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#!./perl -w
BEGIN { @INC = ('lib') }
use strict;
use Config;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use ExtUtils::Packlist;
use subs qw(unlink chmod rename link);
use vars qw($packlist @modpods);
require Cwd;

$ENV{SHELL} = 'sh' if $^O eq 'os2';

my $ver = $Config{version};     # Not used presently.
my $release = substr($],0,3);   # Not used presently.
my $patchlevel = substr($],3,2);
die "Patchlevel of perl ($patchlevel)",
    "and patchlevel of ($Config{'PERL_VERSION'}) don't match\n"
	if $patchlevel != $Config{'PERL_VERSION'};

my $usage =
"Usage:  installman --man1dir=/usr/wherever --man1ext=1
                   --man3dir=/usr/wherever --man3ext=3
	           --notify --verbose --silent --help
	Defaults are:
	man1dir = $Config{'installman1dir'};
	man1ext = $Config{'man1ext'};
	man3dir = $Config{'installman3dir'};
	man3ext = $Config{'man3ext'};
        batchlimit is maximum number of pod files per invocation of pod2man
	--notify  (or -n) just lists commands that would be executed.
        --verbose (or -V) report all progress.
        --silent  (or -S) be silent. Only report errors.\n";

my %opts;
GetOptions( \%opts,
            qw( man1dir=s man1ext=s man3dir=s man3ext=s batchlimit=i
                notify n help silent S verbose V)) 
	|| die $usage;
die $usage if $opts{help};

$opts{man1dir} = $Config{'installman1dir'}
    unless defined($opts{man1dir}); 
$opts{man1ext} = $Config{'man1ext'}
    unless defined($opts{man1ext}); 
$opts{man3dir} = $Config{'installman3dir'}
    unless defined($opts{man3dir}); 
$opts{man3ext} = $Config{'man3ext'}
    unless defined($opts{man3ext}); 
$opts{batchlimit} ||= 40;
$opts{silent} ||= $opts{S};
$opts{notify} ||= $opts{n};
$opts{verbose} ||= $opts{V} || $opts{notify};

#Sanity checks

-x  "./perl$Config{exe_ext}" 
  or warn "./perl$Config{exe_ext} not found!  Have you run make?\n";
-d  $Config{'installprivlib'}
	|| warn "Perl library directory $Config{'installprivlib'} not found.
		Have you run make install?.  (Installing anyway.)\n";
-x "t/perl$Config{exe_ext}"		|| warn "WARNING: You've never run 'make test'!!!",
	"  (Installing anyway.)\n";

$packlist = ExtUtils::Packlist->new("$Config{installarchlib}/.packlist");

# Install the main pod pages.
runpod2man('pod', $opts{man1dir}, $opts{man1ext});

# Install the pods for library modules.
runpod2man('lib', $opts{man3dir}, $opts{man3ext});

# Install the pods embedded in the installed scripts
runpod2man('utils', $opts{man1dir}, $opts{man1ext}, 'c2ph', 'h2ph', 'h2xs',
	   'perlcc', 'perldoc', 'perlbug', 'pl2pm', 'splain', 'dprofpp');
runpod2man('x2p', $opts{man1dir}, $opts{man1ext}, 's2p', 'a2p.pod',
runpod2man('pod', $opts{man1dir}, $opts{man1ext}, 'pod2man', 'pod2html',
	   'pod2text', 'pod2usage', 'podchecker', 'podselect');

# It would probably be better to have this page linked
# to the c2ph man page.  Or, this one could say ".so man1/c2ph.1",
# but then it would have to pay attention to $opts{man1dir} and $opts{man1ext}.
runpod2man('utils', $opts{man1dir}, $opts{man1ext}, 'pstruct'); 

runpod2man('lib/ExtUtils', $opts{man1dir}, $opts{man1ext}, 'xsubpp');

sub runpod2man {
    # @script is scripts names if we are installing manpages embedded 
    # in scripts, () otherwise
    my($poddir, $mandir, $manext, @script) = @_;

    my($downdir); # can't just use .. when installing xsubpp manpage

    $downdir = $poddir;
    $downdir =~ s:[^/]+:..:g;
    my($builddir) = Cwd::getcwd();

    if ($mandir eq ' ' or $mandir eq '') {
	if (@script) {
	    warn "Skipping installation of $poddir/$_ man page.\n"
		foreach @script;
	} else {
	    warn "Skipping installation of $poddir man pages.\n";

    print "chdir $poddir\n" if $opts{verbose};
    chdir $poddir || die "Unable to cd to $poddir directory!\n$!\n";

    # We insist on using the current version of pod2man in case there
    # are enhancements or changes from previous installed versions.
    # The error message doesn't include the '..' because the user
    # won't be aware that we've chdir to $poddir.
    -r  "$downdir/pod/pod2man" || die "Executable pod/pod2man not found.\n";

