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# IUP::ProgressBar example

use strict;
use warnings;

use IUP ':all';

my $increment = 0.01;

my $pixmap_play = [

my $pixmap_restart = [

my $pixmap_rewind = [

my $pixmap_forward = [

my $pixmap_pause = [

# some elements needs to be declared before callback that make use of them

my $img_restart = IUP::Image->new( pixels=>$pixmap_restart, 1=>"0 0 0", 2=>"BGCOLOR" );
my $img_play    = IUP::Image->new( pixels=>$pixmap_play, 1=>"0 0 0", 2=>"BGCOLOR" );
my $img_forward = IUP::Image->new( pixels=>$pixmap_forward, 1=>"0 0 0", 2=>"BGCOLOR" );
my $img_rewind  = IUP::Image->new( pixels=>$pixmap_rewind, 1=>"0 0 0", 2=>"BGCOLOR" );
my $img_pause   = IUP::Image->new( pixels=>$pixmap_pause, 1=>"0 0 0", 2=>"BGCOLOR" );

my $timer = IUP::Timer->new( ACTION_CB=>\&time_cb, TIME=>100 );

my $progressbar1 = IUP::ProgressBar->new( EXPAND=>"YES", DASHED=>"NO", MARQUEE=>"YES" ); #xxxFIXME MARQUEE not working
my $progressbar2 = IUP::ProgressBar->new( ORIENTATION=>"VERTICAL", 
                                          BGCOLOR=>"255 0 128", 
					  FGCOLOR=>"0 128 0", 
					  VALUE=>25 );
my $btn_restart    = IUP::Button->new( IMAGE=>$img_restart, ACTION=>\&btn_restart_cb );
my $btn_pause      = IUP::Button->new( IMAGE=>$img_pause, TIP=>"Play/Pause", TIP=>"Restart", ACTION=>\&btn_pause_cb );
my $btn_accelerate = IUP::Button->new( IMAGE=>$img_forward, TIP=>"Accelerate", ACTION=>\&btn_accelerate_cb );
my $btn_decelerate = IUP::Button->new( IMAGE=>$img_rewind, TIP=>"Decelerate", ACTION=>\&btn_decelerate_cb );
my $btn_show1      = IUP::Button->new( TITLE=>"Dashed", TIP=>"Dashed or Continuous", ACTION=>\&btn_show1_cb );
my $btn_show2      = IUP::Button->new( TITLE=>"Marquee", TIP=>"Marquee or Defined", ACTION=>\&btn_show2_cb );

sub time_cb {
  my $value;

  $value = $progressbar1->VALUE;
  $value += $increment;
  $value = 0 if $value > 1; # start over

  $value = $progressbar2->VALUE;
  $value += $increment*50;
  $value = 0 if $value > 50; # start over

  return IUP_DEFAULT;

sub btn_pause_cb {
  if (uc($timer->RUN) ne "YES") {
  else {
  return IUP_DEFAULT;

sub btn_restart_cb {
  return IUP_DEFAULT;

sub btn_accelerate_cb {
  $increment *= 2;
  return IUP_DEFAULT;

sub btn_decelerate_cb {
  $increment /= 2;
  return IUP_DEFAULT;

sub btn_show1_cb {
  warn "DASHED=", $progressbar1->DASHED, "\n"; #NOTE: DASHED is creation only in Windows (so no effect)
  if (uc($progressbar1->DASHED) ne "YES") {
  else {
  return IUP_DEFAULT;

sub btn_show2_cb {
  warn "MARQUEE=", $progressbar1->MARQUEE || '<undef>', "\n"; #xxxFIXME returns undef
  if (uc($progressbar1->MARQUEE) ne "YES") {
  else {
  return IUP_DEFAULT;

my $hbox = IUP::Hbox->new( child=>[
			     IUP::Fill->new()] );

my $vbox = IUP::Hbox->new( child=>[ IUP::Vbox->new([$progressbar1, $hbox]), $progressbar2 ],
                           MARGIN=>"10x10", GAP=>5 );

my $dlg = IUP::Dialog->new( child=>$vbox, TITLE=>"IUP::ProgressBar Test");

