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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>process_content Doc</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><center><h1>process_content</h2></center><h1>Modules</h1><ul><li>IMS::ReleaseMgr::Utils<li>Net::Domain</ul><h1>Functions:</h1><ul><li><a href="#SetPermissions">SetPermissions</a><li><a href="#SetxPermissions">SetxPermissions</a><li><a href="#setPermissions">setPermissions</a></ul><hr><h1>Main Script</h1><h2>Variables:</h2> <ul><li>$0<li>$ENV<li>$GroupID<li>$Id<li>$OwnerID<li>$PATH<li>$ROOT<li>$Revision<li>$SIG<li>$USAGE<li>$VERSION<li>$WL<li>$_<li>$basedir<li>$basename<li>$cgi_dir<li>$cmd<li>$config<li>$cwd<li>$date<li>$fcgi_dir<li>$file_cnt<li>$file_size<li>$found_makefile<li>$group<li>$hostname<li>$htdocs_dir<li>$in_description<li>$in_file<li>$in_target<li>$in_type<li>$logdir<li>$make_dir<li>$mirror_group<li>$mode<li>$options<li>$opts<li>$owner<li>$project<li>$results<li>$revision<li>$scripts_dir<li>$server_root<li>$servlets_dir<li>$stage_dir<li>$start_scr_dir<li>$target<li>$target_dir<li>$tfile<li>$trace<li>$userid<li>$weblist<li>$webmaster<li>%02d<li>%18s<li>%d<li>%opts<li>%s<li>@ARGV<li>@_<li>@nafohq<li>@r<li>@targets</ul>
<h2>Calls:</h2><ul><li> DBI_mirror_specification<li>data<li>date<li>end<li>eq<li>error<li>eval_make_target<li>file_mirror_specification<li>from<li>get<li>hostfqdn<li>hostname<li>method<li>mirror<li>new<li>on<li>print<li>strict<li>write_log_line</ul>
#                                Confidential
#             Disclosure And Distribution Solely to Employees of
#          Hewlett-Packard and Its Affiliates Having a Need to Know
#                  Copyright @ 1998, Hewlett-Packard, Inc.,
#                            All Rights Reserved
#   @(#)$Id: process_content_doc.html,v 1.1 2000/05/04 21:14:33 idsweb Exp $
#   Description:    Process the [Ww]eblist in the current directory, doing the
#                   file juggling as required by the file type specification.
#   Functions:      setPermissions
#                   SetPermissions
#                   SetxPermissions
#   Libraries:      Carp                    Core, For improved messages
#                   Getopt::Long            Core, Cmd-line parsing
#                   File::Basename          Core, For file name utils
#                   File::Copy              Core, Portable file copy method
#                   File::Path              Core, Portable directory creation
#                   Cwd                     Core, Portable cwd function
#                   Net::Domain             Core, Portable hostname function
#                   IO::File                Core, Class-based file I/O
#                   IMS::ReleaseMgr::Utils  Local, utility functions for rlsmgr
#   Global Consts:  $cmd                    This tool's name
#                   $USAGE                  What you see if you type it wrong
#   Environment:    Axes $PATH entirely.
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'; # Yes, I really mean this
$VERSION = do {my @r=(q$Revision: 1.1 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d"x$#r,@r};
if ($trace & 16) # bxxx1xxxx
if ($trace & 4) # bxxxxx1xx
#process_content is always called in $ROOT/staging/$project -- it's safe to
#do stuff in that script based on that assumption. - email from randy
# do prerelease make (while files are in staging, before files are 'released')
    #chmod 0400, "$found_makefile"; #??? don't do here, perhaps
        # Run a make in this dir, care to not kill the running process!
            if ($trace & 2); # bxxxxxx1x
            # An error (other than "no rule to make release" was detected in
            # the make sub-process
        # Unable to chdir for some reason. We're probably in bad shape if this
        # has happened...
} #end prerelease make
    next if /^\s*$/o;  # skip blank lines
    next if /^\s*\#/o; # and comments
        "$in_target" if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        # Strip leading /servlets from Srv targets
    # Minor clean-up
    # Remove obsolete files
    # Nothing has to happen because the files are removed before the put out
    # TODO - fix OBS for bin types
            if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx
        } # no other clause, but this point means that the file didn't exist
        if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx
    # Set perms for CGI to include exec, otherwise no exec
#do release make (after files are moved from staging to htdocs, cgi-bin, etc)
        # Run a make in this dir, care to not kill the running process!
            if ($trace & 2); # bxxxxxx1x
            # An error (other than "no rule to make release" was detected in
            # the make sub-process
        # Unable to chdir for some reason. We're probably in bad shape if this
        # has happened...
#   Sub Name:       setPermissions
#   Description:    Meta-routine to set access permissions and user/group
#                   ownership on files. Uses the constants $OwnerID and
#                   $GroupID to set those, and the passed-in mode. This is
#                   wrapped by other routines defined below to set ordinary
#                   file and directory parameters.
#   Arguments:      NAME      IN/OUT  TYPE      DESCRIPTION
#                   $mode     in      scalar    Numerical mode to set
#                   @targets  in      list      File(s) to change. Currently
#                                                 is called once for each file
#                                                 but this could change.
#   Globals:        $owner
#                   $group
#                   $trace
#                   $tfile
#                   $cmd
#   Environment:    None.
#   Returns:        Success:    1
#                   Failure:    0
<h2>Code:</h2> <pre>#!/opt/ims/perl5/bin/perl
    eval 'exec perl -S $0 "$@"'
        if 0;

