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#! /usr/bin/perl
use Font::TTF::Scripts::Volt;
use Getopt::Std;
use Pod::Usage;


unless (defined $ARGV[0] || defined $opt_h)

if ($opt_h)
    pod2usage( -verbose => 2, -noperldoc => 1);

$font = Font::TTF::Scripts::Volt->read_font($ARGV[0]) || die "Can't open font file $ARGV[0]";
if ($opt_t)
    my ($inf) = IO::File->new("< $opt_t") || die "Can't open file $opt_t";
    while (<$inf>)
    { $volt_text .= $_; }
elsif (defined $font->{'font'}{'TSIV'})
{ $volt_text = $font->{'font'}{'TSIV'}->read->{' dat'}; }
{ die "No VOLT table in the font, nothing to do"; }
$name = $font->{'font'}{'name'}->read->find_name(4);
$upem = $font->{'font'}{'head'}{'unitsPerEm'};
$res = $font->parse_volt($volt_text);

print "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<font name='$name' upem='$upem'>\n\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < scalar @{$res->{'glyphs'}}; $i++)
    $glyph = $res->{'glyphs'}[$i];
    print "<glyph GID='$i'";
    @unis = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$glyph->{'uni'}};
    printf(" UID='%04X'", $unis[0]) if ($unis[0]);
    $psname = $font->{'font'}{'post'}{'VAL'}[$i];
    print " PSName='$psname'" if ($psname);
    print " VoltId='$glyph->{name}'" if ($glyph->{'name'} && $glyph->{'name'} ne $psname);
    if ($glyph->{'points'} || $glyph->{'type'})
        print ">\n";
        foreach $p (sort keys %{$glyph->{'anchors'}})
            $n = $p;
            $n =~ s/^MARK_/_/o;
            $numcomp = $#{$glyph->{'anchors'}{$p}};
            for $c (0 .. $numcomp)
                next unless defined $glyph->{'anchors'}{$p}[$c];
                $n =~ s/(_\d+)?$/'_' . ($c+1)/e if $numcomp > 0;
                print "    <point type='$n'>\n";
                printf "        <location x='%d' y='%d'/>\n", $glyph->{'anchors'}{$p}[$c]{'pos'}{'x'}[0], $glyph->{'anchors'}{$p}[$c]{'pos'}{'y'}[0];
                print "    </point>\n";
        print "    <property name='VOLT_type' value='$glyph->{'type'}'/>\n" if ($glyph->{'type'});
        print "</glyph>\n";
        print "/>\n";

print "\n</font>\n";


=head1 TITLE

volt2ap - create attachment point database from VOLT source in a TrueType Font


  volt2ap [-t voltdat.txt] infile.ttf > outfile.xml

=head1 OPTIONS

  -t file  Volt source as text file to use instead of what is in the font
  -h       Help

volt2ap parses the volt source in a font to extract attachment point information
which it prints to stdout in the form of an XML attachment point database. For more
information on the file format see L<ttfbuilder>

=head1 SEE ALSO

ttfbuilder, make_volt
