=== version history of XML::Compile::SOAP
version 3.16: Tue 15 Mar 08:31:43 CET 2016
- document style can have fault parts with "type" [Heiko Jansen]
- apache's Coyote requires encodingStyle in rpc messange [Heiko Jansen]
- typos rt.cpan.org#112910 [Nick Morrott]
- refer to the new ::SOAPHTTP_MojoUA module.
version 3.15: Wed 6 Jan 17:13:07 CET 2016
- regression test charset
rt.cpan.org#110950 [Mark Gardner]
- version in README
rt.cpan.org#110951 [Mark Gardner]
version 3.14: Wed 6 Jan 14:56:04 CET 2016
- remove enforcement of ::Daemon upgrade, added in the
previous release: cyclic redundancy.
rt.cpan.org#110233 [Alan Mizrahi]
- Apache XCF does not understand quotes around charset in XOP
rt.cpan.org #107586 [Derek Hausauer]
- compile{Client|Calls|All} option transporter can now also
be a XML::SOAP::Transport-object (so, you do not need to
call compileClient() on it explicitly.
version 3.13: Fri 6 Nov 09:39:09 CET 2015
- mime-type of XOP part got broken.
rt.cpan.org #107586 [Derek Hausauer]
- detect need for upgrade of XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon
- fix some encoding related regression tests
version 3.12: Tue 22 Sep 12:09:36 CEST 2015
- oops, remove debug statements
version 3.11: Tue 22 Sep 12:03:34 CEST 2015
- rpc: performance issue reading xsi:type's
version 3.10: Tue 11 Aug 11:37:49 CEST 2015
- when the response is a Fault, we do not return Bad Request,
but OK. WCF (Microsoft .NET) apparently interprets headers
of SOAP1.1 messages as SOAP1.2 (only with some settings?)
- XOP: escape double-quote in start-info [Grégory Bougourd]
version 3.09: Tue Jul 21 14:11:55 CEST 2015
- SOAP11::Encoding should use compileType()
rt.cpan.org#105170 [Nick Wellnhofer]
- FAQ on use of SSL.
version 3.08: Fri Feb 27 13:16:45 CET 2015
- pass soap object to ::Transporter::compileClient [Sean Baker]
version 3.07: Thu Jan 15 14:36:54 CET 2015
- FAQ: how to set the HTTP timeout.
- silence rpc-encoded without namespace.
rt.cpan.org#101383 [Breno G. de Oliveira]
- lower http "received status" messages from 'info' to 'trace'
- ::SOAPHTTP new method defaultUserAgent()
- force people to upgrade LWP
version 3.06: Mon Dec 22 08:43:11 CET 2014
- accept multiple rpc name-spaces.
- typo in generated daemon example [Cs Metsys]
- new method ::SOAP::Operation::longName()
- remove soap-env-patch: not needed anymore
- remove overrule of *form_default on standard schemas: not needed
- rpc-encoding partially supported
version 3.05: Wed May 28 09:29:16 CEST 2014
- support rpc-literal fault parts based on type, not only element.
reported by [Rob De Langhe]
- handle returned XOP objects. Patch by [Christopher Taranto]
- use File::Slurp::Tiny to replace File::Slurp
rt.cpan.org#92920 [Karen Etheridge]
- do not include ::Daemon in META.yml
rt.cpan.org#95507 [Nikolay Martynov]
version 3.04: Thu Feb 6 17:05:32 CET 2014
- change documentation style.
- move ::SOAP11::Operation::parsedWSDL() to base-class
version 3.03: Fri Jan 10 15:42:22 CET 2014
- remove dependency to WSDL again, because CPAN.pm cannot
handle cyclic dependencies.
- revert unintended change in 2.36 which croaks when the
Fault/details contains elements which are not understood.
Detected by [Steffen Winkler]
- add server schemas, currently for BEA, SharePoint, and
XML::Compile::Daemon servers.
version 3.02: Wed Jan 8 01:04:45 CET 2014
- auto check whether WSDL11 must be upgraded. [Caleb Cushing]
version 3.01: Mon Jan 6 23:19:14 CET 2014
- upgrade daemon if installed.
- drop support for very old Perl's
version 3.00: Mon Jan 6 00:55:08 CET 2014
- split-off WSDL11 into own distribution.
