The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.08';

use 5.010;

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Find::Rule;
use File::Basename 'basename', 'dirname';
use Module::Build::ModuleInfo;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
use File::Path 'remove_tree', 'make_path';
use IO::Any 0.05;
use Parse::Deb::Control 0.03;
use List::MoreUtils 'any', 'firstval';
#use IO::Compress::Bzip2 qw();
use IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 qw($Bunzip2Error);
use File::is;

use Carp 'croak';
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Header::Fields '0.04';
use Parallel::Iterator qw( iterate_as_array );

exit main();

sub main {
	my $help;
	my $use_old_index;
	my $blacklisted_pkgs_arg = 'r-cran-gdata,linux-image';
	my $pool_url;
	my $cleanup_deb;
	my $print_version;
	my $parse_perlpackages;
		'help|h'             => \$help,
		'blacklist=s'        => \$blacklisted_pkgs_arg,
		'pool-url=s'         => \$pool_url,
		'cleanup-deb'        => \$cleanup_deb,
		'version|V'          => \$print_version,
		'parse-perlpackages' => \$parse_perlpackages,
	) or pod2usage;
	pod2usage if $help;
	print_version() if $print_version;
	my $mirror_location = shift @ARGV || '.';
	pod2usage if not $mirror_location or not -d $mirror_location;
	#$mirror_location = File::Spec->rel2abs( $mirror_location );

	my @blacklisted_pkgs = split(/\s*,\s*/, $blacklisted_pkgs_arg);
	parse_perlpackages($mirror_location, $pool_url, \@blacklisted_pkgs)
		if $parse_perlpackages;

	parse_packages($mirror_location, $pool_url, \@blacklisted_pkgs, $cleanup_deb);


	return 0;

sub cleanup_perl_dsc {
	my $mirror_location = shift;

	my @perlpackages_files = 
		->name( 'PerlPackages.bz2' )
		->in( $mirror_location )
	my %perldsc_files = 
		map { $_ => undef }
		map { File::Spec->abs2rel($_) }
		->name( '*.perl.dsc' )
		->in( $mirror_location )
	foreach my $perlpackages_file (@perlpackages_files) {
		print 'cleaning-up from ', $perlpackages_file, "\n";
		my $packages_fh = IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2->new($perlpackages_file);
		while (not $packages_fh->eof) {
			my $para = '';
			while (not $packages_fh->eof) {
				my $line = <$packages_fh>;
				last if $line =~ m/^\s*$/;
				$para .= $line;
			next if $para =~ m/^\s*$/;
			my $dhf = Data::Header::Fields->new;
			my $filename = _trim($dhf->get_value('Filename'));
			die 'bad "Filename:" - '.$filename.' in ('.$para.')'
				if $filename !~ m/^ (.+) \.u?deb $/xms;
			my $perl_dsc = File::Spec->abs2rel(File::Spec->catfile($mirror_location, $1.'.perl.dsc'));
			delete $perldsc_files{$perl_dsc};
	foreach my $unused_perldsc_filename (keys %perldsc_files) {

sub parse_perlpackages {
	my $mirror_location  = shift;
	my $pool_url         = shift;
	my $blacklisted_pkgs = shift;
	my @perlpackages_files = 
		->name( 'PerlPackages.bz2' )
		->in( $mirror_location )
	foreach my $perlpackages_file (@perlpackages_files) {
		print 'processing ', $perlpackages_file, "\n";
		my $packages_fh = IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2->new($perlpackages_file);
		while (not $packages_fh->eof) {
			my $para = '';
			while (not $packages_fh->eof) {
				my $line = <$packages_fh>;
				last if $line =~ m/^\s*$/;
				$para .= $line;

			next if $para =~ m/^\s*$/;

			my $dhf = Data::Header::Fields->new;
			my $filename = _trim($dhf->get_value('Filename'));
			my $source   = _trim($dhf->get_value('Source'));
			my $package  = _trim($dhf->get_value('Package'));
			next if $package ~~ $blacklisted_pkgs;

