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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# An example of using the new Excel LAMBDA() function with the
# Excel::Writer::XLSX module. Note, this function is only currently available
# if you are subscribed to the Microsoft Office Beta program.
# Copyright 2000-2021, John McNamara,

use strict;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;

my $workbook  = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'lambda.xlsx' );
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();

$worksheet->write('A1', 'Note: Lambda functions currently only work with the Beta Channel versions of Excel 365');

# Write a Lambda function to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius to a cell.
# Note that the lambda function parameters must be prefixed with
# "_xlpm.". These prefixes won't show up in Excel.
$worksheet->write('A2', '=LAMBDA(_xlpm.temp, (5/9) * (_xlpm.temp-32))(32)');

# Create the same formula (without an argument) as a defined name and use that
# to calculate a value.
# Note that the formula name is prefixed with "_xlfn." (this is normally
# converted automatically by write_formula() but isn't for defined names)
# and note that the lambda function parameters are prefixed with
# "_xlpm.". These prefixes won't show up in Excel.
                       '=_xlfn.LAMBDA(_xlpm.temp, (5/9) * (_xlpm.temp-32))');
$worksheet->write_dynamic_array_formula( 'A3', '=ToCelsius(212)' );