- default mime-type for SOAP 1.1 is text/xml
- removed SOAP10
- headers and body elements which appear more than once will
be put in an ARRAY.
- check that all XML::Compile::SOAP* modules are loaded
[Chase Whitener]
- and one more check [Reiber Christian]
- example how to add BasicAuthentication headers
- added examples/temperature, based on answer to request of [fort_d]
- moved WSDL11 initialization from ::Operation to ::SOAP11
- moved module registration from ::Operation to ::SOAP
- ::Extensions can now register soap12 routines.
- add examples/salesforce/, contribute by [Ciaran Deignan]
- ::Operation:addHeader() now also accepts ELEMENTs in prefixed form
version 2.38: Thu Aug 22 16:20:29 CEST 2013
- soaphttp: do not reuse HTTP::Request object; we need fresh
headers. rt.cpan.org#88019 [Bret Lambert]
- use ::Cache::addPrefixes()
- one set of operations should not include ops with the same name:
tell user to be more specific when sets overlap.
- clean error when ::WSDL11::compileCalls() would select overlapping
operation names
- remove trick to first generate body and the headers.
- example of changing ::WSDL::endPoint, with help of [Bret]
- ::WSDL::compileCall() now also works with an operation by name,
not only as object.
version 2.37: Tue Jul 9 17:53:13 CEST 2013
- wsdl: compileClient now also respects declare(OPERATION)
- wsdl: SOAP12 operations became SOAP11 ports
- wsdl: new compileCall($operation), helping [Caleb Cushing]
- soaphttp: docs improvement about own user_agent. [Edward Savage]
version 2.36: Fri May 3 10:04:52 CEST 2013
- error when Fault/details contains elements which are not
- writer rpc: do not ignore empty message parts [Henrik Tougaard]
- spell fixes. rt.cpan.org#83835 [Joenio Marques de Costa]
- remove dependency for Test::Deep
- moved ::WSDL11::_learn_prefixes to ::Cache
- doc: OODoc improvements produce nices DETAILS sections
version 2.35: Mon Jan 14 11:45:07 CET 2013
- fix collection of errors, even better. [Lars Thegler]
version 2.34: Fri Dec 21 12:21:00 CET 2012
- correct collection of errors in ::Client
[Roman Daniel]
version 2.33: Fri Nov 30 19:18:22 CET 2012
- ::SOAP11::Operation::addHeader() now supports mustUnderstand
and destination.
version 2.32: Mon Oct 22 21:38:04 CEST 2012
- ::Trace errors is ARRAY, not HASH.
version 2.31: Tue Oct 16 16:28:52 CEST 2012
- writer: first create the Body, then the Header, so fields in the
header (for instance Security) do know what the body will be.
- writer: rpc operation will have xmlns, not Envelope
- transport: capture XML and protocol errors in exceptions.
- ::Operation::addHeader() will silently ignore adding the same
header again.
- trace object may capture multiple errors. New method: errors()
version 2.30: Sat Oct 6 13:35:21 CEST 2012
- handle XOP decoding where there is no start-id is mentioned.
Reported by [Ciaran Deignan]
- explain of operation sometimes missed a name-space declaration.
rt.cpan.org#79786 [David Tindall Mcmath]
- ::WSDL::new(wsdl) was documented to accept multiple WSDLs,
but only the first was taken.
[Karen Etheridge]
- more reuse of the default LWP::UserAgent.
- explain show prefixed type for faults.
version 2.29: Thu Aug 16 00:17:22 CEST 2012
- deprecated XML::LibXML::parse_string() must be replaced
by XML::LibXML::load_xml(string).
rt.cpan.org#78946 [chernomyrdin]
- treat XOP mime-type multipart/related case-insensitive
[Ciaran Deignan]
- add ::SOAP11::Operation::parsedWSDL()
version 2.28: Fri Jun 22 20:19:53 CEST 2012
- handling single string fault details. [ZP Gu]
version 2.27: Fri Jun 22 08:54:08 CEST 2012
- disable attempts of the XML::LibXML parser to dynamically load
DTDs for ::Trace::*(pretty_print) [Michael Ludwig]
- take hint by [Boris Jakubaschk] about how simpel it is to get
basic authentication included in the HTTP headers.
- add parsed response DOM-tree to the ::Trace.
