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# Tests for Excel::Writer::XLSX::Worksheet methods.
# reverse ('(c)'), October 2012, John McNamara,

use lib 't/lib';
use TestFunctions qw(_expected_to_aref _got_to_aref _is_deep_diff _new_worksheet);
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 1;

# Tests setup.
my $expected;
my $got;
my $caption;
my $worksheet;

# Test the _assemble_xml_file() method.
$caption = " \tWorksheet: _assemble_xml_file()";

$worksheet = _new_worksheet(\$got);
$worksheet->{_excel_version} = 2010;
$worksheet->{_name}          = 'Sheet1';
$worksheet->{_palette}->[2]  = [ 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ];


my $data = [ -2, 2, 3, -1, 0 ];

$worksheet->write('A1', $data);
$worksheet->write('A2', $data);
$worksheet->write('A3', $data);

# Set up sparklines

        location => 'F1',
        range    => 'A1:E1',
        style    => 1,

        location => 'F2',
        range    => 'A2:E2',
        style    => 2,

        location     => 'F3',
        range        => 'A3:E3',
        series_color => '#FF0000',

# End sparklines


$expected = _expected_to_aref();
$got      = _got_to_aref( $got );

_is_deep_diff( $got, $expected, $caption );

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:x14ac="" mc:Ignorable="x14ac">
  <dimension ref="A1:E3"/>
    <sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0"/>
  <sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"/>
    <row r="1" spans="1:5" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25">
      <c r="A1">
      <c r="B1">
      <c r="C1">
      <c r="D1">
      <c r="E1">
    <row r="2" spans="1:5" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25">
      <c r="A2">
      <c r="B2">
      <c r="C2">
      <c r="D2">
      <c r="E2">
    <row r="3" spans="1:5" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25">
      <c r="A3">
      <c r="B3">
      <c r="C3">
      <c r="D3">
      <c r="E3">
  <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/>
    <ext xmlns:x14="" uri="{05C60535-1F16-4fd2-B633-F4F36F0B64E0}">
      <x14:sparklineGroups xmlns:xm="">
        <x14:sparklineGroup displayEmptyCellsAs="gap">
          <x14:colorSeries rgb="FFFF0000"/>
          <x14:colorNegative theme="5"/>
          <x14:colorAxis rgb="FF000000"/>
          <x14:colorMarkers theme="4" tint="-0.499984740745262"/>
          <x14:colorFirst theme="4" tint="0.39997558519241921"/>
          <x14:colorLast theme="4" tint="0.39997558519241921"/>
          <x14:colorHigh theme="4"/>
          <x14:colorLow theme="4"/>
        <x14:sparklineGroup displayEmptyCellsAs="gap">
          <x14:colorSeries theme="5" tint="-0.499984740745262"/>
          <x14:colorNegative theme="6"/>
          <x14:colorAxis rgb="FF000000"/>
          <x14:colorMarkers theme="5" tint="-0.499984740745262"/>
          <x14:colorFirst theme="5" tint="0.39997558519241921"/>
          <x14:colorLast theme="5" tint="0.39997558519241921"/>
          <x14:colorHigh theme="5"/>
          <x14:colorLow theme="5"/>
        <x14:sparklineGroup displayEmptyCellsAs="gap">
          <x14:colorSeries theme="4" tint="-0.499984740745262"/>
          <x14:colorNegative theme="5"/>
          <x14:colorAxis rgb="FF000000"/>
          <x14:colorMarkers theme="4" tint="-0.499984740745262"/>
          <x14:colorFirst theme="4" tint="0.39997558519241921"/>
          <x14:colorLast theme="4" tint="0.39997558519241921"/>
          <x14:colorHigh theme="4"/>
          <x14:colorLow theme="4"/>