1.24 2016-02-11
No code changes.
Fixed t/dist.t test failure due to version mismatch in 1.23.
1.23 2016-02-11
No code changes.
Correct link to license in README. (Mark Stosberg) [rt.cpan.org #111948]
1.22 2013-08-10
No code changes.
Updated test suite to pass with Perl 5.18 hash randomization. (Mark Stosberg)
1.21 2012-01-20
No code changes.
Sync'ed version of DBIx::Interp and SQL::Interp to avoid test failure (RT#73756)
1.20 2011-11-30
No changes since 1.11-TRIAL. Releasing as stable.
1.11-TRIAL 2011-05-03
This is no longer supported for enabling SQL tracing:
SQL::Interp TRACE => 1;
You can still set $ENV{TRACE_SQL} = 1 to enable SQL tracing.
Add sql_interp_strict() as a first stab at an API for adding a strict mode.
Switched to using Sub::Exporter and Exporter. This allows you to do this:
use SQL::Interp 'sql_interp_strict' => { -as => 'sql_interp' };
So that strict mode is enabled throughout your code. Before you do that,
read the docs on sql_interp_strict-- some of your code may need to be
refactored for it work, so you may want to start with the incremental
While sql_interp() will work as before for backwards compatibility, you
can do this to rename them on import now:
use SQL::Interp
'sql_interp' => { -as => 'sql_interp_insecure' },
'sql_interp_strict' => { -as => 'sql_interp' };
If you would like a shortcut for this in the form of SQL::Interp::Strict,
let me know.
The documentation has been updated to clarify that DBIx::Simple's
SQL::Interp integration is recommended over DBIx::Interp.
Noted that SQL::Interp now has the primary repo hosted on Github:
1.10 2009-06-28
Add support for MySQL's "REPLACE INTO". (TBONE, Mark Stosberg, RT#43477)
When SQL snippets are provided as hashrefs, we now always sort them to
insure consistent results for the benefit of possible statement caching.
This shouldn't change your application behavior, as hashs are not to be
considered an ordered data structure. If you want to force an element to
be first in the where clause, that's better done with the pre-existing
sql_interp("... WHERE a = 1 AND ",\%rest_of_where_hash);
Thanks to Andrew Kirkpatrick for the patch (RT#33310).
The documentation said that we supported a reference to an arrayref in
the "IN ()" context, but there didn't appear to be code or tests for this.
Both have been added now. (Mark Stosberg, RT#39336).
Update formatting and language about the historical fork with SQL::Interpolate.
Fix documentation typos (TBONE, RT#42726, RT#42733, RT#42336)
1.06 2007-12-20
Fix warnings introduced in 1.05
Fix Build.PL to create Makefile.PL
1.05 2007-11-15
Support "NOT IN" with an empty list (Aristotle, test by Mark Stosberg, RT#30752)
Support MySQL's "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE", so it works like "SET". (Aristotle, RT#30652)
1.01 2007-07-15
No code changes. Just some doc improvements.
Add details about the fork to "See Also" (suggestion from Juerd).
mention that SQL::KeywordSearch supports SQL::Interp-style results
mention DBIx::Simple support for SQL::Interp
1.00 2007-07-06
forked as SQL::Interp / DBIx::Interp from SQL::Interpolate
TRACE_SQL can now be set through an environment variable
sql_var() renamed to sql_type()
removed sql_literal(). It had been previously superceded by sql().
removed make_sql_interp and make_dbi_interp.
These are just basic curry patterns that you probably won't need,
and can be easily created as-needed.
significant doc update, mostly to simplify it
removed Macro support
removed filter support
0.40 2007-05-08
No code changes. Declaring stable.
List DBI as a dependency to squelch a test failure.
0.40_03 2006-09-27
Further documentation refinements. No code changes.
0.40_02 ??
## SQL::Interp
POD improvements.
Expanded (table) identifier match:
/[a-zA-Z_.]+/ --> /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\$\.]*/
(reported by mark tiefenbruck)
## DBIx::Interp
WARNING: BREAKS compatibility with 0.33.
DBIx::Interp now inherits from DBI.
Changed SQL::Interp::Key and SQL::Interp::Attr
to DBIx::Interp::Key and DBIx::Interp::Attr
respectively to reduce chance of name conflict.
Fixed circular references to allow garbage collection.
Now requires Scalar::Util.
0.33 2005-11-10
## SQL::Interp
Build.PL - fixed version syntax so that META.yml is valid.
Added support for result sets:
[[1, 2]
, [3, 4]], 'UNION', [{x => 10, y > 11}, {x => 12, y => 13}]
Added support for temporary table references:
"SELECT * FROM", [[1, 2], [3, 4]], 'JOIN',
[{x => 10, y > 11}, {x => 12, y => 13}]
Added support for "IS NULL" in
IN: "WHERE", {bla => undef}
Recommended by (slaven) in
POD improvements in all modules.
0.32 2005-11-05
## SQL::Interp
This module has been simplified, and it incorporates
defect corrections and style improvements.
Fixed ("x IN", []) to return "1=0" not "1=1".
Fixed ("x in", \@v) to not fail when "in" lowercase.
Fixed sql_interp.t on some platforms
(perl.cpan.testers, 254029)
Fixed sub-module version numbers for CPAN.
New sql() function (based on SQL::Interp::SQL
from Macro.pm). sql_literal() is now depreciated
in favor of sql().
sql_interp() now handles recursion correctly.
sql_flatten() moved into SQL::Interp::Macro.
Added pod.t - Test::Pod checks
Added pod-coverage.t - Test::Pod::Coverage checks
Added dist.t - distribution checks
POD and code style improvements.
