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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use Test::More;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);

plan tests => 8;

use_ok 'Path::Class';

my $cwd = getcwd;
my $tmp = dir(tempdir(CLEANUP => 1));

# Test recursive iteration through the following structure:
#     a
#    / \
#   b   c
#  / \   \
# d   e   f
#    / \   \
#   g   h   i
(my $abe = $tmp->subdir(qw(a b e)))->mkpath;
(my $acf = $tmp->subdir(qw(a c f)))->mkpath;
$tmp->file(qw(a b d))->touch;

my $a = $tmp->subdir('a');

# Warmup without pruning
    my %visited;
        callback => sub{
            my $item = shift;
            my $rel_item = $item->relative($tmp);
            $visited{$rel_item} = 1;

    is_deeply(\%visited, {
        "a" => 1, "a/b" => 1, "a/c" => 1,
        "a/b/d" => 1, "a/b/e" => 1, "a/b/e/g" => 1, "a/b/e/h" => 1,
        "a/c/f" => 1, "a/c/f/i" => 1, });

# Prune constant
ok( $a->PRUNE );

# Prune no 1
    my %visited;
        callback => sub{
            my $item = shift;
            my $rel_item = $item->relative($tmp);
            $visited{$rel_item} = 1;
            return $item->PRUNE if $rel_item eq 'a/b';

    is_deeply(\%visited, {
        "a" => 1, "a/b" => 1, "a/c" => 1,
        "a/c/f" => 1, "a/c/f/i" => 1, });

# Prune constant alternative way
ok( Path::Class::Entity::PRUNE() );
is( $a->PRUNE, Path::Class::Entity::PRUNE() );

# Prune no 2
    my %visited;
        callback => sub{
            my $item = shift;
            my $rel_item = $item->relative($tmp);
            $visited{$rel_item} = 1;
            return Path::Class::Entity::PRUNE() if $rel_item eq 'a/c';

    is_deeply(\%visited, {
        "a" => 1, "a/b" => 1, "a/c" => 1,
        "a/b/d" => 1, "a/b/e" => 1, "a/b/e/g" => 1, "a/b/e/h" => 1,

#diag("PRUNE constant value: " . $a->PRUNE);