			die $filename.' does not exists'
				if ((! -f File::Spec->catfile($mirror_location, $filename)) and !$pool_url);
			die 'bad "Filename:" - '.$filename.' ('.$package.')'
				if $filename !~ m/^ (.+) \.u?deb $/xms;
			my $perl_dsc = File::Spec->catfile($mirror_location, $1.'.perl.dsc');
			my $perl_dsc_dir = dirname($perl_dsc);
			make_path($perl_dsc_dir) or die 'failed to make_path '.$perl_dsc_dir.' - '.$!
				unless -d $perl_dsc_dir;
			IO::Any->spew($perl_dsc, $para);

sub parse_packages {
	my $mirror_location  = shift;
	my $pool_url         = shift;
	my $blacklisted_pkgs = shift;
	my $cleanup_deb      = shift;
	my @packages_files = 
		->name( 'Packages.bz2' )
		->in( $mirror_location )
	foreach my $packages_file (@packages_files) {
		my $perlpackages_filename = $packages_file;
		$perlpackages_filename =~ s/(Packages).bz2/Perl$1/;
		if ((-f $perlpackages_filename.'.bz2') and File::is->newer($perlpackages_filename.'.bz2', $packages_file)) {
			print 'skipping ', $packages_file, ' no changes', "\n";
		print 'processing from ', $packages_file, "\n";
		my $packages_fh     = IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2->new($packages_file);
		#my $perlpackages_fh = IO::Compress::Bzip2->new($perlpackages_filename.'.tmp')
		#	or die $perlpackages_filename.' - '.$!;
		my $perlpackages_fh = IO::Any->write($perlpackages_filename)
			or die $perlpackages_filename.' - '.$!;

		my $distribution = 'unstable';
		my $component    = 'local';

		my ($release) = eval { Parse::Deb::Control->new([dirname($packages_file), 'Release'])->get_paras('Archive') };
		if ($release) {
			$distribution = _trim($release->{'Archive'})   || $distribution;
			$component    = _trim($release->{'Component'}) || $component;
		while (not $packages_fh->eof) {
			my $para = '';
			while (not $packages_fh->eof) {
				my $line = <$packages_fh>;
				last if $line =~ m/^\s*$/;
				$para .= $line;

			next if $para =~ m/^\s*$/;

			my $dhf = Data::Header::Fields->new->decode(\$para);
			my $filename = _trim($dhf->get_value('Filename'));
			my $source   = _trim($dhf->get_value('Source'));
			my $package  = _trim($dhf->get_value('Package'));
			next if $package ~~ $blacklisted_pkgs;

			die $filename.' from '.$packages_file.' does not exists'
				if ((! -f File::Spec->catfile($mirror_location, $filename)) and !$pool_url);
			die 'bad "Filename:" - '.$filename.' ('.$package.')'
				if $filename !~ m/^ (.+) \.u?deb $/xms;
			my $perl_dsc = File::Spec->catfile($mirror_location, $1.'.perl.dsc');
			my $perl_dsc_dir = dirname($perl_dsc);
			make_path($perl_dsc_dir) or die 'failed to make_path '.$perl_dsc_dir.' - '.$!
				unless -d $perl_dsc_dir;
			unless (-f $perl_dsc) {
				print 'parsing Perl packages from ', $filename, "\n";

				die 'wrong package name - '.$filename
					if $filename !~ m/^([^_]+) _ ([^_]+) _ ([^_]+) \.u?deb $/xms;
				my ($package_name, $version, $arch) = ($1, $2, $3);