    # We want to be sure to use the current perl.  We can't rely on
    # the installed perl because it might not be actually installed
    # yet. (The user may have set the $install* Configure variables 
    # to point to some temporary home, from which the executable gets
    # installed by occult means.)
    my $pod2man = "$downdir/perl -I $downdir/lib $downdir/pod/pod2man --section=$manext --official";

    mkpath($mandir, $opts{verbose}, 0777) unless $opts{notify};  # In File::Path
    # Make a list of all the .pm and .pod files in the directory.  We will
    # always run pod2man from the lib directory and feed it the full pathname
    # of the pod.  This might be useful for pod2man someday.
    if (@script) {
	@modpods = @script;
    else {
	@modpods = ();
	File::Find::find(\&lsmodpods, '.');
    my @to_process;
    foreach my $mod (@modpods) {
	my $manpage = $mod;
	my $tmp;
	# Skip .pm files that have corresponding .pod files, and
	next if (($tmp = $mod) =~ s/\.pm$/.pod/ && -f $tmp);
	next if ($mod eq 'Pod/');	#### Used only by pod itself

	# Convert name from  File/ to File::Basename.3 format,
	# if necessary.
	$manpage =~ s#\.p(m|od)$##;
	if ($^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'uwin' || $^O eq 'cygwin') {
	  $manpage =~ s#/#.#g;
	else {
	  $manpage =~ s#/#::#g;
	$tmp = "${mandir}/${manpage}.tmp";
	$manpage = "${mandir}/${manpage}.${manext}";
	push @to_process, [$mod, $tmp, $manpage];
    # Don't do all pods in same command to avoid busting command line limits
    while (my @this_batch = splice @to_process, 0, $opts{batchlimit}) {
	my $cmd = join " ", $pod2man, map "$$_[0] $$_[1]", @this_batch;
	if (&cmd($cmd) == 0 && !$opts{notify}) {
	    foreach (@this_batch) {
		my (undef, $tmp, $manpage) = @$_;
		if (-s $tmp) {
		    if (rename($tmp, $manpage)) {
			$packlist->{$manpage} = { type => 'file' };
		unless ($opts{notify}) {
    chdir "$builddir" || die "Unable to cd back to $builddir directory!\n$!\n";
    print "  chdir $builddir\n" if $opts{verbose};

sub lsmodpods {
    my $dir  = $File::Find::dir;
    my $name = $File::Find::name;
    if (-f $_) {
        $name =~ s#^\./##;
	push(@modpods, $name) if ($name =~ /\.p(m|od)$/);

$packlist->write() unless $opts{notify};
print "  Installation complete\n" if $opts{verbose};

exit 0;

# Utility subroutines from installperl

sub cmd {
    my ($cmd) = @_;
    print "  $cmd\n" if $opts{verbose};
    unless ($opts{notify}) {
	if ($Config{d_fork}) {
	    fork ? wait : exec $cmd;  # Allow user to ^C out of command.
	else {
	    system $cmd;
	warn "Command failed!!\n" if $?;
    return $? != 0;

sub unlink {
    my(@names) = @_;
    my $cnt = 0;

    foreach my $name (@names) {
	next unless -e $name;
	chmod 0777, $name if $^O eq 'os2';
	print "  unlink $name\n" if $opts{verbose};
	( CORE::unlink($name) and ++$cnt 
	    or warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n" ) unless $opts{notify};
    return $cnt;

sub link {
    my($from,$to) = @_;
    my($success) = 0;

    print $opts{verbose} ? "  ln $from $to\n" : "  $to\n" unless $opts{silent};
    eval {
        CORE::link($from, $to)
            ? $success++
            : ($from =~ m#^/afs/# || $to =~ m#^/afs/#)
              ? die "AFS"  # okay inside eval {}
              : warn "Couldn't link $from to $to: $!\n"
          unless $opts{notify};
    if ($@) {
        File::Copy::copy($from, $to)
            ? $success++
            : warn "Couldn't copy $from to $to: $!\n"
          unless $opts{notify};

sub rename {
    my($from,$to) = @_;
    if (-f $to and not unlink($to)) {
	for ($i = 1; $i < 50; $i++) {
	    last if CORE::rename($to, "$to.$i");
	warn("Cannot rename to `$to.$i': $!"), return 0 
	    if $i >= 50;	# Give up!
    link($from,$to) || return 0;

sub chmod {
    my($mode,$name) = @_;

    printf "  chmod %o %s\n", $mode, $name if $opts{verbose};
    CORE::chmod($mode,$name) || warn sprintf("Couldn't chmod %o %s: $!\n",$mode,$name)
	unless $opts{notify};

sub samepath {
    my($p1, $p2) = @_;
    my($dev1, $ino1, $dev2, $ino2);

    if ($p1 ne $p2) {
	($dev1, $ino1) = stat($p1);
	($dev2, $ino2) = stat($p2);
	($dev1 == $dev2 && $ino1 == $ino2);
    else {