# The local webserver is set up to return a new value every time. 
# we can test the cache code by turning caching on and off and checking
# whether we get a new value or not.

# Begin in uncached state. Accesing the local webserver gets two different
# values.
http://localhost:3000/	/aaaaa/	Y	initial value OK
http://localhost:3000/	/bbbbb/	Y	reaccessed as expected

# turn on cache. Even with an interbvening pagefetch, the last value
# fetched from the local webserver is remembered.
http://perl.org/	/perl/i	Y	intervening page
http://localhost:3000/	/bbbbb/	Y	cached from last get
http://localhost:3000/	/bbbbb/	Y	still cached

# Turning the cache off again allows us to get a new value.
http://localhost:3000/	/ccccc/	Y	reaccessed as expected
http://perl.org/	/perl/i	Y	intervening page

# Verifying that turning the cache on again still gets us the last
# version of the local webserver's page.
http://localhost:3000/	/ccccc/	Y	return to last cached value

# turn it off again, new page again.
http://localhost:3000/	/ddddd/	Y	now a new value