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%perlcode %{
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use Math::GSL::Errno qw/:all/;
use Math::GSL::BLAS qw/gsl_blas_ddot/;
use Math::GSL::Complex qw/:all/;
use Math::GSL::Test qw/is_status_ok/;
use Math::Complex;
use overload
    '*'      => \&_multiplication,
    '+'      => \&_addition,
    '-'      => \&_subtract,
    fallback => 1,

@EXPORT_all  = qw/
                 gsl_vector_complex_alloc gsl_vector_complex_calloc gsl_vector_complex_alloc_from_block gsl_vector_complex_alloc_from_vector
                 gsl_vector_complex_free gsl_vector_complex_view_array gsl_vector_complex_view_array_with_stride gsl_vector_complex_const_view_array
                 gsl_vector_complex_const_view_array_with_stride gsl_vector_complex_subvector gsl_vector_complex_subvector_with_stride
                 gsl_vector_complex_const_subvector gsl_vector_complex_const_subvector_with_stride gsl_vector_complex_real gsl_vector_complex_imag
                 gsl_vector_complex_const_real gsl_vector_complex_const_imag gsl_vector_complex_get gsl_vector_complex_set
                 gsl_vector_complex_ptr gsl_vector_complex_const_ptr gsl_vector_complex_set_zero gsl_vector_complex_set_all
                 gsl_vector_complex_set_basis gsl_vector_complex_fread gsl_vector_complex_fwrite gsl_vector_complex_fscanf
                 gsl_vector_complex_fprintf gsl_vector_complex_memcpy gsl_vector_complex_reverse gsl_vector_complex_swap
                 gsl_vector_complex_swap_elements gsl_vector_complex_isnull gsl_vector_complex_ispos gsl_vector_complex_isneg
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_all );

=head1 NAME

Math::GSL::VectorComplex - Complex Vectors


    use Math::GSL::VectorComplex qw/:all/;
    my $vec1 = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([1 + 2*i, 7*i, 5, -3 ]);
    my $vec2 = $vec1 * 5;
    my $vec3 = Math::GSL::Vector>new(10);   # 10 element zero vector 
    my $vec4 = $vec1 + $vec2;

    # set the element at index 1 to -i
    # and the element at index 3 to i
    $vec3->set([ 1, -i ], [ 9, i ]);

    my @vec = $vec2->as_list;               # return elements as Perl list

    my $dot_product = $vec1 * $vec2;
    my $length      = $vec2->length;
    my $first       = $vec1->get(0);


=head1 Objected Oriented Interface to GSL Math::GSL::VectorComplex

=head2 new()

Creates a new Vector of the given size.

    my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new(3);

You can also create and set directly the values of the vector like this :

   my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([2,4,1]);


sub new {
    my ($class, $values) = @_;
    my $length  = $#$values;
    my $this = {};
    my $vector;

    # we expect $values to have Math::Complex objects
    @$values = map { gsl_complex_rect(Re($_), Im($_)) } @$values;

    if ( ref $values eq 'ARRAY' ){
        die __PACKAGE__.'::new($x) - $x must be a nonempty array reference' if $length == -1;
        $vector  = gsl_vector_complex_alloc($length+1);
        map { gsl_vector_complex_set($vector, $_, $values->[$_] ) }  (0 .. $length);
        $this->{_length} = $length+1;
    } elsif ( (int($values) == $values) && ($values > 0)) {
        $vector  = gsl_vector_complex_alloc($values);
        $this->{_length} = $values;
    } else {
        die __PACKAGE__.'::new($x) - $x must be an int or array reference';
    $this->{_vector} = $vector;
    bless $this, $class;

=head2 raw()

Get the underlying GSL vector object created by SWIG, useful for using gsl_vector_* functions which do not have an OO counterpart.

    my $vector    = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new(3);
    my $gsl_vector = $vector->raw;
    my $stuff      = gsl_vector_get($gsl_vector, 1);


sub raw { 
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{_vector};

=head2 min()

Returns the minimum value contained in the vector.

   my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([2,4,1]);
   my $minimum = $vector->min;


sub min {
    my $self=shift;
    return gsl_vector_min($self->raw);

=head2 max()

Returns the minimum value contained in the vector.

   my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([2,4,1]);
   my $maximum = $vector->max;


sub max {
    my $self=shift;
    return gsl_vector_max($self->raw);

=head2 length()

Returns the number of elements contained in the vector.

   my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([2,4,1]);
   my $length = $vector->length;


sub length { my $self=shift; $self->{_length} }

=head2  as_list() 

Gets the content of a Math::GSL::Vector object as a Perl list.

    my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new(3);
    my @values = $vector->as_list;

sub as_list {
    my $self=shift;
    # this is wrong
    return map { cplxe( gsl_complex_abs($_), gsl_complex_arg($_) ) } $self->get( [ 0 .. $self->length - 1  ] );