#                                Confidential
#             Disclosure And Distribution Solely to Employees of
#          Hewlett-Packard and Its Affiliates Having a Need to Know
#                  Copyright @ 1998, Hewlett-Packard, Inc.,
#                            All Rights Reserved
#   @(#)$Id: process_content_doc.html,v 1.1 2000/05/04 21:14:33 idsweb Exp $
#   Description:    Process the [Ww]eblist in the current directory, doing the
#                   file juggling as required by the file type specification.
#   Functions:      setPermissions
#                   SetPermissions
#                   SetxPermissions
#   Libraries:      Carp                    Core, For improved messages
#                   Getopt::Long            Core, Cmd-line parsing
#                   File::Basename          Core, For file name utils
#                   File::Copy              Core, Portable file copy method
#                   File::Path              Core, Portable directory creation
#                   Cwd                     Core, Portable cwd function
#                   Net::Domain             Core, Portable hostname function
#                   IO::File                Core, Class-based file I/O
#                   IMS::ReleaseMgr::Utils  Local, utility functions for rlsmgr
#   Global Consts:  $cmd                    This tool's name
#                   $USAGE                  What you see if you type it wrong
#   Environment:    Axes $PATH entirely.
use vars qw($cmd);
($cmd = $0) =~ s|.*/||;

use 5.004;

use strict;
use vars qw($USAGE $date $userid $cwd $owner $group $trace $tfile $WL
            %opts $options $logdir $server_root $stage_dir $config $cgi_dir
            $htdocs_dir $fcgi_dir $webmaster $file_cnt $file_size $mirror_group
            $basedir $basename $hostname $in_type $in_file $in_target
            $in_description $target_dir $target $weblist $found_makefile
            $scripts_dir $start_scr_dir $VERSION $revision);
use subs qw(setPermissions SetPermissions SetxPermissions);

use Carp                   qw(croak carp);
use Getopt::Long           'GetOptions';
use File::Basename         qw(basename dirname);
use File::Copy             'copy';
use File::Path             'mkpath';
use Cwd                    'cwd';
use Net::Domain            'hostfqdn';
require IO::File;

use IMS::ReleaseMgr::Utils qw(write_log_line eval_make_target

umask 0;
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'; # Yes, I really mean this

$date = scalar localtime time;
$userid = getlogin || (getpwuid($>))[0];
$cwd = cwd;
$VERSION = do {my @r=(q$Revision: 1.1 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d"x$#r,@r};
$revision = q{$Id: process_content_doc.html,v 1.1 2000/05/04 21:14:33 idsweb Exp $ };

$USAGE = "Usage: $cmd mirror_group [ -H host ] [ -t level ] [ -T file ]
\t[ -c file ]

-H host\t\tUse 'host' for identification (instead of system value)
-t num\t\tEnable tracing (num sets level)
-T file\t\tSend trace information to 'file' instead of tty
-c file\t\tRead configuration from 'file' instead of DBMS