On request by [Michael Ludwig]
version 2.26: Wed Feb 8 20:19:15 CET 2012
- fix and improve ::Trace::pretty_print() [Michael Ludwig]
- avoid warnings in ::Trace::printTimings() when the
message exchange was incomplete.
- added example how to get low-level control over the HTTP
messages to the ::FAQ. Based on an example from
[Michael Ludwig]
- added a way to load all imported xsd files to your local
disk via wget, after a question from [Gary Kennedy]
- documentation generation problems.
- add transporter object as parameter to the hook call.
- ::Tansport::compileClient() gets xml_format options to
improve readability.
version 2.25: Thu Sep 22 10:56:11 CEST 2011
- do not silently continue when there are decoding errors.
- two missing __x() in ::SOAP::Server errors. [Patrick Powell]
- one-way message error-handling and explain [Patrick Powell]
- examples/rpc-literal/element.pl failed. Reported by
rt.cpan.org#70349 [Caleb Cushing]
- new method XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace::printErrors()
- explain how to use transport_hook to implement transporter
tricks without fully extending ::Transport [Patrick Powell]
- handler callbacks pass additional session object around.
[Patrick Powell]
- extended ::Trace::printResponse() with 'pretty_print' options,
as suggested by [Caleb Cushin]
- remove example/wssecurity from the distribution: we now have
version 2.24: Mon Jun 20 14:27:15 CEST 2011
- cleanly catch more errors in trace object.
- allow instantiation of WSDL11 object with ARRAY of wsdl
- template: also show headers in explain() Hinted by [Patrick
version 2.23: Tue Feb 15 08:56:35 CET 2011
- check whether reading from XOP file succeeds.
- ahhh... debug warning was left-in.
rt.cpan.org #65720 [Boris Zentner]
version 2.22: Sat Feb 5 20:41:13 CET 2011
- endpoint parameter got broken in 2.20 [Daniel Stini]
- make explain() output well-formed, syntax correct.
[Patrick Powell]
- $op->compileClient now also accepts parameters for the
transporter which is created internally [Robin V.]
version 2.21: Sat Dec 25 12:01:30 CET 2010
- various tests fail with newer Test::More
version 2.20: Wed Dec 22 16:40:56 CET 2010
- load soap11 schemas, even when WSDL defines a SOAP-ENV.
- fix server faults even further :(
Good test-env by [Patrick Powell] is half the work
- call caching, with new methods compileCalls() and call().
Simplifies application, as shown by [Bernd Web]
- new ::endPoint()
- add fault structures to ::Operation::explain() on request
by [Patrick Powell]
version 2.19: Tue Nov 9 13:23:05 CET 2010
- pass async flag of ::Operation::compileClient [Aleksey Mashanov]
- documentation fixes by [Patrick Powell]
version 2.18: Mon Nov 1 17:10:17 CET 2010
- extra "action" parameter for faultMessageNotRecognized().
[Patrick Powell]
- renamed XML::Compile::Operation to XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation
- also Faults which do not contain additional details will
get decoded for convenience. Found by [Patrick Powell]
- promote soapAction() from ::SOAP11::Operation into ::Operation
- document availability of ::Operation::wsaAction() for ::WSA
- produce error when binding of operation is missing.
- XML::Compile::Transport becomes an ::Extension
- added ::Extension::soap11ServerWrapper()
- explain how to use ANY elements in SOAP messages.
- ::SOAP::compileClient() can now be used with async transfer
protocols. [Aleksey Mashanov]
- document existence of ::Transfer::SOAPHTTP_AnyEvent
- ::SOAP::messageStructure() also shows wsa_action.
- remove dependency on Test::Pod
- started with XML::Compile::SOAP::FAQ
version 2.17: Thu Sep 30 17:05:42 CEST 2010
- when the WSDL does not contain a soapAction, there will
not be such field in the mime-header (because SharePoint
gets confused) [Pete Groff]
- when no namespace is defined in RPC, it should be
interpreted as undefined, not produce an error. [Tapio Niva]
- repaired WSDL interpretation problem with faults.
- received header and body elements which are not understood
(hence cannot be decoded) will be included as XML::LibXML node
in the result. Question by [Lars Thegler]
- WSDL elements like service-name do now also accept prefixed
names, not only qnames and local names.
- explain will prefer to show types in prefixed form, which
is shorter than the qname version.
