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# Example of how to use the Excel::Writer::XLSX merge_cells() workbook
# method with complex formatting and rotation.
# reverse('©'), September 2002, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org
use strict;
# Create a new workbook and add a worksheet
my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'merge5.xlsx' );
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
# Increase the cell size of the merged cells to highlight the formatting.
$worksheet->set_row( $_, 36 ) for ( 3 .. 8 );
$worksheet->set_column( $_, $_, 15 ) for ( 1, 3, 5 );
# Rotation 1, letters run from top to bottom
my $format1 = $workbook->add_format(
border => 6,
bold => 1,
color => 'red',
valign => 'vcentre',
align => 'centre',
rotation => 270,
$worksheet->merge_range( 'B4:B9', 'Rotation 270', $format1 );
# Rotation 2, 90° anticlockwise
my $format2 = $workbook->add_format(
border => 6,
bold => 1,
color => 'red',
valign => 'vcentre',
align => 'centre',
rotation => 90,
$worksheet->merge_range( 'D4:D9', 'Rotation 90°', $format2 );
# Rotation 3, 90° clockwise
my $format3 = $workbook->add_format(
border => 6,
bold => 1,
color => 'red',
valign => 'vcentre',
align => 'centre',
rotation => -90,
$worksheet->merge_range( 'F4:F9', 'Rotation -90°', $format3 );