The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
; This file is generated from dist.ini.meta by dzil bakeini.
; Edit that file or the bundles contained within for long-term changes.
; vim: syntax=dosini
;abstract = Extract Raw Chunks of data from identifiable ELF Sections
name = ELF-Extract-Sections
author = Kent Fredric <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Kent Fredric <>

[MetaConfig / @Author::KENTNL/MetaConfig]

[GithubMeta / @Author::KENTNL/GithubMeta]
issues = 1

[MetaProvides::Package / @Author::KENTNL/MetaProvides::Package]
:version = 1.14000001

[MetaData::BuiltWith / @Author::KENTNL/MetaData::BuiltWith]
:version = 1.004000
show_config = 1
show_uname = 1
uname_args = -s -o -r -m -i
use_external_file = only

[Git::Contributors / @Author::KENTNL/Git::Contributors]
:version = 0.006
include_authors = 0
include_releaser = 0
order_by = name

[Git::GatherDir / @Author::KENTNL/Git::GatherDir]
exclude_filename = README
exclude_filename = README.mkdn
exclude_filename = README.pod
exclude_filename = CONTRIBUTING.pod
exclude_filename = LICENSE
exclude_filename = Makefile.PL
include_dotfiles = 1

[License / @Author::KENTNL/License]

[MetaJSON / @Author::KENTNL/MetaJSON]

[MetaYAML::Minimal / @Author::KENTNL/MetaYAML::Minimal]

[Manifest / @Author::KENTNL/Manifest]

[Author::KENTNL::TravisCI / @Author::KENTNL/Author::KENTNL::TravisCI]
:version = 0.001002

-location = root
-phase = build
:version = 0.001003
document_version = 0.1

[CopyFilesFromBuild / @Author::KENTNL/CopyXBuild]
copy = LICENSE
copy = Makefile.PL

[MetaTests / @Author::KENTNL/MetaTests]

[PodCoverageTests / @Author::KENTNL/PodCoverageTests]

[PodSyntaxTests / @Author::KENTNL/PodSyntaxTests]

[Test::ReportPrereqs / @Author::KENTNL/Test::ReportPrereqs]

[Test::Kwalitee / @Author::KENTNL/Test::Kwalitee]

[Test::EOL / @Author::KENTNL/Test::EOL]
trailing_whitespace = 1

[Test::MinimumVersion / @Author::KENTNL/Test::MinimumVersion]

[Test::Compile::PerFile / @Author::KENTNL/Test::Compile::PerFile]

[Test::Perl::Critic / @Author::KENTNL/Test::Perl::Critic]

[ManifestSkip / @Author::KENTNL/ManifestSkip]

[RewriteVersion::Sanitized / @Author::KENTNL/RewriteVersion::Sanitized]
mantissa = 6
normal_form = numify

[PodWeaver / @Author::KENTNL/PodWeaver]
replacer = replace_with_blank

[AutoPrereqs / @Author::KENTNL/AutoPrereqs]

[Prereqs / @Author::KENTNL/BundleDevelSuggests]
-phase = develop
-type = suggests
Dist::Zilla::App::Command::bakeini = 0.001000
Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL = 2.025001

[Prereqs::AuthorDeps / @Author::KENTNL/Prereqs::AuthorDeps]

[MinimumPerl / @Author::KENTNL/MinimumPerl]

[Authority / @Author::KENTNL/Authority]
:version = 1.006
authority = cpan:KENTNL
do_metadata = 1
locate_comment = 1

[MakeMaker / @Author::KENTNL/MakeMaker]
default_jobs = 10

[Author::KENTNL::RecommendFixes / @Author::KENTNL/Author::KENTNL::RecommendFixes]
:version = 0.004002

[Readme::Brief / @Author::KENTNL/ShippedReadme]

[ReadmeAnyFromPod / @Author::KENTNL/ReadmeAnyFromPod]
filename = README.mkdn
location = root
type = markdown

[Test::CPAN::Changes / @Author::KENTNL/Test::CPAN::Changes]

[RunExtraTests / @Author::KENTNL/RunExtraTests]
default_jobs = 10

[TestRelease / @Author::KENTNL/TestRelease]

