dn: o=University of Michigan, c=US
l: Ann Arbor, Michigan
st: Michigan
streetaddress: 535 West William St.
o: University of Michigan
o: U-M
o: U of M
description: The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
postaladdress: University of Michigan $ 535 W. William St. $ Ann Arbor, MI 481
 09 $ USpostalcode: 48109
telephonenumber: 911
lastmodifiedtime: 930106182800Z
lastmodifiedby: cn=manager, o=university of michigan, c=US
associateddomain: umich.edu
counting: one
counting: two
counting: three
first: 1
first: 2
first: 3
second: a
second: b
second: c

dn: o=University of Michigan, c=US
changetype: modify
delete: objectclass
delete: o
o: UM
add: counting
counting: one
counting: two
counting: three
add: first
first: 1
first: 2
first: 3
add: second
second: a
second: b
second: c
replace: telephonenumber
telephonenumber: 911