Revision history for Perl extension File::FcntlLock
0.20 Tue May 27 2014
Problem on GNU Hurd hopefully fixed and some cosmetic changes.
0.19 Tue May 27 2014
Builds failed on 32-bit systems due to missing CFLAGS derived
from the Perl installation.
0.18 Mon May 26 2014
CPAN didn't find the version number in which
was derived from that of
0.17 Mon May 26 2014
CPAN testing showed that there are 32-bit systems where the
off_t member of the flock struct is a 64-bit integer but Perl
doesn't support the 'q' format for pack() and unpack(). On these
systems there seem to be no good way of assembling a flock
structure useing "pure Perl" and thus the File::FcntlLock::Pure
and File::FcntlLock::Inline modules won't get installed.
0.16 Sun May 25 2014
Missing file in 0.15,, in MANIFEST added.
0.15 Thu May 20 2014
Module rewritten as three modules, one working
exactly as before, and two new ones that instead of
being XS-based use Perl code. For the first one the
Perl code for packing/unpacking the C flock struct is
generated when 'perl Makefile.PL' is run. For the other
a C program is created, compiled and run each time the
module gets loaded. This is in response to some concerns
the Debian dpkg package managers (who use the module) had
for certain circumstances when new Perl versions need to
be installed (as far as I understand;-)
0.14 Thu Oct 29 2011
Changed the test script to get it to pass under GNU Hurd,
using only the rather limited fcntl() locking capabilities
available on that system. Thanks to Julián Moreno Patiño
for bringing the problem to my attention and helping me
to set up a virtual GNU Hurd system for testing.
0.13 Thu Oct 11 2011
Spelling errors fixed in the documentation, thanks to
Julián Moreno Patiño (Debian Package Maintainer).
0.12 Thu Oct 8 2009
Stupid bug in Makefile removed that assumed a certain
layout of the flock structure - thanks to Glenn Herteg
for spotting this.
0.11 Wed Oct 7 2009
Module did use only 32-bit flock structure, making it
impossible to obtain locks on parts of files above
4 GB. Now it also should work for large files.
Mistakes in documentation removed as pointed out by
FANY and Glenn Herteg.
0.10 Wed May 14 2008
Removed an issue in Makefile.PL that kept the module
from being built on some systems
0.09 Sun Aug 26 2007
Renamed module from Fcntl_Lock to FcntlLock to make it
fit into the namespace newly allocated on CPAN
0.08 Sun Aug 12 2007
Changes in error handling within the module
Makefile.PL changed so that it hopefully won't fail on
(Net|Free|Open)BSD (and perhaps Cygwin) where locks on
STDIN and STDOUT are not supported
Tests changed for the same reasons
0.07 Sun Aug 5 2007
Module made ready for upload to CPAN
Changed name from Fcntl_Lock to File::Fcntl_Lock
Renamed some methods
Corrected some of the test cases
Updated documentation
0.06 Sun Apr 28 2002
Error texts changed to reflect SUSv3
Documentation updated
0.05 Mon Apr 22 2002
Error texts changed to reflect TRUE64 man page
Internal module errors now call die instead of setting errno to EINVAL
Small bug fixes
0.04 Mon Apr 22 2002
Added further test cases
Improved check on availability of fcntl(2) in Makefile.PL
Methods for simpler error determination
Update of documentation
0.03 Sat Apr 20 2002
Removed a bug in Makefile.PL pointed out by "Frodo Baggins"
Added checks in Makefile.PL for compiler and <fcntl.h>
0.02 Sat Apr 20 2002
Added tests in
Some changes in Makefile.PL thanks to Mark Jason Dominus
Module now recognizes file handles and descriptors correctly
Update of documentation
0.01 Thu Apr 18 2002
original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options -A -n Fcntl_Lock