The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# Copyrights 1999,2001-2013 by [Mark Overmeer].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.01.
package MIME::Type;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '2.04';

use strict;

use Carp 'croak';


use overload '""' => 'type', cmp => 'equals';


sub new(@) { (bless {}, shift)->init( {@_} ) }

sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;

    my $type = $self->{MT_type}       = $args->{type}
       or croak "ERROR: Type parameter is obligatory.";

    $self->{MT_simplified} = $args->{simplified}
       || $self->simplified($type);

    $self->{MT_extensions} = $args->{extensions} || [];

       = $args->{encoding}          ? $args->{encoding}
       : $self->mediaType eq 'text' ? 'quoted-printable'
       :                              'base64';

    $self->{MT_system}     = $args->{system}
       if defined $args->{system};



sub type() {shift->{MT_type}}

sub simplified(;$)
{   my $thing = shift;
    return $thing->{MT_simplified} unless @_;

    my $mime  = shift;

      $mime =~ m!^\s*(?:x\-)?([\w.+-]+)/(?:x\-)?([\w.+-]+)\s*$!i ? lc "$1/$2"
    : $mime eq 'text' ? 'text/plain'          # some silly mailers...
    : undef;

sub extensions() { @{shift->{MT_extensions}} }

sub encoding() {shift->{MT_encoding}}

sub system() {shift->{MT_system}}


sub mediaType() {shift->{MT_simplified} =~ m!^([\w.-]+)/! ? $1 : undef}
sub mainType()  {shift->mediaType} # Backwards compatibility

sub subType() {shift->{MT_simplified} =~ m!/([\w+.-]+)$! ? $1 : undef}

sub isRegistered() { lc shift->{MT_type} !~ m{^x\-|/x\-} }

sub isVendor()       {shift->{MT_simplified} =~ m!/vnd\.!}
sub isPersonal()     {shift->{MT_simplified} =~ m!/prs\.!}
sub isExperimental() {shift->{MT_simplified} =~ m!/x\.!  }

sub isBinary() { shift->{MT_encoding} eq 'base64' }
sub isAscii()  { shift->{MT_encoding} ne 'base64' }

# simplified names only!
my %sigs = map +($_ => 1),
  qw(application/pgp-keys application/pgp application/pgp-signature
     application/pkcs10 application/pkcs7-mime application/pkcs7-signature

sub isSignature() { $sigs{shift->{MT_simplified}} }

sub equals($)
{   my ($self, $other) = @_;

    my $type = ref $other
      ? $other->simplified
      : (ref $self)->simplified($other);

    $self->simplified cmp $type;