=head2  get()

Gets the value of an of a Math::GSL::Vector object.

    my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new(3);
    my @values = $vector->get(2);

You can also enter an array of indices to receive their corresponding values:

    my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new(3);
    my @values = $vector->get([0,2]);


sub get {
    my ($self, $indices) = @_;
    return  map {  gsl_vector_complex_get($self->raw, $_ ) } @$indices ;

=head2 reverse()

Returns the a vector with the elements in reversed order.

    use Math::Complex;
    my $v1 = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([ 1, 2, 3*i]);
    my $v2 = $v1->reverse;


sub reverse {
    my $self = shift;
    my $copy = $self->copy();
    unless ( is_status_ok( gsl_vector_complex_reverse( $copy->raw )) ) {
        die( __PACKAGE__.": error reversing vector " . gsl_strerror($status) );
    return $copy;

=head2  set() 

Sets values of an of a Math::GSL::Vector object.

    my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new(3);
    $vector->set([1,2], [8,23]);

This sets the second and third value to 8 and 23.


sub set {
    my ($self, $indices, $values) = @_;
    die (__PACKAGE__.'::set($indices, $values) - $indices and $values must be array references of the same length')
        unless ( ref $indices eq 'ARRAY' && ref $values eq 'ARRAY' &&  $#$indices == $#$values );
    eval {
        map {  gsl_vector_complex_set($self->{_vector}, $indices->[$_], $values->[$_] ) } (0..$#$indices);
    # better error handling?
    warn $@ if $@;

=head2 copy()

Returns a copy of the vector, which has the same length and values but resides at a different location in memory.

    my $vector = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([10 .. 20]);
    my $copy   = $vector->copy;


sub copy {
    my $self = shift;
    my $copy = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new( $self->length );
    my $status = gsl_vector_complex_memcpy($copy->raw, $self->raw);
    if ( $status != $GSL_SUCCESS ) {
        croak "Math::GSL - error copying memory, aborting. $! status=$status";
    return $copy;

=head2 swap()

Exchanges the values in the vectors $v with $w by copying.

    my $v = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([1..5]);
    my $w = Math::GSL::VectorComplex->new([3..7]);
    $v->swap( $w );


sub swap() {
    my ($self,$other) = @_;
    croak "Math::GSL::VectorComplex : \$v->swap(\$w) - \$w must be a Math::GSL::VectorComplex"
        unless ref $other eq 'Math::GSL::VectorComplex';
    gsl_vector_complex_swap( $self->raw, $other->raw );
    return $self;

sub _multiplication {
    my ($left,$right) = @_;
    my $lcopy = $left->copy;

    if ( blessed $right && $right->isa(__PACKAGE__) ) {
        return $lcopy->dot_product($right);
    } else {
        # will be in upcoming gsl 1.12
        # gsl_vector_complex_scale($lcopy->raw, $right);
    return $lcopy;

sub _subtract {
    my ($left, $right, $flip) = @_;

    if ($flip) {
        my $lcopy = $left->copy;
        # will be in upcoming gsl 1.12
        # gsl_vector_complex_scale($lcopy->raw, -1 );
        gsl_vector_add_constant($lcopy->raw, $right);
        return $lcopy;
    } else {
        return _addition($left, -1.0*$right);

sub _addition {
    my ($left, $right, $flip) = @_;
    my $lcopy = $left->copy;

    if ( blessed $right && $right->isa('Math::GSL::Vector') && blessed $left && $left->isa('Math::GSL::Vector') ) {
        if ( $left->length == $right->length ) {
            gsl_vector_complex_add($lcopy->raw, $right->raw);
        } else {
            croak "Math::GSL - addition of vectors must be called with two objects vectors and must have the same length";
    } else {
        gsl_vector_complex_add_constant($lcopy->raw, $right);
    return $lcopy;

sub dot_product_pp {
    my ($left,$right) = @_;
    my $sum=0;
    if ( blessed $right && $right->isa('Math::GSL::Vector') && $left->length == $right->length ) {
         my @l = $left->as_list;
         my @r = $right->as_list;
         map { $sum += $l[$_] * $r[$_] } (0..$#l);
        return $sum;
    } else {
        croak "dot_product() must be called with two vectors";

sub dot_product {
    my ($left,$right) = @_;

    my ($status, $product) = gsl_blas_ddot($left->raw,$right->raw);
    croak sprintf "Math::GSL::dot_product - %s", gsl_strerror($status) if ($status != $GSL_SUCCESS);
    return $product;

=head1 AUTHORS

Jonathan Leto <> and Thierry Moisan <>


Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Jonathan Leto and Thierry Moisan

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

