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package CHI::Driver::Wrapper;
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Call these methods first on the main cache, then on any subcaches.
foreach my $method (qw(remove expire expire_if clear purge)) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{ __PACKAGE__ . "::$method" } = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $retval = $self->call_native_driver( $method, @_ );
        $self->call_method_on_subcaches( $method, @_ );
        return $retval;

# Call the specified $method on the native driver class, e.g. CHI::Driver::Memory.  SUPER
# cannot be used because it refers to the superclass(es) of the current package and not to
# the superclass(es) of the object - see perlobj.
sub call_native_driver {
    my $self                 = shift;
    my $method               = shift;
    my $native_driver_method = join( "::", $self->driver_class, $method );

my %wrapped_driver_classes;

# Get the wrapper class for this driver class, creating it if necessary. Called from CHI->new.
sub create_wrapped_driver_class {
    my ( $proto, $driver_class ) = @_;
    carp "internal class method" if ref($proto);

    if ( !$wrapped_driver_classes{$driver_class} ) {
        my $wrapped_driver_class      = "CHI::Wrapped::$driver_class";
        my $wrapped_driver_class_decl = join( "\n",
            "package $wrapped_driver_class;",
            "use strict;",
            "use warnings;",
            "use base qw(CHI::Driver::Wrapper $driver_class);",
            "sub driver_class { '$driver_class' }",
            "1;" );
        eval($wrapped_driver_class_decl);    ## no critic ProhibitStringyEval
        die $@ if $@;                        ## no critic RequireCarping
        $wrapped_driver_classes{$driver_class} = $wrapped_driver_class;
    return $wrapped_driver_classes{$driver_class};




=head1 NAME

CHI::Driver::Wrapper -- wrapper class for all CHI drivers


This package contains 'wrappers' for certain driver methods. The wrappers will be called
first, and then have the opportunity to call the native driver methods.

How this works: when each driver is used for the first time, e.g. CHI::Driver::Memory:

   my $cache = CHI->new('Memory');

CHI autogenerates a new class called CHI::Wrapped::CHI::Driver::Memory, which inherits from

   ('CHI::Driver::Wrapper', 'CHI::Driver::Memory')

then blesses the actual cache object (and future cache objects of this driver) as

Now, when we call a method like get() or remove(), CHI::Driver::Wrapper has an opportunity to
handle it first; if not, it goes to the native driver, in this case CHI::Driver::Memory.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Jonathan Swartz


Copyright (C) 2007 Jonathan Swartz, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
