use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 3;

use MediaWiki::Bot;
my $t = __FILE__;

my $bot = MediaWiki::Bot->new({
    agent   => "MediaWiki::Bot tests ($t)",
    host    => '',

if(defined($ENV{'PWPMakeTestSetWikiHost'})) {
    $bot->set_wiki($ENV{'PWPMakeTestSetWikiHost'}, $ENV{'PWPMakeTestSetWikiDir'});

my $logged_in = $bot->login({username => 'Perlwikibot testing', password => 'test'});

    skip q{Couldn't log in}, 3 unless $logged_in;
    my $result = $bot->purge_page('Main Page');
    is($result, 1, 'Purge a single page');

    $result = $bot->purge_page('tsixe reven lliw');
    is($result, 0, 'Fail to purge a non-existent page');

    my @purges = ('Main Page', 'Main Page', 'tsixe reven lliw', 'User:Mike.lifeguard');
    $result = $bot->purge_page(\@purges);
    is($result, 2, 'Purge some of an array of pages');