``mirror_group'' is the name of the host-pool grouping that this process is
running as a part of. It is used as a search key in the DBMS.
if (grep($_ eq '-h', @ARGV))
    print "$USAGE\n$revision\n";
    exit 0;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /bad free/oi; };
Getopt::Long::config 'no_ignore_case';
GetOptions(\%opts, 'H=s', 't=i', 'T=s', 'c=s') or croak "$USAGE\nStopped";
$mirror_group = shift || croak "$USAGE\nStopped";
$basedir = dirname($0);

if (defined $opts{c} and $opts{c})
    $config = file_mirror_specification(-file => $opts{c});
    croak "$cmd was unable to get data for $mirror_group from file $opts{c}," .
        " stopped" unless (defined $config);
    $config = DBI_mirror_specification(-mirror => $mirror_group);
    croak "$cmd was unable to get data for $mirror_group from Oracle, stopped"
        unless (defined $config);

$hostname = $opts{H} || hostfqdn;
$basedir = dirname $0;

$trace         = $opts{t}                 || 0;
$tfile         = $opts{T}                 || '-';
$server_root   = $config->{SERVER_ROOT}   || '/opt/ims';
$stage_dir     = $config->{STAGING_DIR}   || "$server_root/staging";
$htdocs_dir    = $config->{DOCUMENT_ROOT} || "$server_root/htdocs";
$logdir        = $config->{LOGGING_DIR}   || "$server_root/logs";
$webmaster     = $config->{WEBMASTER}     || '';
$weblist       = $config->{WEBLIST_FILE}  || 'weblist';
$cgi_dir       = $config->{CGI_ROOT}      || "$server_root/cgi-bin";
$fcgi_dir      = $config->{FCGI_ROOT}     || "$server_root/fcgi-bin";
$scripts_dir   = $config->{SCRIPTS_ROOT}  || "$server_root/scripts";
$start_scr_dir = $config->{START_SCRIPTS_ROOT}
                                          || "$server_root/startup_scripts";
$servlets_dir = $config->{SERVLETS_ROOT} || "$server_root/servlets";

$owner = $config->{OWNER_UID}
    or croak "Specification for $mirror_group MUST include a user name or ID" .
        ". Stopped";
$group = $config->{GROUP_GID}
    or croak "Specification for $mirror_group MUST include a group name or " .
        "ID. Stopped";
$owner = getpwnam($owner) unless ($owner =~ /^\d+$/o);
$group = getgrnam($group) unless ($group =~ /^\d+$/o);
croak "$config->{OWNER_UID} was not in passwd table, stopped"
    unless (defined $owner);
croak "$config->{GROUP_GID} was not in group table, stopped"
    unless (defined $group);

if ($trace)
    write_log_line($tfile, "$cmd [$$] [$date] Started with tracing");
write_log_line("$logdir/$cmd", "$date [$$]: started, working dir=$cwd");

if ($trace & 16) # bxxx1xxxx
                   map {
                       sprintf("$cmd [$$] CONFIG: %18s => %s",
                               $_, $config->{$_})
                   } (sort keys %$config));

$file_size = 0;
$file_cnt  = 0;

if ($trace & 4) # bxxxxx1xx
                   (map { "$cmd [$$] [$date] $_" }
                    ("Server is $mirror_group ($hostname)",
                     "Server root is $server_root",
                     "Doc dir is $htdocs_dir", "CGI dir is $cgi_dir",
                     "FCGI dir is $fcgi_dir")));

#process_content is always called in $ROOT/staging/$project -- it's safe to
#do stuff in that script based on that assumption. - email from randy

$found_makefile = $cwd; 

