Changelog for Audio-MPD
1.111200 2011-04-30 10:21:31 Europe/Paris
removing misleading example in pod
1.110560 2011-02-25 15:28:59 Europe/Paris
new command available: outputs
1.102260 2010-08-14 19:21:51 Europe/Paris
new script mpd-rate to rate a song / display current rating
1.100430 2010-02-12 12:51:18 Europe/Paris
WARNING: no more supplied, only a
sub::exporter no more used internally
1.093170 Fri Nov 13 19:06:54 2009
removed no more used prereq class::accessor
revamped pod with podweaver
introducing audio::mpd::types
using moosex::has::sugar
1.092950 Thu Oct 22 19:34:35 2009
module is quite stable now, bumping to 1.yydddn version
migrated to moose
password() method renamed to set_password()
no more vars exported, use 'reuse' and 'once' strings for conntype
0.19.10 Wed Oct 21 14:20:09 2009
update list of static prereqs, not caught by autoprereq
bump min version for test-corpus-audio-mpd
0.19.9 Sun Oct 18 11:49:57 2009
using test::corpus::audio::mpd for tests (regains mpd 0.15.x compatibility)
0.19.8 Wed Oct 14 18:05:29 2009
migrated to dist-zilla (transparent for end-user)
0.19.7 Wed Sep 30 16:56:37 2009
fix #50109 problem with newer class::accessor
0.19.6 Sat Feb 14 13:03:22 CET 2009
doc update (catched by streamingmeemee)
0.19.5 Mon Jan 5 15:31:29 CET 2009
updated to match mpd 0.14 behaviour
doc update
0.19.4 Sat Aug 16 10:38:12 CEST 2008
doc update
listing mpd-dynamic script prereqs as module prereqs
0.19.3 Tue Aug 12 19:04:23 CEST 2008
version() reports *protocol* version, not real mpd version
fix some tests that failed because of detection method not precise
enough (timing issues)
0.19.2 Tue Jun 17 19:24:16 CEST 2008
mpd-dynamic should lookup ratings with utf8 encoded pathes
0.19.1 Mon Dec 3 18:23:58 CET 2007
new method all_playlists() (courtesy of Joey Hess)
fix for filenames / playlists beginning with a space (courtesy of
Joey Hess)
0.19.0 Thu Nov 29 20:10:18 CET 2007
changed constructor api: using a hash for options instead of
positional paraemters
new conntype param for constructor to change the way connection is
MPD_HOST env var supports password@host
mpd-dynamic daemonizes after mpd connection to trap problems
0.18.3 Mon Nov 26 12:51:40 CET 2007
kwalitee/cpants release
0.18.2 Tue Nov 13 20:20:59 CET 2007
fixing bug 29232 (courtesy of David Bitseff)
0.18.1 Thu May 31 20:57:47 CEST 2007
fixing mantis bug #556: support for multiple $path in playlist->add
0.18.0 Wed May 30 12:29:11 CEST 2007
moved to perl license
using common classes outsourced in audio::mpd::common, namely: item*,
stats, status and time.
new methods AM::Collection::all_songs()
0.17.2 Sun Apr 8 15:35:43 CEST 2007
introducing AM::Stats for better encapsulation
0.17.1 Sun Apr 8 12:23:53 CEST 2007
introducing AM::Time for better encapsulation
thus, removed get_time_info() and get_time_format()
test coverage up to 100% \o/
0.17.0 Fri Apr 6 16:54:07 CEST 2007
introducing AM::Playlist for better segregation of playlist handling
completed tests to cover all playlist operations, AM is now 95.1% covered
0.16.2 Tue Apr 3 19:02:29 CEST 2007
utf-8 support generalized
0.16.1 Mon Apr 2 18:26:17 CEST 2007
new internal _cooked_command_*() methods, allowing for better code
factorization - and thus, better code coverage (100% achieved for
am::collection, 89.3% overall)
0.16.0 Thu Mar 29 19:04:34 CEST 2007
script to listen your music endlessly: mpd-dynamic
0.15.4 Tue Mar 27 18:42:58 CEST 2007
AM::Test more robust regarding fake mpd startup
AM::Test quicker if no tests performed
new methods in AM::Collection:
. songs_with_filename_partial()
. songs_by_artist_partial()
. songs_from_album_partial()
. songs_with_title_partial()
0.15.3 Wed Mar 21 18:08:06 CET 2007
requiring perl 5.8.x minimum
0.15.2 Tue Mar 20 17:24:59 CET 2007
fixed bug #25553 (on
0.15.1 Sun Mar 18 19:06:57 CET 2007
added Readonly as prereq
0.15.0 Sat Mar 17 17:49:50 CET 2007
implementation of Audio::MPD::Collection: this class will act as the entry
point to look up in mpd's collection
thus, following AM methods removed (see AM::Collection for the replacement):
. list()
. listall()
. listallinfo()
. lsinfo()
. search()
. searchadd()
now that AM::Collection is here, AM's test coverage is up to 82.5% \o/
0.14.0 Sat Mar 17 13:29:57 CET 2007
implementation of Audio::MPD::Item: instead of returning some random hash
reference, Audio::MPD now returns AMI objects.
