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<h1>Document and Usage</h1>
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<p style="text-align:right;font-size:1.2em;">Japanese document is <a href="">here</a>.</p>

<h4>How to adding new Graph</h4>

<p>Request to following URI with POST method</p>

<: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>api/:service_name/:section_name/:graph_name

GrowthForecast is designed as a common Web-Graph-API that available from many services. Rrefer to the table below in relation to each item in the URI.</p>

<td>Service Name</td>
<td>blogging_service, photosharing, socialgame, ninjya_taisen</td>
<td>the Service's funtion or system name</td>
<td>entry, user, spot, items</td>
<td>Specific contents</td>
<td>total_entry, kakin_user, muryo_user, sold_syuriken</td>

<p>For example, to graph the number of shuriken that was sold in the ninja game</p>

<: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>api/ninjya_taisen/items/sold_syuriken

<p>Request to avove URI</p>

<p>POST Parameters</p>

<td>Data that give to graph</td>
How to update a number. count or modified or gauge or derive.

<dd>Add the number and update</dd>

<dd>Overwritten only when the numbers different from the previous</dd>

<dd>Always overwritten by the number</dd>

<dd>Always overwritten by the number. To Display figures in per seconds</dd>

Default is "gauge"<br />
The data type is determined at first time. Can't change mode from DERIVE to other and other to DERIVE.
<td>Graph color, #FFFFFF format</td>

<p>Sample code (perl) </p>

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->post('<: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>api/ninjya_taisen/items/sold_syuriken', {
    number      => 10,
    color       => '#333399'

<p>Sample code (curl) </p>

$ curl -F number=10 <: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>api/ninja_taisen/items/sold_syuriken

<p>Incorporation of the graphed data is done once every 5 minutes or 1 minute. Please note that do not take effect immediately after POST</p>

<h4>Arguments for displaying graphs</h4>

<p>can customize graphs by giving some arguments for uri of a graph</p>

URI of a graph <: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>graph/:service_name/:section_name/:graph_name
URI of a comples graph  <: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>graph/:pattern

<td>term. y(year), m(month), w(week), 3d(3days), s3d(3days・1min)、d(day)、sd(day・1min)、8h(8hours)、s8h(8hours・1min)、4h(4hours)、s4h(4hours・1min)、h(1hour)、sh(1hour・1min)、n(a half day)、sn(a half day・1min)、c(custom)、sc(custom・1min)</td>
<td>only when "term" is c or sc. datetime of start to display (for example: 2011/12/08 12:10:00)</td>
<td>only when "term" is c or sc. datetime of end to display (for example: 2011/12/08 12:10:00)</td>
<td>graph mode. "gauge" or "subtract". default is "gauge"</td>
<td>width of canvas.</td>
<td>height of canvas.</td>

<td>only drawing graph. default is "0" (disable) </td>

<td>Drawing as logarithmic graph. default is "0" (disbale)</td>

<td>x-axis label. see the document of rrdtool</td>

<td>y-axis grid. see the document of rrdtool</td>

<td>background color. for example FFFFFF or FFFFFF00. last two character is alpha channel</td>

<td>background color of canvas.</td>

<td>font color.</td>

<td>frame (around color spot) color</td>

<td>axis color</td>

<td>color of left and top border</td>

<td>color of right and bottom</td>

<td>Width in pixels for the 3d border</td>

<td>displaying legend. default is "1" (enable)</td>

<td>displaying sumup figures in legend. default is "0" (disable)</td>


<h4>Exporting graph summary</h4>

<p>can export data of legend as JSON format</p>

Export URI <: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>summary/:service_name/:section_name/:graph_name
Export URI of Complex graph <: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>summary/:pattern

<p>supports same argumets as drawing graph</p>

<h4>Exporting data of a graph</h4>

<p>can export data of graph</p>

Export URI <: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>xport/:service_name/:section_name/:graph_name
Export URI of Complex graph <: $c.req.uri_for('/') :>xport/:pattern

<td>term. y(year), m(month), w(week), 3d(3days), s3d(3days・1min)、d(day)、sd(day・1min)、8h(8hours)、s8h(8hours・1min)、4h(4hours)、s4h(4hours・1min)、h(1hour)、sh(1hour・1min)、n(a half day)、sn(a half day・1min)、c(custom)、sc(custom・1min)</td>
<td>only when "term" is c or sc. datetime of start to exporting (for example: 2011/12/08 12:10:00)</td>
<td>only when "term" is c or sc. datetime of end to exporting (for example: 2011/12/08 12:10:00)</td>
<td>graph mode. "gauge" or "subtract". default is "gauge"</td>
<td>max number of rows</td>

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