Revision history for Perl CPAN module Locale::SubCountry
1.45 5 Apr 2011
Corrected FIPS codes for Repbulic or Ireland and other countries, thanks to Michele Ongaro
Added data for Montenegro as a seperate country
Added data for Serbia as a separate country
Added Hong Kong and its's district (it also appears as a sregion of China)
Corrections to documentation
Country names are now stored in title case, not all capitals, as in Fiji and not FIJI.
This was done to improve readability (orignal ISO date used upper case)
NOTE, this means that when calling the new method with a country name, you need
to specify the name in title case. It will not work if you use upper case. This
could cause some backward compatability issues from your calling code.
1.44 20 Jan 2011
Moved Locale::SubCountryData to Locale::SubCountry::Data name space
Added use struct and use warnings
Moved all global variables to the Locale::SubCountry name space
1.43 14 Jan 2011
Fixed the number of tests in main.t, should be 17, not 15
1.42 13 Jan 2011
Changed name of UK region St. Helens to Saint Helens, fix for RT bug 38599
Fixed FIPS codes for UK regions Stafforshire and Saint Helens
Removed trailing blanks, fix for RT bug 38597
Changed encodng of XML data to UTF-8, thanks to Benjamin Erhart. Fix for RT bug 38559
Moved XML data to separate package, Locale::SubCountry::Data and encoded this file as UTF-8
Added additional tests for unknown sub country codes and names
1.41 20 Apr 2008
Added FIPS codes for UK, thanks to TJMATHER for patch, RT bug #32899
1.40 12 Jan 2008
Changed regexp match on XML country field to account for both Unix and MSDOS line endings
Converted files to Unix line endings
1.39 6 Jan 2008
Alowed for sub countries with no ISO code, such as Shariff Kabunsuan in the Phillipines
Thanks to Matt Loschert for pointing this out.
1.38 26 Nov 2006
Changed sub country names in Sudan and Phillipines
Added examples/
1.37 02 Apr 2006
Removed invalid characters in data for Iran, United Arab Emirates and Oman
Removed alternate names (appended to end of main names in brackects) from many sub countries
NOTE: new method now issues warning and returns undef if invalid country code or
name parameter is passed. Previous versions died inside the new method.
1.36 11 Jul 2005
Added regions for Andorra
Added regions for Grenada
Updated distribution to current CPAN requirements
1.35 04 Jul 2005
Fixed problem with name space pollution for $VERSION variable
Added data for the following countries
Antigua and Barbuda
For Cape Verde, changed Calheta de São Miguel to São Miguel
For Venezuela, changed Distrito Federal to Distrito Capital
Added districts for Honduras
1.34 17 Apr 2004
Fixed typo in XML data for American Samoa
Added 'has_sub_countries' method to determine if a country has any sub countries
(some such a Singapore do not). Updated synopsis to show it's use.
1.33 13 Feb 2004
Fixed pattern matching in data loader to allow for accented characters
1.32 13 Feb 2004
Added 'use locale' to main.t to stop 'make test' errors
1.31 12 Feb 2004
Moved XML data back into main module.
Corrected documentation
1.30 8 Feb 2004
Completely updated data, many new countries and sub countries added
Added countries without sub countries, such as Singapore
Stored data in separate file in XML format
Added method 'category' to return the type of subcountry such as state, city etc
NOTE: this replaces the 'sub_country_type' method
Added method 'regional_division' to return the regional_division of subcountry
such as SCT (Scotland) for Edinburgh
1.23 16 Jul 2003
Added data for Finland and Singapore, thanks to Chris McKay
1.22 18 Jan 2003
Removed use of $_ in initialization code, as suggested by Ilya Martynov
Corrected country code for Iran, thanks to Todd A. Green
Removed Exporter references, as suggested by TJ Mather
Added Timor-Leste as a new country (East Timor)
Changed Canadian province of Newfoundland to Newfoundland and Labrador
1.21 9 Sep 2002
Fixed bug in test script main.t
1.20 7 Sep 2002
Added methods to new Locale::SubCountry::World package
all_full_names method replaces the stand alone all_country_names function
all_codes method replaces the stand alone all_country_codes function
The above method names duplicate existing method names (polymorphism),
so make sure you are working with the right type of object first.
These changes were necessary because of user requests for country name
and code look ups prior to sub-country lookups. Previous versions would not
work with Locale::Country because of a clash in exported names. Thanks to
Todd Green for this suggestion.
Added the FIPS 10-4 (US standard) for many sub countries
Added FIPS10_4_code method
Added ISO3166_2_code method
Added many corrections to sub country names
Thanks to TJ Mather for adding FIPS codes and fixing other data errors
Added extra tests to main.t
Prefixed internal data structure elements with a dash, to follow OO convention
1.11 23 Mar 2002
Corrected codes for Corsica, France, thanks to Mathias Herberts
1.10 04 Jan 2002
Replaced INIT block with annonymous subroutine. This removed problems
that occurred when mod_perl or eval statements were used.
1.09 25 Jul 2001
Added code for US, West Virginia (WV), thanks to Michelle Agnew
1.08 16 Mar 2001
Made many corrections to country data to align it with ISO:3166-2 standard
Defined sub country types for all countries
Added information for Israel and Albania
Removed some MS-DOS line terminators that were generating warnings
Added two more tests to main.t
1.07 12 Mar 2001
Corrected errors in German sub countries thanks to Lars Steubesand
Corrected errors in data for Austria, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Germany and
Columbia. Thanks to Philip Newton.
1.06 20 Feb 2001
Allowed countries to be specified by either full name or two letter code
Made country names compatible with ISO 3166-1 standard
Added country_code method to retrieve ISO code for current object
Added all_country_codes method to retrieve ISO codes for all countries
Corrected abbreviation for Canadian province of Nunavut
Thanks to Trevor Schellhorn for these suggestions
Corrected two Belgium sub countries. Thanks to Wim Verhaegen
1.05 15 Oct 2000
sub_country_type method returns 'unknown' when no data defined
Fixed bug in mismatch count in main.t test module
1.04 04 Oct 2000
Added all remaining countries, thanks to Alastair McKinstry
Included sub country type (state, county etc) in lookup data
Added country and sub_country_type methods
Accounted for sub country codes of 0
1.03 20 Aug 2000
Added many more countries, thanks to Alastair McKinstry
Now account for any incorrect capitalization of sub country names
_clean subroutine only removes dots and spaces, dashes are now allowed
Added subroutine to return array of countries that have lookup data
Added test in main.t to convert all codes to names and back again
Allowed for leading or trailing white space in __DATA__ entries
1.02 14 May 2000
Added Canadian province of Nunavut, thanks to Steve Taylor
1.01 25 Apr 2000
To follow the approach of ISO 3166-2
renamed module from RegionAbbrev to SubCountry
replaced all references to 'abbreviation' with 'code'
Improved regexes in _clean, thanks to Mark Summerfield
Replaced regexp with hash lookup for valid countries
Accepted all forms of upper/lower case in country name
1.00 8 Apr 2000
First Release