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# Example of how to use the Excel::Writer::XLSX module to write internal and
# external hyperlinks.
# If you wish to run this program and follow the hyperlinks you should create
# the following directory structure:
# C:\ -- Temp --+-- Europe
# |
# \-- Asia
# See also for web URL examples.
# reverse ('(c)'), February 2002, John McNamara,
use strict;
# Create three workbooks:
# C:\Temp\Europe\Ireland.xlsx
# C:\Temp\Europe\Italy.xlsx
# C:\Temp\Asia\China.xlsx
my $ireland = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'C:\Temp\Europe\Ireland.xlsx' );
my $ire_links = $ireland->add_worksheet( 'Links' );
my $ire_sales = $ireland->add_worksheet( 'Sales' );
my $ire_data = $ireland->add_worksheet( 'Product Data' );
my $ire_url_format = $ireland->add_format(
color => 'blue',
underline => 1,
my $italy = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'C:\Temp\Europe\Italy.xlsx' );
my $ita_links = $italy->add_worksheet( 'Links' );
my $ita_sales = $italy->add_worksheet( 'Sales' );
my $ita_data = $italy->add_worksheet( 'Product Data' );
my $ita_url_format = $italy->add_format(
color => 'blue',
underline => 1,
my $china = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'C:\Temp\Asia\China.xlsx' );
my $cha_links = $china->add_worksheet( 'Links' );
my $cha_sales = $china->add_worksheet( 'Sales' );
my $cha_data = $china->add_worksheet( 'Product Data' );
my $cha_url_format = $china->add_format(
color => 'blue',
underline => 1,
# Add an alternative format
my $format = $ireland->add_format( color => 'green', bold => 1 );
$ire_links->set_column( 'A:B', 25 );
# Examples of internal links
$ire_links->write( 'A1', 'Internal links', $format );
# Internal link
$ire_links->write_url( 'A2', 'internal:Sales!A2', $ire_url_format );
# Internal link to a range
$ire_links->write_url( 'A3', 'internal:Sales!A3:D3', $ire_url_format );
# Internal link with an alternative string
$ire_links->write_url( 'A4', 'internal:Sales!A4', $ire_url_format, 'Link' );
# Internal link with an alternative format
$ire_links->write_url( 'A5', 'internal:Sales!A5', $format );
# Internal link with an alternative string and format
$ire_links->write_url( 'A6', 'internal:Sales!A6', $ire_url_format, 'Link' );
# Internal link (spaces in worksheet name)
$ire_links->write_url( 'A7', q{internal:'Product Data'!A7}, $ire_url_format );
# Examples of external links
$ire_links->write( 'B1', 'External links', $format );
# External link to a local file
$ire_links->write_url( 'B2', 'external:Italy.xlsx', $ire_url_format );
# External link to a local file with worksheet
$ire_links->write_url( 'B3', 'external:Italy.xlsx#Sales!B3', $ire_url_format );
# External link to a local file with worksheet and alternative string
$ire_links->write_url( 'B4', 'external:Italy.xlsx#Sales!B4', $ire_url_format, 'Link' );
# External link to a local file with worksheet and format
$ire_links->write_url( 'B5', 'external:Italy.xlsx#Sales!B5', $format );
# External link to a remote file, absolute path
$ire_links->write_url( 'B6', 'external:C:/Temp/Asia/China.xlsx', $ire_url_format );
# External link to a remote file, relative path
$ire_links->write_url( 'B7', 'external:../Asia/China.xlsx', $ire_url_format );
# External link to a remote file with worksheet
$ire_links->write_url( 'B8', 'external:C:/Temp/Asia/China.xlsx#Sales!B8', $ire_url_format );
# External link to a remote file with worksheet (with spaces in the name)
$ire_links->write_url( 'B9', q{external:C:/Temp/Asia/China.xlsx#'Product Data'!B9}, $ire_url_format );
# Some utility links to return to the main sheet
$ire_sales->write_url( 'A2', 'internal:Links!A2', $ire_url_format, 'Back' );
$ire_sales->write_url( 'A3', 'internal:Links!A3', $ire_url_format, 'Back' );
$ire_sales->write_url( 'A4', 'internal:Links!A4', $ire_url_format, 'Back' );
$ire_sales->write_url( 'A5', 'internal:Links!A5', $ire_url_format, 'Back' );
$ire_sales->write_url( 'A6', 'internal:Links!A6', $ire_url_format, 'Back' );
$ire_data->write_url ( 'A7', 'internal:Links!A7', $ire_url_format, 'Back' );
$ita_links->write_url( 'A1', 'external:Ireland.xlsx#Links!B2', $ita_url_format, 'Back' );
$ita_sales->write_url( 'B3', 'external:Ireland.xlsx#Links!B3', $ita_url_format, 'Back' );
$ita_sales->write_url( 'B4', 'external:Ireland.xlsx#Links!B4', $ita_url_format, 'Back' );
$ita_sales->write_url( 'B5', 'external:Ireland.xlsx#Links!B5', $ita_url_format, 'Back' );
$cha_links->write_url( 'A1', 'external:C:/Temp/Europe/Ireland.xlsx#Links!B6', $cha_url_format, 'Back' );
$cha_sales->write_url( 'B8', 'external:C:/Temp/Europe/Ireland.xlsx#Links!B8', $cha_url_format, 'Back' );
$cha_data->write_url ( 'B9', 'external:C:/Temp/Europe/Ireland.xlsx#Links!B9', $cha_url_format, 'Back' );