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<H2>Derived Class Example</H2>
<pre><font color="#404040"><i>#!/usr/bin/perl</i></font>

<font color="#009A00"><i># If using interupts the HiPi::Interrupt module should be used
# before anything else in your script. This is because the
# module loads threads to handle interrupts for pins managed
# by HiPi::Device::GPIO, HiPi::BCM2835 and HiPi::Wiring.
# Loading first reduces your memory footprint and avoids issues
# with modules you may use that are not thread safe.</i></font>

use HiPi::Interrupt;

<font color="#009A00"><i># Some basic modules loaded</i></font>

use 5.14.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HiPi::Device::GPIO;
use HiPi::Constant qw( :raspberry );

<font color="#009A00"><i>#-------------------------------------------------------------</i></font>

package MyInterruptHandler;

<font color="#009A00"><i>#-------------------------------------------------------------
# To handle interrupts we create a class deriving from
# HiPi::Interrupt::Handler and override the on_action_....
# methods.
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw( HiPi::Interrupt::Handler );
use HiPi::Constant qw( :raspberry );

sub new {
    my($class, %params) = @_;

<font color="#009A00"><i>#----------------------------------------------
# Action Events Handling - these events will be
# called in response to actions in the interrupt
# handling threads. For this example we just
# print the info STDOUT

sub on_action_add {
    my($self, $msg) = @_;
<font color="#009A00"><i>    # we get this message after we have added a pin
    # check if( $msg->error ) to see if there was an
    # error. When $msg->error is true, error details
    # are in $msg->msgtext</i></font>
    $self->do_handle_message( $msg );

sub on_action_remove {
    my($self, $msg) = @_;
<font color="#009A00"><i>    # we get this message after we have removed a pin
    # check if( $msg->error ) to see if there was an
    # error. When $msg->error is true, error details
    # are in $msg->msgtext</i></font>
    $self->do_handle_message( $msg );

sub on_action_interrupt {
    my($self, $msg) = @_;
<font color="#009A00"><i>    # we get this message after we have detected an interrupt
    # check if( $msg->error ) to see if there was an
    # error. When $msg->error is true, error details
    # are in $msg->msgtext</i></font>
    $self->do_handle_message( $msg );

sub on_action_error {
    my($self, $msg) = @_;
<font color="#009A00"><i>    # we get this message after a generic error
    # error details are in $msg->msgtext</i></font>
    $self->do_handle_message( $msg );

sub on_action_continue {
    my ($self, $actions) = @_;
<font color="#009A00"><i>    # this gets called at a maximum interval of polltimeout
    # and is always called after an interrupt is detected and
    # handled. If the call is after 1 or more interrupt
    # detections $actions will contain the number of interrupts
    # detected. If this is called after interrupt detection
    # times out then $actions == 0</i></font>
    $self->{hbcounter} ++;
    unless( $self->{hbcounter} % 100 ) {
        say qq(on_action_continue called $self->{hbcounter} times);
<font color="#009A00"><i>    # exit after 1000 calls</i></font>
    $self->stop if $self->{hbcounter} == 1000;

sub on_action_start {
    my $self = shift;

sub on_action_stop {
    my $self = shift;

sub do_handle_message {
    my ($self, $msg ) = @_;
    my $output =  ( $msg->error ) ? 'ERROR MESSAGE' : uc($msg->action) . ' HANDLED';
    say $output;
    say qq(  action    : ) . $msg->action;
    say qq(  pinid     : ) . $msg->pinid;
    say qq(  error     : ) . $msg->error;
    say qq(  value     : ) . $msg->value;
    say qq(  timestamp : ) . $msg->timestamp;
    say qq(  msgtext   : ) . $msg->msgtext;
    say qq(  pinclass  : ) . $msg->pinclass;

<font color="#009A00"><i># return to default package main

package main;

<font color="#009A00"><i>#-------------------------------------------------------------</i></font>

<font color="#009A00"><i># create our interrupt handler</i></font>
my $handler = MyInterruptHandler->new;

<font color="#009A00"><i>    # the pins we are going to use
    my $pinid1 = RPI_PAD1_PIN_13;
    my $pinid2 = RPI_PAD1_PIN_11;
    my $dev = HiPi::Device::GPIO->new;

<font color="#009A00"><i>    # setup a pin as input with a pull up
    # resistor and falling edge interrupt
    # using HiPi::Device::GPIO</i></font>
    my $pin1 = $dev->get_pin($pinid1);
    $pin1->interrupt( RPI_INT_FALL );

<font color="#009A00"><i>    # setup a pin as input with a pull down
    # resistor and rising edge interrupt
    # using HiPi::Device::GPIO
    # use the pin obj returned from
    # the export_pin method</i></font>
    my $pin2 = $dev->export_pin($pinid2);
    $pin2->interrupt( RPI_INT_RISE );

<font color="#009A00"><i>    # add as many pins as we want</i></font>

<font color="#009A00"><i># run the application loop</i></font>

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<center><FONT FACE="Arial, Lucida, Helvetica" size="2" color="#000080">HiPi Modules Copyright &#169; 2013 Mark Dootson</font></center>