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synopsis: |
    my $wordcount = str_word_count( $string );
    my @words     = str_word_count( $string, 1 );
    my %positions = str_word_count( $string, 2 );
docs: |
    With a single argument, returns the number of words in that string.
    Equivalent to:
        my $wordcount = () = $string =~ m/(\S+)/g;

    With 2 arguments, where the second is the value C<0>,
    returns the same as with no second argument.

    With 2 arguments, where the second is the value C<1>, returns
    each of those words.
    Equivalent to:
        my @words = $string =~ m/(\S+)/g;

    With 2 arguments, where the second is the value C<2>,
    returns a hash where the values are the words, and the
    keys are their position in the string (offsets are 0

    If words are duplicated, then they are duplicated.
    The definition of a word is anything that isn't a space.
    When I say I<equivalent> above, I mean that's the exact
    code this function uses.

    This function should really be three different
    functions, but as PHP already has over 3000, I
    can only assume they wanted to restrain themselves.
    Implementation wise, it is three different functions.
    I just keep them in an array and dispatch appropriately.

code: |

    my @str_word_count = (

        sub { 
            my $count = () = $_[0] =~ m/(\S+)/g;
            return $count;

        sub {
            my @words = $_[0] =~ m/(\S+)/g;
            return @words;

        sub {
            my %words;
            while ( $_[0] =~ m/(\S+)/g )
                $words{ $-[1] } = $1;
            return %words;

    sub str_word_count
        my ( $string, $format ) = validate_pos( @_,
                %{+NUMBER_RANGE( 0, $#str_word_count )},
                default => 0,

        return $str_word_count[$format]->( $string );