[ConfirmRelease / @Author::KENTNL/ConfirmRelease]

[Git::Check / @Author::KENTNL/Git::Check]
filename = Changes

[Git::Commit / @Author::KENTNL/commit_dirty_files]

[Git::Tag / @Author::KENTNL/tag_master]
tag_format = %v-source

[Git::NextRelease / @Author::KENTNL/Git::NextRelease]
:version = 0.004000
default_branch = master
format = %v %{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss}dZ %h
time_zone = UTC

[BumpVersionAfterRelease / @Author::KENTNL/BumpVersionAfterRelease]

[Git::Commit / @Author::KENTNL/commit_release_changes]
allow_dirty_match = ^lib/

[Git::CommitBuild / @Author::KENTNL/Git::CommitBuild]
branch = builds
release_branch = releases

[Git::Tag / @Author::KENTNL/tag_release]
branch = releases
tag_format = %v

[UploadToCPAN / @Author::KENTNL/UploadToCPAN]

[Twitter / @Author::KENTNL/Twitter]
hash_tags = #perl #cpan
tweet_url ={{$AUTHOR_UC}}/{{$DIST}}-{{$VERSION}}{{$TRIAL}}#whatsnew
url_shortener = none

[Prereqs::Upgrade / @Author::KENTNL/Prereqs::Upgrade]
Dist::Zila::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package = 2.000000
Dist::Zilla = 5
ExtUtils::MakeMaker = 7.00
File::ShareDir::Install = 0.10
Moo = 1.000008
Moose = 2.000
Path::Tiny = 0.058
Test::File::ShareDir = 1.000000
Test::More = 0.99

[Prereqs::Recommend::MatchInstalled / @Author::KENTNL/always_latest_develop_bundle]
applyto_map = develop.suggests = develop.suggests
applyto_phase = develop
modules = Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL
modules = Dist::Zilla::App::Command::bakeini

[RemovePrereqs::Provided / @Author::KENTNL/RemovePrereqs::Provided]

[Prereqs / @Author::KENTNL/::Role::BundleDeps]
; version_major = 0
; version_minor = 2
; version_rel_year  = 2009
; version_rel_month = 05
; version_rel_day   = 03
; version_rel_hour  = 09
; version_rel_time_zone = Pacific/Auckland
-phase = develop
-relationship = requires
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::KENTNL::CONTRIBUTING = 0.001003
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::KENTNL::RecommendFixes = 0.004002
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::KENTNL::TravisCI = 0.001002
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Authority = 1.006
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoPrereqs = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BumpVersionAfterRelease = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ConfirmRelease = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CopyFilesFromBuild = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Check = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Commit = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::CommitBuild = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Contributors = 0.006
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::GatherDir = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::NextRelease = 0.004000
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Tag = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GithubMeta = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::License = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ManifestSkip = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaConfig = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaData::BuiltWith = 1.004000
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaJSON = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package = 1.14000001
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaTests = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaYAML::Minimal = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MinimumPerl = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodCoverageTests = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodSyntaxTests = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::AuthorDeps = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::Recommend::MatchInstalled = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::Upgrade = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Readme::Brief = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAnyFromPod = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::RemovePrereqs::Provided = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::RewriteVersion::Sanitized = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::RunExtraTests = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CPAN::Changes = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile::PerFile = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::EOL = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Kwalitee = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::MinimumVersion = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Perl::Critic = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::ReportPrereqs = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TestRelease = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Twitter = 0
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UploadToCPAN = 0

command = objdump

[Encoding / BinaryFiles]
encoding = bytes
filename = t/test_files/
filename = t/test_files/
filename = t/test_files/
filename = t/test_files/

[Prereqs / RuntimeRequires]
;Moose::Role                = 0
;MooseX::Has::Sugar         = 0.0300
;overload                   = 0
;lib              = 0
;FindBin          = 0
;Test::More       = 0
;Path::Class      = 0
;YAML::XS         = 0
;File::Find::Rule = 0
perl = 5.010000
Log::Log4perl = 1.21
Moose = 0.76
MooseX::Log::Log4perl = 0.31
MooseX::Types = 0.10
MooseX::Types::Moose = 0.10