==== version history for Geo::KML
version 0.93: Thu Jun 9 15:54:21 CEST 2011
- Geo::KML::from now also accepts kmz files which are passed as
scalars and strings.
- added some example files and scripts.
- documentation updates.
version 0.92: Fri Dec 24 11:15:46 CET 2010
- link typo in documentation.
rt.cpan.org #63477 [Frank Wiegand]
- colors only did accept integers, like 0x123456, but now also
accept strings like '123456'
version 0.91: Fri Sep 24 21:46:28 CEST 2010
- hook color code processing, to avoid working with binary
strings for colors.
version 0.90: Thu Sep 23 10:10:13 CEST 2010
- writeKML() returns the mime-type of the produced data.
- do not automatically add a "Document" root element. There
are more options in the top node.
- add MIME_KML and MIME_KMZ to Geo::KML::Util.
- add gx extensions to KML 2.2.0
- nicer handling of floats, integers and mixed content.
- add test for reading 2.2.0
- move t/99pod.t to xt, which removes the requirement for
- jump version number to show increased usability.
- remove dependency to Test::Deep
- better docs
version 0.03: Thu Mar 19 09:21:11 CET 2009
- do not use /bin/pwd in t/pod.t
- use Archive::Tar::addString(), not ::addMember() do support older
versions of Archive::Tar
- deprecated readKML()
- implement from() as nicer alternative to readKML()
version 0.02: Mon Aug 11 15:37:15 CEST 2008
- ISA fixes in the writer.
- use XML::Compile::Cache as base
- no need for Document top-element in the writer.
- reuse created default reader objects.
version 0.01: Mon Jun 16 13:00:30 CEST 2008
- initial release