} };
            desc        => 'Updater check',
            is_success  => $resp_validation->{'message'} eq 'Approved' ? 1 : 0,
            result_code   => $resp_validation->{'code'},
            error_message => $resp_validation->{'message'},

sub tx_check {
    my $tx = shift;
    my %o  = @_;

    is( $tx->is_success,    $o{is_success},    "$o{desc}: " . tx_info($tx) );
    is( $tx->result_code,   $o{result_code},   "result_code(): RESULT" );
    is( $tx->error_message, $o{error_message}, "error_message() / RESPMSG" );
    if( $o{authorization} ){
        is( $tx->authorization, $o{authorization}, "authorization() / AUTHCODE" );
    if( $o{avs_code} ){
        is( $tx->avs_code,  $o{avs_code},  "avs_code() / AVSADDR and AVSZIP" );
    if( $o{cvv2_response} ){
        is( $tx->cvv2_response, $o{cvv2_response}, "cvv2_response() / CVV2MATCH" );
    like( $tx->order_number, qr/^\w{5,19}/, "order_number() / PNREF" );

sub tx_info {
    my $tx = shift;

    no warnings 'uninitialized';

    return (
        join( "",
            "is_success(",     $tx->is_success,    ")",
            " order_number(",  $tx->order_number,  ")",
            " error_message(", $tx->error_message, ")",
            " result_code(",   $tx->result_code,   ")",
            " invoice_number(",   $tx->invoice_number ,   ")",

sub expiration_date {
    my($month, $year) = (localtime)[4,5];
    $year++;       # So we expire next year.
    $year %= 100;  # y2k?  What's that?

    return sprintf("%02d%02d", $month, $year);

$data= {
'updater_request' => [
  { id  =>  1,
    account => '4457010000000009',
    expdate => '0912',
    card  =>  'VI',
  { id  =>  2,
    account => '4457003100000003',
    expdate => '0505',
    card  =>  'VI',
  { id  =>  3,
    account => '4457000300000007',
    expdate => '0107',
    card  =>  'VI',
  { id  =>  4,
    account => '4457000400000006',
    expdate => '0000',
    card  =>  'VI',
  { id  =>  5,
    account => '4457000200400008',
    expdate => '0210',
    card  =>  'VI',
  { id  =>  6,
    account => '5112010000000003',
    expdate => '0205',
    card  =>  'MC',
  { id  =>  7,
    account => '5112002200000008',
    expdate => '0912',
    card  =>  'MC',
  { id  =>  8,
    account => '5112000200000002',
    expdate => '0508',
    card  =>  'MC',
  { id  =>  9,
    account => '5112002100000009',
    expdate => '0000',
    card  =>  'MC',
  { id  =>  10,
    account => '5112000400400018',
    expdate => '0210',
    card  =>  'MC',

'updater_response' => [
 { id =>  1,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '000',
   message => 'Approved',
 { id =>  2,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '000',
   message => 'Approved',
 { id =>  3,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '000',
   message => 'Approved',
 { id =>  4,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '320',
   message => 'Invalid Expiration Date',
 { id =>  5,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '301',
   message => 'Invalid Account Number',
 { id =>  6,
   type => 'MC',
   code =>  '000',
   message => 'Approved',
 { id =>  7,
   type => 'MC',
   code =>  '000',
   message => 'Approved',
 { id =>  8,
   type => 'MC',
   code =>  '000',
   message => 'Approved',
 { id =>  9,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '320',
   message => 'Invalid Expiration Date',
 { id =>  10,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '301',
   message => 'Invalid Account Number',
 'final_response' => [
 { id =>  1,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '506',
   message => 'No changes found',
 { id =>  2,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '502',
   message => 'The expiration date was changed',
 { id =>  3,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '501',
   message => 'The account was closed',
 { id =>  6,
   type => 'MC',
   code =>  '500',
   message => 'The account number was changed',
 { id =>  7,
   type => 'MC',
   code =>  '503',
   message => 'The issuing bank does not participate in the update program.',
 { id =>  8,
   type => 'MC',
   code =>  '504',
   message => 'Contact the cardholder for updated information',
 { id =>  10,
   type => 'VI',
   code =>  '503',
   message => 'The issuing bank does not participate in the update program.',
'updater_batch' => '
<litleResponse version="3.0" xmlns="http://www.litle.com/schema" response="0" message="Merchant Fiscal Day: 04052010" litleSessionId="27519289618">
<batchResponse litleBatchId="27519289717" merchantId="050800">
<accountUpdateResponse reportGroup="YourCompany_20100331"     id="1"     customerId="1">
<message>No changes found</message>
<accountUpdateResponse reportGroup="YourCompany_20100331"     id="2"     customerId="2">
<message>The expiration date was changed</message>
<accountUpdateResponse reportGroup="YourCompany_20100331"     id="3"     customerId="3">
<message>The account was closed</message>
<accountUpdateResponse reportGroup="YourCompany_20100331"     id="6"     customerId="6">
<message>The account number was changed</message>
<accountUpdateResponse reportGroup="YourCompany_20100331"     id="7"     customerId="7">
<message>The issuing bank does not participate in the update program.</message>
<accountUpdateResponse reportGroup="YourCompany_20100331"     id="8"     customerId="8">
<message>Contact the cardholder for updated information</message>
<accountUpdateResponse reportGroup="YourCompany_20100331"     id="10"     customerId="10">
<message>The issuing bank does not participate in the update program.</message>