# do prerelease make (while files are in staging, before files are 'released')

if (defined $found_makefile and (-e "$found_makefile/Makefile"))
    #chmod 0400, "$found_makefile"; #??? don't do here, perhaps
    my $make_dir = $found_makefile;

    if (chdir $make_dir)
        # Run a make in this dir, care to not kill the running process!
                       sprintf("%s [$$] [%s] Makefile detected in " .
                               "$make_dir; Running ``make prerelease''",
                               $cmd, scalar localtime time))
            if ($trace & 2); # bxxxxxx1x
        my $results = eval_make_target('prerelease', $server_root);
        if (defined $results)
            # An error (other than "no rule to make release" was detected in
            # the make sub-process
            $date = scalar localtime time;
                           "$cmd [$$] [$date] Error from make process:",
                           (map { "--> $_" } (@$results)))
                if ($trace);
            write_log_line("$logdir/$cmd", "$date [$$]: Errors running " .
                           "``make prerelease'' in $make_dir:",
                           (map { "--> $_" } (@$results)));
            carp "Error returned from make:\n\t" . join("\n\t", @$results) .
        # Unable to chdir for some reason. We're probably in bad shape if this
        # has happened...
                       "$cmd [$$] [" . scalar localtime time . "] Could not " .
                       "chdir to $make_dir to run make: $!")
            if ($trace);
        write_log_line("$logdir/$cmd", scalar localtime time .
                       " [$$]: Makefile detected in $make_dir but could " .
                       "not chdir: $!");
        carp "Unable to chdir to $make_dir: $!,";

    chdir $cwd;
} #end prerelease make

if (! defined($WL = new IO::File "< $weblist"))
    $date = scalar localtime time;
    write_log_line($tfile, "$cmd [$$] [$date] Error opening $weblist: $!")
        if ($trace);
                   "$date [$$]: Error opening $cwd/$weblist for reading: $!");
    croak "Error opening $cwd/$weblist for reading: $!, stopped";

$found_makefile = undef;
while (defined($_ = <$WL>))
    next if /^\s*$/o;  # skip blank lines
    next if /^\s*\#/o; # and comments

    ($in_type, $in_file, $in_target, $in_description) = split(/\s+/, $_, 4);
    $basename = basename $in_file;
    $in_type = lc $in_type;

    print STDOUT "$cmd [$$] type = $in_type, file = $in_file, target = " .
        "$in_target" if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx

    if ($in_type eq 'bin')
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        $in_target =~ s:^/cgi-bin::;
        $target_dir = "$cgi_dir$in_target";
        $target = "$cgi_dir$in_target/$basename";
    elsif ($in_type eq 'scr')
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        $in_target =~ s:^/scripts::;
        $target_dir = "$scripts_dir$in_target";
        $target = "$scripts_dir$in_target/$basename";
    elsif ($in_type eq 'ssc')
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        $in_target =~ s:^/startup_scripts::;
        $target_dir = "$start_scr_dir$in_target";
        $target = "$start_scr_dir$in_target/$basename";
    elsif ($in_type eq 'srv')
        # Strip leading /servlets from Srv targets
        $in_target =~ s:^/servlets::;
        $target_dir = "$servlets_dir$in_target";
        $target = "$servlets_dir$in_target/$basename";
        $target_dir = "$htdocs_dir$in_target";
        $target = "$htdocs_dir$in_target/$basename";
    # Minor clean-up
    $target_dir =~ s|/$||o;
    $target     =~ s|//|/|go;

    # Remove obsolete files
    # Nothing has to happen because the files are removed before the put out
    # TODO - fix OBS for bin types
    if ($in_type eq 'obs')
        print STDOUT "$cmd [$$] $target has been made obsolete"
            if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx

        if (-d $target)
            unless (rmdir $target)
                               "$cmd [$$] Error: could not rmdir $target: $!")
                    if ($trace);
                carp "Error: Could not rmdir $target: $!,";
        elsif (-e $target)
            unless (unlink $target)
                               "$cmd [$$] Error: could not unlink $target: $!")
                    if ($trace);
                carp "Error: Could not unlink $target: $!,";
        } # no other clause, but this point means that the file didn't exist

    if (! -d $target_dir)
        write_log_line($tfile, "$cmd [$$] Making $target_dir") if ($trace & 4);
        mkpath($target_dir, 0, 0755);
    print STDOUT "$cmd [$$] move $in_file to $target"
        if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx
    unless (-e $in_file)
                       "$cmd [$$] Error: file $in_file not found in stage dir")
            if ($trace);
        carp "File $in_file (targetted to $target) not found in staging area,";

    $file_size += -s $in_file;
    $found_makefile = $target if ($in_file eq 'Makefile');
    unless (copy($in_file, $target))
                       "$cmd [$$] Error copying $in_file to $target: $!")
            if ($trace);
        carp "Error copying $in_file to $target: $!,";
    # Set perms for CGI to include exec, otherwise no exec
    if (($in_type eq 'cgi') or ($in_type eq 'fcgi') or ($in_type eq 'bin') or ($in_type eq 'scr') or ($in_type eq 'ssc'))


