?RCS: $Id: d_portable.U,v 1995/01/11 15:28:52 ram Exp $
?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi
?RCS: This file is included with or a derivative work of a file included
?RCS: with the metaconfig program of Raphael Manfredi's "dist" distribution.
?RCS: In accordance with clause 7 of dist's modified Artistic License:
?RCS:     You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
?RCS:     License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
?RCS: $Log: d_portable.U,v $
?RCS: Revision  1995/01/11  15:28:52  ram
?RCS: patch45: executable path stripping moved to the end in Config_sh.U
?RCS: Revision  1993/12/15  08:21:17  ram
?RCS: patch15: did not strip variables properly when needed
?RCS: patch15: now also strips down variables from trylist
?RCS: Revision 3.0  1993/08/18  12:06:48  ram
?RCS: Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release.
?X:   This is the same as the dist version, except I don't bother
?X:   prompting people since it makes no difference for perl5,
?X:   and only confuses people.
?X: The Loc unit is wanted to get the definition of all the locating variables.
?MAKE:d_portable: Loc Oldconfig
?MAKE:	-pick add $@ %<
?S:	This variable conditionally defines the PORTABLE symbol, which
?S:	indicates to the C program that it should not assume that it is
?S:	running on the machine it was compiled on.
?C:	This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
?C:	not assume that it is running on the machine it was compiled on.
?C:	The program should be prepared to look up the host name, translate
?C:	generic filenames, use PATH, etc.
?H:#$d_portable PORTABLE	/**/
: decide how portable to be.  Allow command line overrides.
case "$d_portable" in
"$undef") ;;
*)	d_portable="$define" ;;