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use strict;
use lib './lib';
use base 'LEOCHARRE::CLI';
use LEOCHARRE::Dev ':all';
use vars qw/$VERSION/;
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.15 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;

my $o = gopts('brda:p');

if ($o->{b}){
	print <DATA>;

if ($o->{d}){
   $LEOCHARRE::Dev::DEBUG = 1;

my $out = join( '', <DATA>);

# analize 
my $abs_d = is_pmdist( $ARGV[0] ) or die;

if( my $val = pmdist_guess_name($abs_d) ){
	$out=~s/NAME \=\> ''/NAME => '$val'/;



my $author = $o->{a} ? "AUTHOR => '$$o{a}'," : '';
$out=~s/AUTHOR \=\> '',/$author/;

if( my $val = pmdist_guess_version_from($abs_d)  ){
   debug("Asked where to get ver from $abs_d");
	$out=~s/VERSION_FROM \=\> ''/VERSION_FROM => '$val'/;
} else {
   my $_code = q|VERSION => ( sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.15 $ =~ /(\d+)/g )|;

   $out=~s/VERSION_FROM \=\> ''/$_code/;

if( my @exe = grep { /^bin\// } grep { ! /\.[ch]$|\.pod$/ } ls_pmdist($abs_d) ){
	local $"="\n\t\t" if (scalar @exe > 3);
	my $q = "[qw(@exe)]";

	$out=~s/EXE_FILES \=\> \[\]/EXE_FILES => $q/;

my $ropt ='';
if ($o->{r}){ $ropt = ' -r '; }

if ( my $prereq = `pmused $ropt -M '$abs_d'` ){

	$out=~s/   PREREQ_PM \=\> \{\},/$prereq/;
	debug('got pmused');

if ($o->{p}){
	$out = q{$^O=~/win32|mswin/i and die("OS not supported.\n");}. "\n$out";

print $out;

sub usage {

	qq{Usage: $0 [OPTION]... PATH...
Analize distro and print Makefile.PL to stdout.

	-b 			print blank Makefile.Pl to stdout 
	-r 			trim things like v1.0.0 to 1, 0.235 to 0, 12.35 to 12
	-h 			help
	-v 			version and exit
	-d				debug
	-a string	author
	-p				force posix, makefile does not send fail reports from windows os


Path to dist dir.
The distro dir must contain a Makefile.PL, you can touch a blank one if you want.


   $0 ./dev/My-Distro
   $0 ./dev/My-Distro > ./dev/My-Distro/Makefile.PL

LEOCHARRE::Dev - parent package


use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

   NAME => '',
   VERSION_FROM => '',
   PREREQ_PM => {},
   LICENSE => 'perl',
   AUTHOR => '',
   EXE_FILES => [],