- do also cleanup server generated (out-of WSDL) faults and
describe how to use them.
version 2.16: Wed Aug 11 16:13:14 CEST 2010
- rpc without parameters should create empty procedure element
[Oliver Gorwit]
- do not crash with http-get and http-post bindings in the WSDL.
[Morad Igmir] A real-life server and examples are needed to
be able to implement these protocols.
- accept FILEHANDLE argument in XML::Compile::SOAP::print*()
Requested by [Max Cohan]
- add XML::Compile::Cache version to the HTTP headers.
- add 'Accept' HTTP line to request for SOAP answer (SOAP1.2)
- $wsdl->printIndex() shows SOAP version with port name.
- load wsdl-http.xsd in SOAP10, not WSDL11
version 2.15: Tue Jun 15 15:22:30 CEST 2010
- add ways to extend SOAP11 operation definitions, to support
extensions which are not in the WSDL.
- add XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension for XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA
version 2.14: Mon May 17 13:12:39 CEST 2010
- using WSDL with RPC/type, the values must not be labeled
with the type, but the part name.
- ::WSDL11::explain() should pass options to operation search.
version 2.13: Mon Apr 26 10:07:11 CEST 2010
- crash when the data structure returned in a server handler
does not match the expected structure. [Robin V.]
- role keywords were not translated into URIs.
- SOAP11::Operation::compileHandler() new option "selector"
- test the server side production of wsdl defined faults.
version 2.12: Tue Mar 2 15:58:48 CET 2010
- rpc return decoding.
version 2.11: Tue Mar 2 09:27:40 CET 2010
- syntax error caused by change in Log::Report.
rt.cpan.org#55095 [Leandro Hermida]
- rpc with part types was not processed correctly
version 2.10: Mon Feb 8 19:43:42 CET 2010
- action parameter of XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP::new()
was ignored. [Titi Ala'ilima]
- ::SOAP11::Server::faultNotImplemented() should only produce
a fault structure, not a message.
- ::SOAP11::Server::compileHandler() _RETURN_CODE and
_RETURN_TEXT in produced answer will be used in the HTTP
- ::SOAP11::Server shows some client error messages in the
server logs.
version 2.09: Thu Jan 28 14:24:40 CET 2010
- explicitly require XML::Compile in ::SOAPHTTP [Joel B]
- good error handling when 'use XML::Compile::SOAP11' is missing.
- re-added /examples/wssecurity/security.pm to distribution.
version 2.08: Thu Jun 18 10:29:13 CEST 2009
- Fault's did not decoded since v2.05, reported by [Gert Doering]
- new method XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace::error()
version 2.07: Tue Jun 2 15:52:20 CEST 2009
- remove debug print statement
version 2.06: Tue Jun 2 11:11:27 CEST 2009
- removed XML::Compile::SOAP::Tester from t/01use.t
[cpantesters] and rt.cpan.org#46588 [Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsaker]
- repair call structure when not running with test server.
Reported by [Luong Truong]
- require 'namespace' attribute when SOAP RPC. Decided together
with [Daniel Ruoso]
- removed more references to the "fakeServer" implementation which
never got around. There is a nice way to create "server stubs"
to be able to test the clients without the need for a remote server.
See the docs in XML::Compile::Transport
version 2.05: Thu May 28 12:31:46 CEST 2009
- remove XML::Compile::SOAP::Tester, because it was not completely
developed. Signaled by [Georg Oechsler]
- use 'namespace' parameter (if available) in SOAP RPC
Reported by [Daniel Ruoso]
- rpc-literal one-way fix (hopefully). Reported by [Daniel Ruoso]
- support MTOM and XOP in new modules XML::Compile::XOP(::Include)
tests in t/60xop.t Needed by [Luong Truong]
- trace which message top-nodes are being skipped.
version 2.04: Mon Apr 13 19:01:15 CEST 2009
- RPC/literal was seriously broken.
Extended example by [Daniel Ruoso].
- address operation by port-name [Georg Oechsler]
- add filters on operations(), proposed by [Georg Oechsler]
- added to ::Operation the accessors serviceName(), portName()
bindingName(), portTypeName().
- added ::WSDL11::printIndex()
- require LWP to be at least 5.825, because Perl 5.10 comes with a
version which breaks on unicode [Anton Berezin]
version 2.03: Wed Mar 25 15:44:10 CET 2009
- auto-generate service block when missing and only one portType
and binding defined. Used by Exchange. Reported by [Anton Berezin]
- fix wsdl11 when "parts" is used. [Anton Berezin]
- do not enforce an endpoint parameter.
