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Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013 Kevin Ryde
This file is part of Math-NumSeq.
Math-NumSeq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
Math-NumSeq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with Math-NumSeq. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Version 64, September 2013
- new HafermanCarpet
Version 63, August 2013
- OEIS new ith() on files
- LuckyNumbers speedup per Dana Jacobsen RT#83581 but by a
progressive algorithm rather than a sieve for now
- FibonacciWord,ProthNumbers fixes for seek_to_i()
- ErdosSelfridgeClass,ReReplace,Runs remove bad undocumented seek_to_i()
- Fibbinary new value_to_i_ceil(), value_to_i(), seek_to_value()
Version 62, August 2013
- PREREQ_PM of Module::Pluggable, as reported by Dana Jacobsen RT#87529
Version 61, May 2013
- BalancedBinary fix value_to_i_estimate() on oldish Math::BigInt
Version 60, May 2013
- UndulatingNumbers value_to_i_floor() fixes for Math::BigInt
- LucasNumbers new seek_to_i();
value_to_i_estimate() fix return to be integer on BigInt value
Version 59, March 2013
- new value_to_i()
- BalancedBinary fix value_to_i_ceil() on non-integer
- docs typo tell_i() doesn't take any parameters
Version 58, March 2013
- Totient etc use prime_factors() rather than sieve, since the
sieve is no faster and uses a lot of memory. As reported by
Dana Jacobsen RT#83578.
Version 57, March 2013
- Fibbinary new seek_to_i()
- FibbinaryBitCount new option digit=>"0","00"
Version 56, February 2013
- DigitSumModulo fixes for values_max() and oeis_anum() if modulus!=radix
Version 55, October 2012
- tests Fibbinary don't assume sprintf NV is exact
Version 54, October 2012
- new AlgebraicContinued, PisanoPeriod, PisanoPeriodSteps
Version 53, October 2012
- new Catalan, BalancedBinary
- document Math::NumSeq::Base::IterateIth, Math::NumSeq::Base::IteratePred
Version 52, September 2012
- LiouvilleFunction new parameter values_type=>"0,1" and "1,0"
Version 51, September 2012
- GolayRudinShapiro new parameter values_type=>"0,1"
Version 50, August 2012
- new RadixConversion
Version 49, August 2012
- Runs new runs_type="0to2N"
- document Math::NumSeq::OEIS::Catalogue::Plugin info_arrayref()
Version 48, July 2012
- fix Fibonacci seek_to_i()
Version 47, June 2012
- new DuffinianNumbers
- SophieGermainPrimes faster noticed by Dana Jacobsen
Version 46, June 2012
- oops, DivisorCountLow missing digit parameter info
Version 45, June 2012
- new PowerFlip
Version 44, June 2012
- tests Fibbinary diagnostics
Version 43, June 2012
- GolombSequence squares,primes missing from parameter_info_array
(but otherwise working)
Version 42, June 2012
- new AllPrimeFactors, DigitProductSteps, MaxDigitCount
Version 41, May 2012
- Repdigits new value_to_i_ceil(),value_to_i_floor(),value_to_i_estimate()
- fix Repdigits next() for radix=2
Version 40, May 2012
- new SpiroFibonacci
- tests fix for Fibonacci
Version 39, May 2012
- new PrimeIndexOrder, PrimeIndexPrimes
Version 38, April 2012
- new ErdosSelfridgeClass, GolayRudinShapiro,
GolayRudinShapiroCumulative, LuckyNumbers, MoranNumbers,
- new tell_i(), possible seek_to_i(), seek_to_value(), value_to_i_ceil()
- OEIS fix next() $i from .html and .internal files
- ReRound fix value_to_i_estimate() for large extra_multiples
- FractionDigits new ith()
- Totient new pred()
- GoldbachCount new option on_values=>"even"
- LemoineCount new option on_values=>"odd"
- ReReplace new option stage=>123
- OEIS allow leading whitespace in b-files
- Fibonacci, LucasNumbers ith() by powering
- Pell, ProthNumbers, Tribonacci next() give BigInt when necessary
- Tetrahedral, Fibbinary, Factorials, Primorials,
DigitLengthCumulative, WoodallNumbers new value_to_i_floor(),
- ConcatNumbers new value_to_i_estimate()
- Runs new runs_type=>"1toFib","1to2N+1"
Version 37, March 2012
- new DeletablePrimes
- new characteristic("value_is_radix")
- GolombSequence new using_values=>all,odd,even,3k,squares,primes
Version 36, March 2012
- new ConcatNumbers, DedekindPsiCumulative, DedekindPsiSteps
