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use Test::More tests => 58;
use Test::Deep;

do {
    package MyClass;
    use Mouse;
    use MouseX::AttributeHelpers;

    has '_options' => (
        metaclass => 'Collection::List',
        is        => 'ro',
        isa       => 'ArrayRef',
        init_arg  => 'options',
        default   => sub { [] },
        provides  => {
            count    => 'num_options',
            empty    => 'has_options',
            find     => 'find_option',
            map      => 'map_options',
            grep     => 'filter_options',
            elements => 'options',
            join     => 'join_options',
            get      => 'get_option_at',
            first    => 'get_first_option',
            last     => 'get_last_option',
        curries   => {
            grep => { less_than_five => [ sub { $_ < 5 } ] },
            map  => { up_by_one      => [ sub { $_ + 1 } ] },
            join => { dashify        => [ '-' ] },

    has 'animals' => (
        metaclass => 'Collection::List',
        is        => 'ro',
        isa       => 'ArrayRef',
        curries   => {
            grep => {
                double_length_of => sub {
                    my ($self, $code, $args) = @_;
                    $code->($self, sub { length($_) == length($args) * 2 });

    package MyImmutableClass;
    use Mouse;
    use MouseX::AttributeHelpers;

    has '_options' => (
        metaclass => 'Collection::List',
        is        => 'ro',
        isa       => 'ArrayRef',
        init_arg  => 'options',
        default   => sub { [] },
        provides  => {
            count    => 'num_options',
            empty    => 'has_options',
            find     => 'find_option',
            map      => 'map_options',
            grep     => 'filter_options',
            elements => 'options',
            join     => 'join_options',
            get      => 'get_option_at',
            first    => 'get_first_option',
            last     => 'get_last_option',
        curries   => {
            grep => { less_than_five => [ sub { $_ < 5 } ] },
            map  => { up_by_one      => [ sub { $_ + 1 } ] },
            join => { dashify        => [ '-' ] },

    has 'animals' => (
        metaclass => 'Collection::List',
        is        => 'ro',
        isa       => 'ArrayRef',
        curries   => {
            grep => {
                double_length_of => sub {
                    my ($self, $code, $args) = @_;
                    $code->($self, sub { length($_) == length($args) * 2 });

    no Mouse;

for my $class (qw/MyClass MyImmutableClass/) {
    my $obj = $class->new(
        options => [ 1..10 ],
        animals => [qw(cat duck horse cattle gorilla elephant flamingo kangaroo)],

    my @providers = qw(
        num_options has_options find_option map_options filter_options
        options join_options get_option_at get_first_option get_last_option
    for my $method (@providers) {
        can_ok $obj => $method;

    my @curries = qw(less_than_five up_by_one dashify double_length_of);
    for my $method (@curries) {
        can_ok $obj => $method;

    cmp_deeply $obj->_options => [ 1..10 ], 'get value ok';

    # provides
    ok $obj->has_options, 'provides empty ok';
    is $obj->num_options => 10, 'provides count ok';
    is $obj->get_option_at(0) => 1, 'provides get ok';
    is $obj->get_first_option => 1, 'provides first ok';
    is $obj->get_last_option => 10, 'provides last ok';

        [ $obj->filter_options(sub { $_[0] % 2 == 0 }) ],
        [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ],
        'provides grep ok';

        [ $obj->map_options(sub { $_[0] * 2 }) ],
        [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 ],
        'provides map ok';

    is $obj->find_option(sub { $_[0] % 2 == 0 }) => 2, 'provides find ok';

    cmp_deeply [ $obj->options ] => [ 1..10 ], 'provides elements ok';

    is $obj->join_options(':') => '1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10', 'provides join ok';

    # curries
    cmp_deeply [ $obj->less_than_five ] => [ 1..4 ], 'curries grep ok';
    cmp_deeply [ $obj->up_by_one ] => [ 2..11 ], 'curries map ok';
    is $obj->dashify => '1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10', 'curries join ok';

        [ sort $obj->double_length_of('fish') ],
        [ sort qw(elephant flamingo kangaroo) ],
        'curries grep with subref ok';