- do not let HTTP error codes confuse the transporter: sometimes
they are produced by the SOAP handler. [Gert Doering]
- namespace work-around for unqualified Fault structure in SOAP11
envelope was implemented twice. Removed one.
- accept 'server' option to compileClient, which does only replace
the server name in the WSDL service location string, not the
whole endpoint.
version 2.02: Sun Feb 15 23:24:14 CET 2009
- ::Server::compileHandler() now returns a pair: contains
a status code as well.
- restore accidentally removed ::Server::faultValidationFailed()
- repair handling of server processing errors.
- add clean handling of ::Server::faultResponseInvalid()
- reuse created Server::faultWriter()
- required XML::Compile::Cache 0.91 [cpantesters]
- trace the returned faults
version 2.01: Thu Feb 12 09:48:17 CET 2009
- require XML::Compile v1.00 for element_form_default parameter
- SOAP::version not configurable, but class constant.
- crash on server errors, when throw() is called.
rt.cpan.org#42528 [Piotr Roszatycki]
- do not use /bin/pwd in t/99pod.t
- do not prefix the user's keys without explicit user request
via key_rewrite => 'PREFIXED'. Requires XML::Compile 1.01
- lookup SOAP protocol via envelope namespace as well.
- also *::Operation now shows protocol version().
- added serverClass() and clientClass() for ::Operation.
version 2.00_01: Mon Dec 29 11:13:05 CET 2008
************** MAJOR REWRITE!!! *******************
. WSDL11 based on XML::Compile::Cache, with much simpler code
as result.
. many classes and methods have been renamed or removed.
. split-off SOAP12 into distribution XML::Compile::SOAP12
. the "document" style soap interface unchanged.
. rpc-literal is much better now, like document style
. rpc-encoded not yet supported.
. pluggable back-ends for message structures (SOAP1.1, SOAP1.2,..)
and transporters (SOAPHTTP, XMPP, ...)
- Too many changes in internals to detail.
- you have to explicitly load XML::Compile::SOAP11 yourself, to
have those definitions understood by the WSDL.
- fixed t/30charset.t, with double encode of utf-8.
- port to Perl pre-5.8.3, working around broken or non-existing
encode() [Toby Corkindale]
- report cause on client error which is produced in LWP [Tom]
- removed the [new in 0.78] added elementFormDefault="qualified"
in favor of the new XML::Compile::Schema::importDefinitions()
options which do the same.
- more trace messages.
- new examples for rpc-literal, based on Daniel Ruoso's example.
version 0.78: Fri Oct 10 15:55:39 CEST 2008
- improved understanding of top-level elements in XML::Compile 0.95
broke this module:
. some schema lack elementFormDefault="qualified"
changed in soap-encoding.xsd, wsdl-soap.xsd
. some problems in the RPC encoder/decoder
. disable t/51wsdl11enc.t
- do not use (big)float in test of t/15rpclit11.t
version 0.77: Fri Aug 15 07:48:22 CEST 2008
- Changes in XML::Compile 0.93 broke group processing in WSDL
rt.cpan.org#38483 [John LoVerso]
version 0.76: Fri Aug 1 13:18:21 CEST 2008
- Correcting fault handling. Code and tests(!) contributed
by [Jamie Lentin]
- Requires XML::Compile 0.91, just because it is much better.
version 0.75: Mon Jul 21 09:17:10 CEST 2008
- Requires XML::Compile 0.90. Cpantesters [Martin Kutter]
version 0.74: Fri Jul 18 22:01:24 CEST 2008
- Reading SOAP failed, because improved strictness of XML::Compile
[Jason Tang]
- require XML::Compile 0.87, which renames option output_namespaces
into prefixes.
- rename encoder option namespaces into prefixes. Old name still
version 0.73: Tue Apr 29 18:59:42 CEST 2008
- require Log::Report 0.17, to fulfil promisses of the doc (was 0.11)
- require XML::Compile::Tester
- require XML::Compile 0.78 -> 0.81
- example how to use WS-Security, contributed by [Alan Wind]
- refer to mailinglist and IRC, set-up by [Matt S Trout]
- Test scripts converted to use XML::Compile::Tester. Cleaned-out
version 0.72: Wed Apr 16 13:03:26 CEST 2008
- WSDL schemata passed to new() got parsed twice.