$file_size = int($file_size/1024);
print <<"_EOT";
   Ran:   $cmd
Source:   $cwd
  When:   $date
Server:   $hostname
    By:   $userid
Result:   $file_cnt files ($file_size Kbytes)

#do release make (after files are moved from staging to htdocs, cgi-bin, etc)

if (defined $found_makefile and (-e "$found_makefile"))
    chmod 0400, "$found_makefile";
    my $make_dir = dirname $found_makefile;
    if (chdir $make_dir)
        # Run a make in this dir, care to not kill the running process!
                       sprintf("%s [$$] [%s] Makefile detected in " .
                               "$make_dir; Running ``make release''",
                               $cmd, scalar localtime time))
            if ($trace & 2); # bxxxxxx1x
        my $results = eval_make_target('release', $server_root);
        if (defined $results)
            # An error (other than "no rule to make release" was detected in
            # the make sub-process
            $date = scalar localtime time;
                           "$cmd [$$] [$date] Error from make process:",
                           (map { "--> $_" } (@$results)))
                if ($trace);
            write_log_line("$logdir/$cmd", "$date [$$]: Errors running " .
                           "``make release'' in $make_dir:",
                           (map { "--> $_" } (@$results)));
            carp "Error returned from make:\n\t" . join("\n\t", @$results) .
        # Unable to chdir for some reason. We're probably in bad shape if this
        # has happened...
                       "$cmd [$$] [" . scalar localtime time . "] Could not " .
                       "chdir to $make_dir to run make: $!")
            if ($trace);
        write_log_line("$logdir/$cmd", scalar localtime time .
                       " [$$]: Makefile detected in $make_dir but could " .
                       "not chdir: $!");
        carp "Unable to chdir to $make_dir: $!,";

    unlink "$found_makefile";
    chdir $cwd;

$date = scalar localtime time;
               "$cmd [$$] [$date] Finished, $file_cnt files handled " .
               "($file_size KBytes)")
    if ($trace);
write_log_line("$logdir/$cmd", "$date [$$]: completed ($cwd).");
exit 0;

