
# rad-bulk: A tool for bulk testing of Radius AAA servers
# © 2009 Luis E. Muñoz <luismunoz@cpan.org>
# $Id: rad-bulk 116 2009-10-24 15:49:59Z lem $

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = do { sprintf "%0.3f", 1+(q$Revision: 116 $ =~ /\d+/g)[0]/1000};

use Pod::Usage;
use IO::Select;
use Time::HiRes;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Stopwatch;
use IO::Async::Loop;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Net::Radius::Packet;
use Net::Radius::Dictionary;
use Statistics::Descriptive;
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;

my %opt;
GetOptions(\%opt, qw/

pod2usage(verbose => 2, exitval => 0) 
    if $opt{help};

$opt{authport} ||= 1812;
$opt{acctport} ||= 1813;
$opt{children} ||= 1;
$opt{$_} ||= 3 for qw/timeout/;

pod2usage(verbose => 1, exitval => 1,
	  message => 'One or more mandatory options are missing')
    unless $opt{secret} and $opt{server} and $opt{dictionary} and 

$|++;				# Send normal messages quickly...

my $d = new Net::Radius::Dictionary;

foreach (@{$opt{dictionary}})
    die "Dictionary $_ unreadable: ", ($!||'Check permissions'), "\n" 
	unless -r $_;

# Read in the packets files

my @packets     = ();
my $curr_packet = '';

while (<>)
    my $eop = m/^\s*$/ || eof;

    unless ($eop)
	$curr_packet .= $_ . "\n";

    # Strip all comments from the input
    while($curr_packet =~ s!(?mx) ^ \s* \# .* $ !!){};
    $curr_packet =~ s/^\s*[\r\n]+//;

    push @packets, $curr_packet if $curr_packet;
    $curr_packet = '';
continue { close ARGV if eof; }

my $pcount = scalar(@packets); 	# How many packet definitions are there...

$opt{count} //= $pcount;
printf("Read %d packets. Translating to pseudo-packets...\n", $pcount);
printf("Will process $pcount packets\n");

for my $i (0 .. $#packets)
    my $packet = $packets[$i];
    my $p = new Net::Radius::Packet $d;

    if ($packet =~ s/(?x) ^ [\r\n\s]* Accounting [\r\n]+ //)
    elsif ($packet =~ s/(?x) ^ [\r\n\s]* Authentication [\r\n]+ //)
	die "Found unknown packet spec:\n$packet\n";

    for my $s (split(m/[\r\n]+/, $packet))
	my ($a, $val) = split(m/=/, $s, 2);
	my $vendor = undef;
	if ($a =~ m/\./)
	    ($vendor, $a) = split(m/\./, $a, 2);
	if ($vendor)
	    $p->set_vsattr($vendor, $a => $val);
	    $p->set_attr($a => $val);

    my $auth = substr(md5_hex($$ . rand(4096)), 0, 16);
    $p->set_identifier(int rand(256));

    if ($p->code eq 'Access-Request')
	my $pass = ($p->attr('User-Password') || md5_hex($$ . rand(4096)));
	$p->set_password($pass, $opt{secret});

    $packets[$i] = $p;

# Setup the statistical collectors...

my %stats = ();

$stats{total} = new Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new();

# At this point, we're ready to begin testing. Setup the IO::Async::Loop

my $loop = new IO::Async::Loop ();

# This is the function implementing the Radius client, running at each
# child

sub child_radius_client
    my $p = shift;		# A pseudo-packet
    my $pdata = undef;		# Packed request packet
    my $r = undef;		# The response
    my $reply = undef;		# The raw reply
    my $port = 0;		# Where to send the requests?

    tie my $time, 'Time::Stopwatch';
    my $diff = 0;

    # Find out the time offset of the tie access
    $time = 0;
    $diff -= $time;
    $time = 0;

    if ($p->code eq 'Access-Request')
	$pdata = $p->pack;
	$port = $opt{authport};
	unless ($p->attr('Acct-Session-Id'))
	    $p->set_attr('Acct-Session-Id' => $$ . ":" 
			 . $p->authenticator . "/" . time());
	$pdata = auth_resp($p->pack, $opt{secret}, 1);
	$port = $opt{acctport};