- schema sources were offered for compilation twice, but ignored
the last time.
- schema mix-up with more than one WSDL object. [Kaare Rasmussen]
- WSDL11->compileClient did not pass parameters to ::Schema::compile()
as was documented [Allan Wind]
- requires XML::Compile 0.73 -> 0.78
- new option WSDL11(schemas).
- only complain about limitation to SOAPHTTP protocol if no
explicit transporter was defined. [Daniel Ruoso]
version 0.71: Sat Apr 12 09:58:05 CEST 2008
- Support XML which uses a non-utf8 encoding. Patch by [Gert Doering]
The related test needs to be updated (print cannot handle byte-
- Client does not add Content-Length field. Patch [Drew Taylor]
- headers were missing, since XML::Compile "reader in list-context"
fix. Reported by [Gert Doering]
version 0.70: Wed Apr 9 15:09:43 CEST 2008
- Math::BigInt with GMP caused t/14dec11.t to fail
[CPANTesters, Slaven Rezic]
version 0.69: Tue Apr 8 23:48:31 CEST 2008
- Trace returned on error was not transformed into an object, and
resulted in unwanted undefs.
- ::Trace->printTimings() did not handle undefs well.
- Document that SOAPHTTP::compileClient(action) is optional, not
- ::SOAPHTTP will use LWP::UserAgent with Keep-Alive on.
- require XML::Compile 0.69 -> 0.73
- ::WSDL11::Operation canTransport() implementation was broken,
and therefore needed a change of behavior. Probably invisible
for end-users.
- Automatic reuse of transport connections for all WSDL operations
with the same endpoint(s).
- New method ::SOAP::messageStructure()
- New facility method ::SOAP::importDefinitions()
- Added ::Util::MSEXT constant (MicroSoft Extension Framework)
- Make XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon work by extending ::SOAP::Server
and ::SOAP11::Server implementations. Implementation completed.
- Added TODO file.
version 0.68: Fri Mar 14 17:56:37 CET 2008
- sender/receiver compile options where not passed to
- use of ::Transport::SOAPHTTP was not correctly described
in its SYNOPSIS [Marc Sebastian Pelzer]
- SOAP.pm did not use hires-timings
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace added for simplified debugging.
This also simplifies example/namesservice/has_wsdl.pl
version 0.67: Fri Feb 8 09:16:15 CET 2008
- WSDL types were compiled twice.
- problems with specifying your own transporter when creating SOAP
calls based on a WSDL.
- upgrade requirement XML::Compile to 0.68
- ::Encoding::dec() [decode RPC] tries harder.
with help of [Philippe B.]
- Pass information about location of type definitions to
XML::Compile, for debugging and tracing.
- ::Encoding::array new option array_type
version 0.66: Thu Jan 31 09:30:18 CET 2008
- the SOAP message is a document, not an element. This way,
we get the right output encoding for free. Problem spotted
by [Gert Doering]
- more encoding/decoding character-set issues. Test script
in t/30charset.t
- details about client-side soap moved from ::SOAP into
- ::SOAP::compileClient() moved to ::SOAP::Client::
- example for $wsdl->compileClient() by [Allen Wind]
- updated the docs, wrt non-existing SOAP1.2 support, triggered
by [Allen Wind]
- initial implementation of XML::Compile::SOAP::Server
- return multiple elements in RPC-encoded constructor.
Needed by [Philippe B.]
version 0.65: Mon Jan 7 11:58:52 CET 2008
- do not fail in ::Operation::collectMessageParts() if the
input or output part description is missing. [Kaare Rasmussen]
- support for one-way (WSDL) messages, pushed by [Kaare Rasmussen]
version 0.64: Tue Nov 27 11:42:45 CET 2007
- various improvements in the output of Encode::decSimplify(),
the automatic decoded rpc-encoded messages.
- depends on XML::Compile 0.61
- ::Encoding::_dec_typed() confused URI and prefix.
- rpc-encoded now tests that user's constructed question has
a name-space.