## DBIx::Interp
Removed AUTOLOAD usage.
## SQL::Macro
The macro framework has been refined.
Fixed sql_and(sql()) and sql_or(sql()) to
now return '1=1' and '1=0' respectively (rather than "()").
sql_flatten() now expands depth-first rather than
sql_fragment() is now depreciated. Use sql() instead.
relations() is now depreciated. Use sql_rel_filter() instead.
expand() no longer has $filter param. Macros now
query the $interp object for state.
SQLFilter::macro_names() no longer used. The $interp
object no longer knows which macro object use which filters.
SQLFilter::filter_text_fragment() no longer has $changing_ref
in parameter list.
## SQL::Interp::Filter
sql// objects now transform into calls to make_sql().
0.31 2005-09-27
## SQL::Interp
Improved error reporting by sql_interp
(recommended by mark stosberg)
Added support for ("WHERE", {x => \@v, ...})
==> "WHERE (x IN (?,...) AND ...)".
(recommended by multiple people)
Generate 'WHERE id = 5 and 1=1' and 'WHERE id = 5 or 1=0'
rather than 'WHERE id = 5 and 1' and 'WHERE id = 5 or 0'
for Oracle compatibility.
(reported by wojciech pietron)
Fixed some improper handling of "use"
parameters, e.g. $x in "use SQL::Interp FILTER=>$x"
Fixed various Exporter problems from custom import
(reported by mark stosberg)
sql_interp.t and dbi.t - Fixed test case errors due to
different hash order on MacOS.
(reported by sean davis)
Documentation improvements.
## SQL::Interp::Macro
Fixed: '^' and '$' are no longer
automatically placed around regexes in 'relations' parameter.
(reported by wojciech pietron)
## DBIx::Interp
Added support for transparent
caching of statement handles (no need to prepare()).
Fixed error in STX::fetchrow_hashref returning an
arrayref rather than a hashref.
(reported by mark tiefenbruck)
Added Carp
0.30 2005-01-10
## General
Refactored SQL::Interp module into multiple modules.
Everything except sql_interp-related functionality
moved out of SQL::Interp and into DBIx::Interp,
SQL::Interp::Filter, and SQL::Interp::Macro (new module).
(recommended by mark s)
Reorganized macro processing. SQL::Interp contains
only hooks for macro processing, and SQL::Interp::Macro
implements various macros.
## SQL::Interp
added sql_var type
added sql_literal type (thanks mark s)
("WHERE x in", []) now generates "WHERE 1" not "WHERE NULL"
croak not die
macros, sql_var, and sql_literal can now exist in
elements of aggregates (hashref and arrayref)
## DBIx::Interp
DBIx::Interp is now derived from SQL::Interp.
Support for statement handle sets (stx/prepare).
Renamed select_key() to key_field().
## SQL::Interp::Macro
SQL::Interp::SQL is now a macro for uniformity.
new macros: relations, sql_and, sql_fragment, sql_if,
sql_link, sql_or, sql_paren, sql_rel
removed limit() macro since MySQL supports Postgres syntax.
(thanks mark s)
## Other
reorganized POD (thanks mark s)
reorganized test cases
0.29 2004-12-25
### SQL::Interp features
Added support for ("IN", $scalarref) (thanks mark s)
Added support for ("INSERT INTO mytable", $scalarref)
Added support for ("INSERT INTO mytable", $arrayref)
Added support for ("WHERE {x = 3, y = 4}")
Added support for ("INSERT HIGH_PRIORITY DELAYED INTO mytable", $ref)
for mysql.
Added simplified syntax for table joins using
R(...) and LINK(...) macros via new method filter_sql().
Added OO-interface in addition to the functional one.
Added support for \%attr to be returned by dbi_interp()
and sent to DBI when new SQL::Intepolate::Attr object is given.
This object may be created by new attr() function.
Added support for extra $key_field to be returned by
dbi_interp() when instance of new SQL::Interp::Key object
is given. This object may be created by new attr() function.
This is for using in DBI::selectall_hashref and similar methods.
Added exports:
attr, dbi_interp, select_key, limit, make_sql_interp,
make_dbi_interp, filter_sql, sql_flatten, limit
Added debugging options in use statement: TRACE_SQL, TRACE_FILTER.
Changed: less extra whitespace around SQL generated by sql_interp().
Changed: In limit(), for mysql, don't use bind values since they
don't always work right.
Changed: In limit(), for mysql, $start and/or $count may be undef.
### SQL::Interp internal changes
Dereferencing extra reference that source filtering produces from
sql[$x] when $x is an arrayref or hashref is now performed more
immediately in SQL::Interp::SQL::new() rather than sql_interp().
new SQL::Interp::Limit extends SQL::Interp::Macro.
Moved SQL::Interp::SQL into SQL::Interp
Fixed some documentation (thanks mark s)
Added more tests, more complete docs
### DBIx::Interp features
Added new() method in addition to connect() to attach existing
database handle (thanks mark s)
Added dbh() and interp() methods to expose underlying DBI and
SQL::Interp objects.
0.20 2004-01-03
Added SQL::Interp::Filter module for source filtering
with string-like sql// operator.
Added DBIx::Interp module. (thanks jim c)
Added SQL::Interp::SQL module.
Support macro calls inside SQL (e.g. LIMIT macro).
Renamed sql_interpolate and dbi_interpolate to sql_interp
and dbi_interp respectively (thanks terrence).
Changed SQL::Interp to not export symbols by default.
Limited cross-database support for LIMIT clauses.
0.10 2003-12-26
Initial version.