				my $perl_dsc_fh = IO::Any->write([$perl_dsc]);
				print $perl_dsc_fh 'Package: ', $package, "\n";
					'Architecture: ', $arch, "\n",
					'Filename: ', $filename, "\n",
					'Version: ', $version, "\n",
					'Distribution: ', $distribution, "\n",
					'Component: ', $component, "\n",
						? ('Source: ', $source, "\n")
						: ()
				my ($provides) = iterate_as_array(
					{ workers => 1 },
					sub {
						my ($array_id, $data) = @_;
						my %provides = parse_perlpackages_from_deb($mirror_location, $filename, $pool_url, $cleanup_deb);
						return $array_id, \%provides;
				my $perl_modules_count = scalar keys %{$provides};
				if ($perl_modules_count) {
					print $perl_dsc_fh
						'Perl-Modules: ',
						($perl_modules_count > 1 ? "\n " : ''),
								"\n ", map {
									$_.' ('.$provides->{$_}.')'
								} keys %{$provides}
						), "\n"

			print $perlpackages_fh IO::Any->slurp($perl_dsc)."\n";
		system('bzip2', '-9', '-f', $perlpackages_filename) and die $!;

sub parse_perlpackages_from_deb {
	my $mirror_location   = shift;
	my $deb_filename      = shift or die;
	my $pool_url          = shift;
	my $cleanup_deb       = shift;
	my %provides;
	my $tmp_dir = tempdir();
	my $deb_full_filename = File::Spec->catfile($mirror_location, $deb_filename);
	# fetch the deb file if not in the mirror
	if (not -f $deb_full_filename) {
		die 'no mirror url set and '.$deb_full_filename.' not found'
			if not $pool_url;
		my $deb_full_path = dirname($deb_full_filename);
		system('mkdir', '-p', $deb_full_path)
			if not -d $deb_full_path;
		fetch($pool_url.$deb_filename, $deb_full_filename);
	# extract .deb
	# get list of .pm files
	my @pm_files = File::Find::Rule
		->name( '*.pm' )
		->in( $tmp_dir )
	# FIXME remove .pm files that are not in standard Perl @INC folders
	#       this could be done probably based on a --perl-folders-only switch
	# find all package names from pm_files
	foreach my $pm_file (@pm_files) {
		# add version 0 based on filename, will be set properly later if found
		if (my $inc_prefix = firstval { index($pm_file, $tmp_dir.$_) == 0 } @INC) {
			$inc_prefix = $tmp_dir.$inc_prefix;
			my $package = substr($pm_file, length($inc_prefix)+1, -3);
			$package =~ s{/}{::}xmsg;
			$provides{$package} = 0;

		# get module info
		my $info = eval { Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file($pm_file) };
		warn 'failed to get module info of "'.$pm_file.'" - "'.$@.'"' if $@;
		next if not $info;
		#print 'processing ', $pm_file, "\n";
		$pm_file =~ s{^$tmp_dir.(.+)$}{$1};
		foreach my $package (keys %{$info->{'versions'}}) {
			next if $package eq 'main';
			# skip inside packages
			my $package_file = $package.'.pm';
			$package_file =~ s{::}{/}xmsg;
			next if substr($pm_file,0-length($package_file)) ne $package_file;
			# set version to undef 
			my $version = (
				? $info->{'versions'}->{$package}->stringify
				: 0
			$provides{$package} = $version;
		if $cleanup_deb;
	return %provides;	

sub fetch {
	my $url      = shift;
	my $filename = shift;
	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
	my $response = $ua->get($url);
	die 'failed to fetch '.$url.' - '.$response->status_line
		if (not $response->is_success);
	IO::Any->spew([ $filename ], $response->decoded_content);

sub _trim {
	my $text = shift;
	croak 'too much argauments' if @_;
		unless defined $text;
	$text =~ s/^\s+//xms;
	$text =~ s/\s+$//xms;
	return $text;

sub print_version {
	print "$0 $VERSION\n";
	exit 0;


=head1 NAME

dpkg-scanpmpackages - creates PerlPackages index from .deb files


	dpkg-scanpmpackages [repository_folder]
			optional - packages that should not be indexed
		    optional - an url to fetch missing .deb files from
		    optional - when set will remove .deb file after it was processed


Finds all F<Packages.bz2> and for all F<*.deb> files listed there indexes
the Perl modules files F<*.pm> creating F<PerlPackages.bz2> file in the same

=head1 AUTHOR

Jozef Kutej


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