- updated examples in example/namesservice/
WSDL example is now called: has_wsdl.pl
- added new example/namesservices examples:
New pure Schema example: has_schema.pl
RPC-literal example: rpc-literal.pl
RPC-Encoded example: rpc-encoded.pl
and 4 related simplifications, named xxxx2.pl
- added for convenience: Encoding::encAddNamespace() [without s]
version 0.63: Sat Nov 24 00:14:07 CET 2007
- requires XML::Compile 0.60
- ::Encode::typed() now uses selected schemaNS as default, so
simplifies the type parameter.
- ::Encode::element() now also has the 'type' as first parameter,
like ::typed().
- detection of operation type, where WSDL used prefixes.
- some improvements and changes where not listed in the changelog
for version 0.62
- fixed ::Encode::typed() when value is already an element
- WSDL11 headers parsed wrongly. [Gert Doering]
- added t/51wsdl11enc.t
- added ::Encoding::nil()
- test for ::Encoding::struct();
version 0.62: Mon Nov 19 12:55:42 CET 2007
- XML::Compile::SOAP::HTTPClient renamed into
It is reworked to extend the new XML::Compile::Transport.
Change invisible to WSDL users, but very visible to people
who create their own messages. Some of the trace records
changed name as well.
- swapped arguments of ::Encoding::typed() from
(name, type, value) to (type, name, value);
- WSDL11(::Operation)::prepareClient() renamed into
- moved README.todo text to XML::Compile::SOAP man-page,
because people often use pre-packaged modules and therefore
may not see the README files.
- extended the documentation a lot.
- implemented XML::Compile::SOAP::compileClient(), which was
documented but not present.
- added transport base class XML::Compile::Transport.
- compileMessage() accepts pre-compiled READER and WRITERs,
not only element types.
- implemented (and documented/tested) literal and encoded RPC.
- added Encoding::encAddNamespaces()
- added Encoding::struct()
- use fake_server to t/wsdl11.t
version 0.61: Tue Nov 6 13:56:54 CET 2007
- expected installation problmes due to version number.
version 0.60: Tue Nov 6 13:52:45 CET 2007
- requires XML::Compile 0.58
- Empty parameter list at operation will be passed to a
single body element.
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Encoding::decSimplify()
- Working(!) example included.
version 0.59: Mon Nov 5 15:57:30 CET 2007
- requires XML::Compile 0.57
- added XML::Compile::SOAP::Util, where all often-used URIs
are now defined.
- added XML::Compile::SOAP::Encoding, for XML-RPC.
tests in t/13enc11.t and t/14dec11.t
version 0.58: Mon Oct 22 10:53:30 CEST 2007
- XML::Compile::SOAP::Server was missing from the MANIFEST.
Cpan-testers, [Slaven Rezic]
version 0.57: Thu Oct 18 09:33:10 CEST 2007
SOAP11 might be working, partially. No tests with real HTTP
connection yet.
- XML::Compile::SOAP1[12]::Client's were missing from the
- roleAbbreviations() became roleURI(), and new roleAbbrevations()
which does the reverse of the old one.
- producing and decoding faults, with tests in t/11fault11.t
- implemented XML::Compile::SOAP::compileCall()
- moved description of missing implementation features from
XML::Compile::SOAP manual page to README.todo
version 0.56: Fri Oct 12 14:54:25 CEST 2007
Massive changes and extensions, but still not functioning.
- split-off XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon and all its needs into
a seperate distribution.
- implements XML::Compile::SOAP::Tester
- implements XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server
- implements XML::Compile::SOAP12::Server
- moved parts of XML::Compile::SOAP1[12]
into XML::Compile::SOAP1[12]::Client, and reworked examples.
- translated some die's and warn's into Log::Report
- use "5.008" in Makefile.PL, to replace "use 5.8" which is
not understood by Perl 5.5 [Slaven Rezic]
version 0.55: Wed Oct 3 22:57:24 CEST 2007
- first attempt on a full implementation. Quite some
interface changes were made; old docs are useless.
- fork from XML::Compile
- renamed XML::Compile::WSDL into XML::Compile::WSDL11
- renamed XML::Compile::SOAP::SOAP11 into XML::Compile::SOAP11
- renamed XML::Compile::SOAP::SOAP12 into XML::Compile::SOAP12
- install xsd's automatically, grouped in directories
- added wsdl11soap12.xsd
- Log::Report (translation) namespace xml-compile-soap
- depend on LWP
- renamed XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation into
- Added XML::Compile::SOAP::Client and ::Server
- Added XML::Compile::SOAP::HTTPClient and ::Server