#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Pod::Usage;
use PBS::Client;

# Usage:
# run [command [arguments]]
# run [-h | -m | -v | -l | -e]
# Example:
# - Submit a.out to PBS
#     run a.out

# -h option; print help
# -m option: print manual
pod2usage() if (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq '-h');
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq '-m');

# -v option: print version number
if (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq '-v')
	print "$VERSION\n";

# -l option: list config
if (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq '-l')
	my $cfgFile = "$ENV{HOME}/.runrc";
	die "No config file is found.\n" if (!-e $cfgFile);
	die "Config file is empty.\n" if (-z $cfgFile);
	system("cat $cfgFile");

# -e option: edit config
if (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq '-e')

# Get jobs from stdin
my $JOB = join(" ", @ARGV);
while (!$JOB)
	print "What to do?\n";
	$JOB = <STDIN>;
	chomp $JOB;

# Read config and submit jobs
my ($server, $cfg) = readCfg("$ENV{HOME}/.runrc");
my $pbs = PBS::Client->new;
$pbs->server($server) if ($server ne '');
my $job = PBS::Client::Job->new(
	cmd    => $JOB,
my $command = (split(/\s+/, $JOB))[0];
$command =~ s/.+\///;
$job->script("$command.sh") if (!defined $$cfg{script});
$job->name("$command.sh") if (!defined $$cfg{name});

########################## SUBROUTINES ##########################

# Config file editor
sub editCfg
	my ($cfgFile) = @_;
	my $editor = $ENV{EDITOR};
	$editor = $ENV{VISUAL} if (!$editor);
	$editor = `which $editor 2> /dev/null`;
	$editor = 'vi' if (!$editor);

	system("$editor $cfgFile");

# Config file reader
sub readCfg
	my ($cfgFile) = @_;
	my $server = '';
	my %cfg;
	open(CFG, "$cfgFile") || die "Please use \"run -e\" to config first.\n";
	while(chomp($_ = <CFG>))
		# ignore empty lines, comments and section headers
		next if (/(^\s*$|^\s*#|^\s*\[.*\]\s*$)/);

		my @a = split(/\s*=\s*/);
		my $val = $a[1];

		# Eval unless the value is a string beginning with a digit
		$val = eval($a[1]) if ($a[1] !~ /^\d/ ||
			$a[1] =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/);

		if ($a[0] eq "server")
			$server = $a[1];
			$cfg{$a[0]} = ($@)? ($a[1]) : ($val);
	return($server, \%cfg);


=head1 NAME

run - Script to submit job to PBS (Portable Batch System) as easy as possible


  run "command line"
  run [-h | -m | -v | -l | -e]
    -h  help
    -m  print the manual
    -v  print the version number
    -l  list the current config
    -e  edit the config


C<run> is a small script applying C<PBS::Client>. It aims at making job
submission to PBS quick and easy. It reads queueing options from the config
file F<.runrc> in the home directory, generate job script and then submit to

Current config can be listed by the C<-l> option. The C<-e> option is used to
create or edit the config, using the editor specified by the EDITOR or VISUAL
environment variables.

To submit a command (say C<./a.out>), simply add C<run> before it, e.g. C<run
./a.out>. Arguments (say C<arg>) of C<a.out> can also be added behind, e.g.
C<run ./a.out arg>.

After submission, a job script will be generated. The default name is the
command appended by ".sh". After the job is finished, two more files -- output
and error file will be generated. They have names "[job name].o[job ID]" and
"[job name].e[job ID]" respectively.


Queueing options are declaring in F<.runrc> in the home directory. It has
C<.ini>-style format, i.e.

    Parameter_1 = Value_1
    Parameter_2 = Value_2

Spaces beside C<=> are optional. Also, lines beginning with "#" and blank lines
are ignored. For example:

    # This is a sample config file for the "run" utility
	server = server01
    queue  = queue01
    name   = sample
    nodes  = ['node01', 'node02']
    ppn    = 2
    cput   = 01:00:00
    mem    = 600mb

To list the current configuration, use the C<-l> option. To create or edit the
config file, use the C<-e> option. The default editor is C<vi>. To use other
editor, please modify the environment variable C<EDITOR> or C<VISUAL>.

For a sample config file, please see F<bin/runrc> in the module directory.



=item (1) Execute C<./a.out>

    run "./a.out"

=item (2) Execute C<./a.out -a arg1 -b arg2 arg3>

    run "./a.out -a arg1 -b arg2 arg3"

=item (3) Execute C<< ./a.out > /tmp/a.dat >>

    run "./a.out > /tmp/a.dat"




=head1 BUGS

Not known yet. Please email to kwmak@cpan.org for bug report or suggestions.

=head1 AUTHOR(S)

Ka-Wai Mak <kwmak@cpan.org>


Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Ka-Wai Mak. All rights reserved.

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