renamed methods:
. get_current_song() -> current()
. get_song_info() -> song()
. get_song_info_from_id() -> songid()
. get_title() -> AMI::Song::as_string()
. pl_changes() -> pl_changes()
pl_changes() now return an array ref instead of a hash with positions as key
test coverage of Audio::MPD up to 66.5%
0.13.5 Thu Mar 8 20:22:32 CET 2007
get_urlhandlers() renamed to urlhandlers()
seekid() defaults to current song
pod enhancement
test coverage of Audio::MPD up to 36.1%
0.13.4 Tue Mar 6 20:05:21 CET 2007
new method password() to change mpd password
bug fix in deleteid() (was issuing "delete") and crop() (should be done in
reverse order to keep mpd happy)
test coverage of Audio::MPD up to 36.1%
0.13.3 Sun Mar 4 19:30:24 CET 2007
bug fix on volume() method
0.13.2 Sun Mar 4 10:17:50 CET 2007
Makefile.PL now uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker instead of perverting Module::Builder
bugfix in play() / playid()
testing Audio::MPD::Status up to 100%
testing Audio::MPD = 24.5%
status() now returns an Audio::MPD::Status object, for better encapsulation
added dependancy on Class::Accessor
0.13.0 Fri Mar 2 12:55:38 CET 2007
connection completely reworked to get rid of the most obvious problems
note: this does not mean that we're completely clean, but at least it's
better than what it was.
is_connected() and close_connection() are no more needed, and thus removed
error handling is now done via die - get_error() is gone
play(), delete(), move(), get_song_info(), seek() & swap() do not accept a
third fromid parameter anymore
pause() now toggle pause status if no parameter is sent
renamed methods:
. kill_mpd() -> kill()
. get_server_version() -> version()
. set_fade() -> fade()
. set_random() -> random()
. set_repeat() -> repeat()
. set_volume() -> volume()
new methods: stats(), status()
delete() and deleteid() can take more than one song to delete
0.12.4 Thu Jan 25 21:52:05 CET 2007 [JQ]
grouped pod in sections for easier reading
corrected pod typos here and there
added contact information
new tests for pod correctness and pod coverage
added missing pod for 3 subs
0.12.3 (Nicholas J Humfrey)
Added Makefile.PL support
0.12.2 (Nicholas J Humfrey)
Fixed bug in parsing parmeters in pause()
-rc7+njh (Nicholas J Humfrey)
Moved $sock and @playlists into object so that you can talk to
multiple MPDs in the same script.
Added Module::Build based build/install system
Changed namespace to Audio::MPD so that it can be added to CPAN
Documented class
Changing 'END' handler to 'DESTROY'
Changed <$sock> to $sock->getline
Changed print $sock "foo" to $sock->print("foo")
Corrected pause() so that it didn't use depricated lack of argument
Added optional path parameter to updatedb()
better password-handling, including possibility to connect to
password@mpdhost (William Pettersson)
made get_time_info work, and added more to the output
made ALLOW_TOGGLE_STATES 1 by default
get_song_info() now uses current song, if none is specified
- now says that 'seek' is in seconds instead of percentage
Fixed bug in close()
Removed warn() in _get_playlist()
Made more backwards compatible (Martin Stolle)
Added get_current_song_info() (Martin Stolle)
Made internal sub _process_feedback() more robust (Martin Stolle)
Update get_title() to be more flexible (Martin Stolle)
-rc5 (No more fires!-release)
Fixed bug in save() (Laurent Monrouzies)
Removed annoying line in set_random() (Dale Francum)
Added get_time_info (Thanks Dale Francum)
Removed 'use Data::Dumper;' from and
Added support for new MPD-functions:
'outputs', 'enableoutputs', 'disableoutputs', 'commands' and 'notcommands'
Fixed bug in get_title() where old title would get returned
Fixed bug where playlist was not updated (hannes)
Added playlist_changes() so clients can update their playlist (hannes)
Updated _get_playlist() (hannes)
Old bug where $playlist[0] contained undef removed again :)
crop() function added (removes all songs but the playing)
Fixed some bugs and errorhandling in
(almost) total rewrite of module
Changed default port to 6600
Removed UNPAUSE_ON_PLAY setting, as this is now default in MPD
Added urlhandlers()
Fixed seek()
Small bugfixes
Bugfixes in (playlist() and volume())
Updated ACK-error handling (geterror() changed, seterror() added)
Add 'plchanges'-support in getplaylist()
Added $config{'ALLOW_TOGGLE_STATES'}
Added deleteid() / moveid() / playid() / seekid() / swapid()
Removed deprecated 'unpause-on-play'-code
No changes
Major speedup. Playlist was fetched way too many times
Another major speedup. Playlist is now only fetched when needed!
Added %config, for changing default behavior
Old $number-- in play() was removed.
Stupid bug where last song was not saved in @playlist removed
Rewrote searchadd() to utilize 'command_list_begin'/'command_list_end'
(Much faster now)
Fixed bug where search() didn't return the last song found
Small rewrite in setrepeat() and setrandom()
Fixed bugs and bugs and bugs and bugs
Added a destructor
Rewrote all pod-documentation
Tabindented all
Removed 'unfinished subs' and 'todo'
Probably more stuff
Changed @playlist syntax ($pl[song-number]{info-to-get} eg. $pl[42]{'file'})
Removed deprecated getsonginfo()
Moved gettitle() and gettimeformat() to 'Custom subs'
Altered gettitle()'s errorhandling a bit
Made getsonginfo() return a hash instead of an array
Streamlined add()/delete()/move()/swap()
Made (almost) all functions undef on succes and 1 on error. Last error can
be retrieved by $self->geterror()
search() now accepts filenames too (thanks sbh)
delete() can take ranges (thanks sbh)
Added the 'Custom functions'-part
Added searchadd() (thanks sbh)
Repaired add()
Added playlist()
Fixed bug where last song on playlist was not present
Made getstatus() call playlistinfo if playlist had changed
Implemented getsonginfo() for returning information from @playlist (Thanks msells)
Added $self->{module_version}
Empties @playlist, when renewing it
A bit of optimizing and cleanup around getplaylist (Thanks msells)
Fixed error in add()-comments
Moved $host and $port parameter to new() - It finally works!
Added nextinfo() and changed lsinfo() and listallinfo()
Changed version-numbering to fit MPD standards
Initial release