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# Tests the output of Excel::Writer::XLSX against Excel generated files.
# reverse ('(c)'), January 2011, John McNamara,

use lib 't/lib';
use TestFunctions qw(_compare_xlsx_files _is_deep_diff);
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 1;

# Tests setup.
my $filename     = 'shape_connect03.xlsx';
my $dir          = 't/regression/';
my $got_filename = $dir . $filename;
my $exp_filename = $dir . 'xlsx_files/' . $filename;

my $ignore_members  = [];
my $ignore_elements = {};

# Test the creation of a simple Excel::Writer::XLSX file.
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;

my $workbook  = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( $got_filename );
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();

# Add a circle, with centered text. c is for circle, not center
my $cw = 60;
my $ch = 60;
my $cx = 210;
my $cy = 190;

my $format = $workbook->add_format(font => 'Arial', size => 8);
my $ellipse = $workbook->add_shape( type => 'ellipse', id=>2, text=>"Hello\nWorld", width=> $cw, height => $ch, format => $format);
$worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $ellipse, $cx, $cy);

# Add a plus sign at 4 different positions around the circle
my $pw = 20;
my $ph = 20;
my $px = 120;
my $py = 250;
my $plus = $workbook->add_shape( type => 'plus', id=>3, width=> $pw, height => $ph );
my $p1 = $worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $plus, 350, 350);
my $p2 = $worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $plus, 150, 350);
my $p3 = $worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $plus, 350, 150);

$plus->set_adjustments(35);    # change shape of plus symbol
my $p4 = $worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $plus, 150, 150);

my $cxn_shape = $workbook->add_shape( type => 'bentConnector3', fill=> 0);
$cxn_shape->set_start( $ellipse->get_id() );
$cxn_shape->set_start_index(4);                # 4th connection point, clockwise from top(0)
$cxn_shape->set_start_side('b');               # r)ight or b)ottom

$cxn_shape->set_end( $p1->get_id() );
$cxn_shape->set_end_index(0);                  # first connection (zero based) from top
$cxn_shape->set_end_side('t');                 # l)eft or t)op

$worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $cxn_shape, 0, 0);

$cxn_shape->set_end ( $p2->get_id() );
$worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $cxn_shape, 0, 0);

$cxn_shape->set_end ( $p3->get_id() );
$worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $cxn_shape, 0, 0);

$cxn_shape->set_end ( $p4->get_id() );
$cxn_shape->set_adjustments(-50, 45, 120);    
$worksheet->insert_shape('A1', $cxn_shape, 0, 0);


# Compare the generated and existing Excel files.

my ( $got, $expected, $caption ) = _compare_xlsx_files(


$caption .= ' # connected shapes 4 connections';
_is_deep_diff( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Cleanup.
unlink $got_filename;