- FibonacciWord new fibonacci_word_type=>"dense"
- Totient, TotientPerfect, TotientSteps, TotientStepsSum use prime
factorization for bigger range in ith() and pred()
Version 35, February 2012
- OEIS read a-file or b-file progressively, not all into array
- TwinPrimes new value_to_i_estimate()
Version 34, February 2012
- new HofstadterFigure, Runs, UndulatingNumbers
Version 33, February 2012
- new GoldbachCount, LemoineCount, ReReplace
- OEIS description() utf-8 and more entities from downloaded files
Version 32, February 2012
- PrimeFactorCount new prime_type options twin,SG,safe
Version 31, January 2012
- tests fix for DBL_MAX constant in Perl 5.8
Version 30, January 2012
- ReverseAdd fixes for past Math::BigInt
Version 29, January 2012
- new ReRound, PythagoreanHypots, UlamSequence
- new value_to_i_floor(), value_to_i_estimate() in some classes
- CullenNumbers, WoodallNumbers, ReverseAdd next() give BigInt
when necessary
- ReverseAdd new pred()
- LucasNumbers next() fix for BigInt
- PrimeFactorCount new prime_type all,odd,4k+1,4k+3
Version 28, January 2012
- new PowerPart
Version 27, January 2012
- RepdigitRadix faster ith()
Version 26, January 2012
- new Powerful
Version 25, December 2011
- new PolignacObstinate
- Squares, Pronic, Triangular, Polygonal fixes for pred() on Math::BigInt
Version 24, December 2011
- new Abundant, SqrtContinuedPeriod
Version 23, December 2011
- new AllDigits, Perrin
- new characteristic("integer")
Version 22, December 2011
- new characteristic() smaller, increasing, non_decreasing,
increasing_from_i, non_decreasing_from_i
Version 21, December 2011
- LucasNumbers,TotientCumulative fixes for ith()
- DigitLength fix values_max()
- FractionDigits automatic BigInt where necessary
Version 20, December 2011
- new TotientStepSum
- Expression workaround for Safe.pm vs regexp named captures
- SqrtDigits allow for older BigInt without as_oct()
Version 19, November 2011
- RepdigitRadix fix next() i=0,1,2 returns
Version 18, November 2011
- new RepdigitRadix, FibbinaryBitCount
Version 17, November 2011
- new HappySteps
Version 16, November 2011
- document $seq->characteristic("count")
- new DigitCountLow, DigitCountHigh, RepdigitSome, SqrtEngel
- DigitCount document digit=-1 means radix-1
Version 15, November 2011
- new FibonacciWord
- Fibbinary better next()
Version 14, October 2011
- new AlmostPrimes, MephistoWaltz
- Primorials new ith()
Version 13, October 2011
- new GolombSequence, Kolakoski, JugglerSteps, LiouvilleFunction,
Totient, TotientCumulative, TotientSum, TotientPerfect
- DigitCount fix values_max()
- OEIS-File allow for CRLF line endings in b000000.txt files
Version 12, October 2011
- new AsciiSelf, DivisorCount
Version 11, October 2011
- new KlarnerRado
Version 10, October 2011
- new BaumSweet, Pell
Version 9, October 2011
- CollatzSteps use Math::BigInt if necessary
Version 8, October 2011
- new Fibbinary, NumAronson, ReverseAdd, Tribonacci
- Polygonal new pairs=>"average" parameter
Version 7, October 2011
- RadixWithoutDigit pred() fix for digit=-1
- various better inf/nan handling
- Tetrahedral new pred() which was in the pod but not implemented
- DigitSum new power parameter
- new All, HappyNumbers
Version 6, September 2011
- new Expression, MobiusFunction, PrimeFactorCount
- Polygonal, RadixWithoutDigit, TwinPrimes fix for rewind()
Version 5, September 2011
- new DigitSumModulo
Version 4, September 2011
- new Primes, TwinPrimes, SophieGermainPrimes, Emirps, DigitCount,
- document parameter_info_array() and parameter_info_list()
Version 3, August 2011
- tests skip bigint bsqrt() not in perl 5.6.0
Version 2, August 2011
- new DigitSum, DigitProduct
Version 1, August 2011
- the first version, including
Squares, Pronic, Triangular, Polygonal,
Cubes, Tetrahedral, StarNumbers,
Odd, Even,
FractionDigits, SqrtDigits,
Fibonacci, LucasNumbers, Factorials, Primorials,
Repdigits, Palindromes, Beastly, CollatzSteps, File,
DigitLength, DigitLengthCumulative, RadixWithoutDigit,
ProthNumbers, CullenNumbers, WoodallNumbers,
OEIS, OEIS::Catalogue