#   Sub Name:       setPermissions
#   Description:    Meta-routine to set access permissions and user/group
#                   ownership on files. Uses the constants $OwnerID and
#                   $GroupID to set those, and the passed-in mode. This is
#                   wrapped by other routines defined below to set ordinary
#                   file and directory parameters.
#   Arguments:      NAME      IN/OUT  TYPE      DESCRIPTION
#                   $mode     in      scalar    Numerical mode to set
#                   @targets  in      list      File(s) to change. Currently
#                                                 is called once for each file
#                                                 but this could change.
#   Globals:        $owner
#                   $group
#                   $trace
#                   $tfile
#                   $cmd
#   Environment:    None.
#   Returns:        Success:    1
#                   Failure:    0
sub setPermissions
<br><hr><h1>Function: <a name="setPermissions">setPermissions</a></h1>
<h2>Variables:</h2> <ul><li>$Mode<li>$cmd<li>$group<li>$mode<li>$owner<li>$target<li>$tfile<li>$trace<li>%03o<li>@_<li>@targets</ul>
<h2>Calls:</h2><ul><li> write_log_line</ul>
#                                Confidential
#             Disclosure And Distribution Solely to Employees of
#          Hewlett-Packard and Its Affiliates Having a Need to Know
#                  Copyright @ 1998, Hewlett-Packard, Inc.,
#                            All Rights Reserved
#   @(#)$Id: process_content_doc.html,v 1.1 2000/05/04 21:14:33 idsweb Exp $
#   Description:    Process the [Ww]eblist in the current directory, doing the
#                   file juggling as required by the file type specification.
#   Functions:      setPermissions
#                   SetPermissions
#                   SetxPermissions
#   Libraries:      Carp                    Core, For improved messages
#                   Getopt::Long            Core, Cmd-line parsing
#                   File::Basename          Core, For file name utils
#                   File::Copy              Core, Portable file copy method
#                   File::Path              Core, Portable directory creation
#                   Cwd                     Core, Portable cwd function
#                   Net::Domain             Core, Portable hostname function
#                   IO::File                Core, Class-based file I/O
#                   IMS::ReleaseMgr::Utils  Local, utility functions for rlsmgr
#   Global Consts:  $cmd                    This tool's name
#                   $USAGE                  What you see if you type it wrong
#   Environment:    Axes $PATH entirely.
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'; # Yes, I really mean this
$VERSION = do {my @r=(q$Revision: 1.1 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d"x$#r,@r};
if ($trace & 16) # bxxx1xxxx
if ($trace & 4) # bxxxxx1xx
#process_content is always called in $ROOT/staging/$project -- it's safe to
#do stuff in that script based on that assumption. - email from randy
# do prerelease make (while files are in staging, before files are 'released')
    #chmod 0400, "$found_makefile"; #??? don't do here, perhaps
        # Run a make in this dir, care to not kill the running process!
            if ($trace & 2); # bxxxxxx1x
            # An error (other than "no rule to make release" was detected in
            # the make sub-process
        # Unable to chdir for some reason. We're probably in bad shape if this
        # has happened...
} #end prerelease make
    next if /^\s*$/o;  # skip blank lines
    next if /^\s*\#/o; # and comments
        "$in_target" if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        # Strip leading /cgi-bin from Bin targets
        # Strip leading /servlets from Srv targets
    # Minor clean-up
    # Remove obsolete files
    # Nothing has to happen because the files are removed before the put out
    # TODO - fix OBS for bin types
            if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx
        } # no other clause, but this point means that the file didn't exist
        if ($trace & 8); # bxxxx1xxx
    # Set perms for CGI to include exec, otherwise no exec
#do release make (after files are moved from staging to htdocs, cgi-bin, etc)
        # Run a make in this dir, care to not kill the running process!
            if ($trace & 2); # bxxxxxx1x
            # An error (other than "no rule to make release" was detected in
            # the make sub-process
        # Unable to chdir for some reason. We're probably in bad shape if this
        # has happened...
#   Sub Name:       setPermissions
#   Description:    Meta-routine to set access permissions and user/group
#                   ownership on files. Uses the constants $OwnerID and
#                   $GroupID to set those, and the passed-in mode. This is
#                   wrapped by other routines defined below to set ordinary
#                   file and directory parameters.
#   Arguments:      NAME      IN/OUT  TYPE      DESCRIPTION
#                   $mode     in      scalar    Numerical mode to set
#                   @targets  in      list      File(s) to change. Currently
#                                                 is called once for each file
#                                                 but this could change.
#   Globals:        $owner
#                   $group
#                   $trace
#                   $tfile
#                   $cmd
#   Environment:    None.
#   Returns:        Success:    1
#                   Failure:    0
##############################################################################/n/n </pre>
<h2>Code:</h2> <pre>{
    my ($mode, @targets) = @_;

    my ($target, $Mode);

    for my $target (@targets)
        $Mode = $mode;
        $Mode |= 0111 if (-d $target);
        if (! chmod($Mode, $target))
            carp "setPermissions chmod failed for $target: $mode: $!\n"
                if (! $trace);
                           sprintf("$cmd [$$] chmod failed for $target: ".
                                   "0%03o: $!", $Mode))
                if ($trace & 2);
            return 0;
        if (! chown($owner, $group, $target))
            carp "setPermissions chown failed for $target: $!\n"
                if (! $trace);
            write_log_line($tfile, "$cmd [$$] chown failed for $target: $!")
                if ($trace & 2);
            return 0;

<br><hr><h1>Function: <a name="SetPermissions">SetPermissions</a></h1>
<h2>Variables:</h2> <ul><li>@_</ul>
<h2>Calls:</h2><ul><li> </ul>
 <pre>/n/n </pre>
<h2>Code:</h2> <pre>{ setPermissions(0664, @_) }</pre>
<br><hr><h1>Function: <a name="SetxPermissions">SetxPermissions</a></h1>
<h2>Variables:</h2> <ul><li>@_</ul>
<h2>Calls:</h2><ul><li> </ul>
 <pre>/n/n </pre>
<h2>Code:</h2> <pre>{ setPermissions(0775, @_) }</pre>