The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;

my $from_storage_ran = 0;
my $to_storage_ran = 0;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
DBICTest::Schema::Artist->load_components(qw(FilterColumn InflateColumn));
DBICTest::Schema::Artist->filter_column(rank => {
  filter_from_storage => sub { $from_storage_ran++; $_[1] * 2 },
  filter_to_storage   => sub { $to_storage_ran++; $_[1] / 2 },

my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create( { rank => 20 } );

# this should be using the cursor directly, no inflation/processing of any sort
my ($raw_db_rank) = $schema->resultset('Artist')
                             ->search ($artist->ident_condition)

is ($raw_db_rank, 10, 'INSERT: correctly unfiltered on insertion');

for my $reloaded (0, 1) {
  my $test = $reloaded ? 'reloaded' : 'stored';
  $artist->discard_changes if $reloaded;

  is( $artist->rank , 20, "got $test filtered rank" );

is( $artist->rank , 20, "got filtered rank" );

$artist->update ({ rank => 40 });
($raw_db_rank) = $schema->resultset('Artist')
                             ->search ($artist->ident_condition)
is ($raw_db_rank, 20, 'UPDATE: correctly unflitered on update');

ok( !$artist->is_column_changed('rank'), 'column is not dirty after setting the same value' );

MC: {
   my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->create({
      artist => { rank => 20 },
      title => 'fun time city!',
      year => 'forevertime',
   ($raw_db_rank) = $schema->resultset('Artist')
                                ->search ($cd->artist->ident_condition)

   is $raw_db_rank, 10, 'artist rank gets correctly unfiltered w/ MC';
   is $cd->artist->rank, 20, 'artist rank gets correctly filtered w/ MC';

  my $expected_from = $from_storage_ran;
  my $expected_to   = $to_storage_ran;

  # ensure we are creating a fresh obj
  $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->single($artist->ident_condition);

  is $from_storage_ran, $expected_from, 'from has not run yet';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to, 'to has not run yet';

  cmp_ok (
    'filter/unfilter differ'
  is $from_storage_ran, ++$expected_from, 'from ran once, therefor caches';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to,  'to did not run';

  is $from_storage_ran, $expected_from, 'from did not run';
  is $to_storage_ran, ++$expected_to,  'to ran once';

  ok ($artist->is_column_changed ('rank'), 'Column marked as dirty');

  is $from_storage_ran, $expected_from, 'from did not run';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to,  'to did not run';


  $artist->set_column(rank => 3);
  ok (! $artist->is_column_changed ('rank'), 'Column not marked as dirty on same set_column value');
  is ($artist->rank, '6', 'Column set properly (cache blown)');
  is $from_storage_ran, ++$expected_from, 'from ran once (set_column blew cache)';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to,  'to did not run';

  ok (! $artist->is_column_changed ('rank'), 'Column not marked as dirty on same accessor-set value');
  is ($artist->rank, '6', 'Column set properly');
  is $from_storage_ran, $expected_from, 'from did not run';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to,  'to did not run';

  $artist->store_column(rank => 4);
  ok (! $artist->is_column_changed ('rank'), 'Column not marked as dirty on differing store_column value');
  is ($artist->rank, '8', 'Cache properly blown');
  is $from_storage_ran, ++$expected_from, 'from did not run';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to,  'to did not run';

  dies_ok {
     DBICTest::Schema::Artist->inflate_column(rank =>
        { inflate => sub {}, deflate => sub {} }
  } q(Can't inflate column after filter column);

  DBICTest::Schema::Artist->inflate_column(name =>
     { inflate => sub {}, deflate => sub {} }

  dies_ok {
     DBICTest::Schema::Artist->filter_column(name => {
        filter_to_storage => sub {},
        filter_from_storage => sub {}
  } q(Can't filter column after inflate column);

# test when we do not set both filter_from_storage/filter_to_storage
DBICTest::Schema::Artist->filter_column(rank => {
  filter_to_storage => sub { $to_storage_ran++; $_[1] },

  # initialise value

  my $expected_from = $from_storage_ran;
  my $expected_to   = $to_storage_ran;

  ok ($artist->is_column_changed ('rank'), 'Column marked as dirty on accessor-set value');
  is ($artist->rank, '10', 'Column set properly');
  is $from_storage_ran, $expected_from, 'from did not run';
  is $to_storage_ran, ++$expected_to,  'to did run';


  is ($artist->rank, '20', 'Column set properly');
  is $from_storage_ran, $expected_from, 'from did not run';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to,  'to did not run';

DBICTest::Schema::Artist->filter_column(rank => {
  filter_from_storage => sub { $from_storage_ran++; $_[1] },

  # initialise value

  my $expected_from = $from_storage_ran;
  my $expected_to   = $to_storage_ran;

  ok ($artist->is_column_changed ('rank'), 'Column marked as dirty on accessor-set value');
  is ($artist->rank, '13', 'Column set properly');
  is $from_storage_ran, $expected_from, 'from did not run';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to,  'to did not run';


  is ($artist->rank, '23', 'Column set properly');
  is $from_storage_ran, ++$expected_from, 'from did run';
  is $to_storage_ran, $expected_to,  'to did not run';

throws_ok { DBICTest::Schema::Artist->filter_column( rank => {} ) }
  qr/\QAn invocation of filter_column() must specify either a filter_from_storage or filter_to_storage/,
  'Correctly throws exception for empty attributes'