    # This is needed to recover the resulting authenticator
    $p = Net::Radius::Packet->new($d, $pdata);

    my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new
	 PeerAddr	=> $opt{server},
	 PeerPort	=> $port,
	 Proto	        => 'UDP',

    unless ($sock)
	die "Cannot create socket: $!\n";
	return $diff += $time;

    unless ($sock->send($pdata))
	die "Failed to send packet: $!\n";
	return $diff += $time;

    my $select = new IO::Select $sock;

    unless ($select)
	die "Failed to create IO::Select object\n";
	return $diff += $time;

    if ($select->can_read($opt{timeout}))
	unless ($sock->recv($reply, 8192))
	    die "Failed to recv(): $!\n";
	    return $diff += $time;
	die "Timeout!\n";
	return $diff += $time;

    if ($reply)
	unless (auth_req_verify($reply, $opt{secret}, $p->authenticator))
	    die "Invalid authenticator in response\n";
	    return $diff += $time;

	unless (eval { $r = Net::Radius::Packet->new($d, $reply) })
	    die "Failed to decode reply\n";
	    return $diff += $time;
	if ($r->identifier ne $p->identifier)
	    die "Wrong identifier in response\n";
	    return $diff += $time;
	die "No valid response\n";
	return $diff += $time;

    $diff += $time;
    return ($p->code, $r->code, $diff);

# These functions handle the logging of the results

my $processed_requests = 0;

sub result_handler
    my ($code, @val) = @_;

    if ($code eq 'return')
	$stats{$val[0]}->{$val[1]} = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new()
	    unless exists $stats{$val[0]}->{$val[1]};
	$stats{$val[0]}->{$val[1]} = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new()
	    unless exists $stats{$val[0]}->{$val[1]};
	$stats{$val[0]}->{total} = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new()
	    unless exists $stats{$val[0]}->{total};
	$stats{errors}->{$val[0]} = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new()
	    unless exists $stats{errors}->{$val[0]};


	warn "Error: $val[0]\n";

    if (++$processed_requests % 1000 == 0
	and $opt{verbose})
	warn "\n$processed_requests requests processed (", 

my $client = $loop->detach_code
 code       => \&child_radius_client,
 workers    => $opt{children},
 marshaller => 'storable',

if ($opt{random})
    for my $i (1 .. $opt{count})
	     args      => [ $packets[ int rand($pcount) ] ],
	     on_result => \&result_handler,
    for my $i (1 .. $opt{count})
	     args      => [ $packets[ $i % $pcount ] ],
	     on_result => \&result_handler,

print "Test run starting now...\n";

# Time the total run time
tie my $t_total, 'Time::Stopwatch';
my $t_diff = 0;
$t_total = 0;
$t_diff -= $t_total;
$t_total = 0;

while ($processed_requests < $opt{count}) { $loop->loop_once(0) };

$t_diff += $t_total;

print "Test run finished...\n\n\n";

print <<EOF;
Radius Bulk Test Result Report
Children:                    $opt{children}
Requested Packet Count:      $opt{count}

for my $code (sort keys %stats)
    next if $code eq 'total';
    next if $code eq 'errors';
    print $code, "\n";
    for my $resp (sort keys %{$stats{$code}})
	printf("  %20s %10s %s\n", $resp, "Count", 
	       $stats{$code}->{$resp}->count() // 'undef');
	printf("  %20s %10s %s\n", '', "Mean", 
	       $stats{$code}->{$resp}->mean() // 'undef');
	printf("  %20s %10s %s\n", '', "St.Dev.", 
	       $stats{$code}->{$resp}->standard_deviation() // 'undef');
	printf("  %20s %10s %s\n\n", '', "Max", 
	       $stats{$code}->{$resp}->max() // 'undef');

print <<EOF;
            Errors Reported by the Client


for my $err (sort keys %{$stats{errors}})
    printf("%20s   %10s %s\n", $err, "Count", 
	   $stats{errors}->{$err}->count() // 'undef');

