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# Tests for Excel::Writer::XLSX::Utility.
# reverse ('(c)'), January 2011, John McNamara,

use strict;
use warnings;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Utility qw(xl_date_list);

use Test::More;

eval { require Date::Calc };

if ($@) {
    plan skip_all => 'Date::Calc required to run optional tests.';
else {
    plan tests => 9;

# Tests setup.
my $got;
my $expected;
my $caption;
my @date;

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = ();
$expected = undef;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = (2002, 1, 2);
$expected = 37258;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = (2002, 1, 2, 12);
$expected = 37258.5;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = (2002, 1, 2, 14, 24);
$expected = 37258.6;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = (2002, 1, 2, 12, 43, 12);
$expected = 37258.53;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = (1900, 1, 1);
$expected = 1;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = (1900, 2, 27);
$expected = 58;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = (1900, 2, 28);
$expected = 59;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );

# Test the xl_date_list() method.
@date     = (1900, 3, 1);
$expected = 61;
$caption  = " \tUtility: xl_date_list( @date )";
$got      = xl_date_list( @date );
is( $got, $expected, $caption );
