The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
use lib qw(../lib);
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

use AnyEvent;
use EV;
use AnyEvent::Gearman;

use AnyEvent::Gearman::Worker::RetryConnection;

my $cv = AE::cv;

my $ppid = $$;

use Data::Dumper;

    my $work = gearman_worker 'localhost:9999';
    $work = AnyEvent::Gearman::Worker::RetryConnection::patch_worker($work);

    'reverse' => sub {
        my $job = shift;
        my $res = reverse $job->workload;
        DEBUG 'recv : '.$job->workload;

if( $@){
    ERROR $@;
    kill 9,$gid;

my $t = AE::timer 13,0,sub{
        DEBUG ">>>>> SEND to child \n";
my $client = gearman_client 'localhost:9999';
    'reverse' => 'ABCDE',
    on_complete => sub {
        my $result = $_[1];
        DEBUG $result;
        # ...
    on_fail => sub {
        # job failed
        DEBUG 'faile';

my $t2 = AE::timer 18,0,sub{$cv->send;};
#undef $t;
#undef $t2;
DEBUG "DEAD $$\n";
kill 9,$gid;