print <<EOF;

printf("%20s   %10s %s\n", ' ' x 20, "Count", 
       $stats{total}->count() // 'undef');
printf("%20s   %10s %s\n", ' ' x 20, "Mean", 
       $stats{total}->mean() // 'undef');
printf("%20s   %10s %s\n", ' ' x 20, "St.Dev.", 
       $stats{total}->standard_deviation() // 'undef');
printf("%20s   %10s %s\n", ' ' x 20, "Max", 
       $stats{total}->max() // 'undef');

print "\n";
print 'Overall running time: ' , $t_diff, "\n";
print 'Overall requests/sec: ', $opt{count} / $t_diff, "\n";


=head1 NAME

rad-bulk - A command line Radius bulk-testing client


    rad-bulk --secret secret --server server --dictionary dictfile ...
    [--timeout n] [--authport port] [--acctport port] [--help]
    [--children n] [--count n] [--random] [--verbose] packet-file ...


rad-bulk reads in one or more packet files containing the
specification of the packets to send, and then proceed to flood the
target server with a total of C<count> requests, coming from up to
C<children> number of children.

Statistics are then printed, depicting the number of packets sent and
some general timing statistics that allow for the measurement of the
server's performance.

The packets are either Access-Request or Accounting-Request. The
actual attributes are encoded in one or more packet files, allowing
for some control in the specific work-load to be imposed in the target


=item B<--children n>

How many children to C<fork()> in order to send requests in parallel
to the Radius server. This parameter can be used to increase the
number of concurrent requests being sent to the server, to test in
hight load scenarios.

Defaults to 1 child, which is useful to verify the test input

=item B<--count n>

How many packets to process. Defaults to the amount of packets loaded
via the packet file.

=item B<--timeout t>

How much a child must wait for an answer before failing, in
seconds. Defaults to 3 seconds.

=item B<--server server>

Surprisingly, the server address to which to send the RADIUS packets.

=item B<--acctport port> and B<--authport port>

The accounting and authorization ports, used for Accounting-Request
and Access-Request respectively. Defaults to 1812 and 1813, which are
the standard ports for these purposes.

=item B<--secret secret>

The RADIUS shared secret used for packet authentication.

=item B<--prompt [attribute]>

Prompt the user and add a password-encoded RADIUS attribute to the
request. By default, this works in the RADIUS attribute 2.

=item B<--dictionary dictfile...>

Specifies one or more dictionary files to use for crafting the Radius
packets and for decoding the eventual responses. Multiple files can be
specified, causing the dictionaries to be loaded in order.

=item B<--help>

Shows this documentation, then exits.

=item B<--random>

Send a random sample of packets from the input packet files. By
default, the requested count of packets is sent in order, from the
packet file.

=item B<--verbose>

Send a "." to STDOUT each time a packet is sent, and a "\b" each time
an answer is received. Additionally, output character codes for each
error found.

Also, provide feedback about test progress.


=head2 Packet File Format

Packets are specified with a keyword (C<Authentication> or
C<Accounting>) and a number of input lines, with each one specifying
an attribute. Blank lines delimit packets. Lines whose first non-blank
character is C<#> are ignored as comments.

Radius attributes are as follows:


Where B<vendor> and B<attribute> are the labels specified in the

This is an example of a valid packet specification:

    # A simple auth packet
    # A simple accounting packet. Note that
    # Acct-Session-Id will be provided automatically

Packet encoding is done as expected, depending on the type of packet
being processed. Required attributes such as the Id and Authenticator
are automatically provided.

Packet response authentication is checked for correctness. Invalid
packets are logged and reported.


This code and all accompanying software comes with NO WARRANTY. You
use it at your own risk.

This code and all accompanying software can be used freely under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

=head1 AUTHOR

Luis E. Muñoz E<lt>luismunoz@cpan.orgE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), Getopt::Long(3), Net::Radius::Packet(3), Net::Radius::Dictionary(3).
