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# $Project: /Convert-Binary-C $
# $Author: mhx $
# $Date: 2009/03/15 04:10:55 +0100 $
# $Revision: 10 $
# $Source: /tests/234_format.t $
# Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Marcus Holland-Moritz. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.

use Test;
use Convert::Binary::C @ARGV;

$^W = 1;

BEGIN { plan tests => 148 }

# TODO: different alignments

my $c = new Convert::Binary::C ByteOrder => 'LittleEndian',
                               IntSize => 4, CharSize => 1, EnumSize => 4;

eval {

typedef char string[10];
typedef char flexbin[];
typedef unsigned char u_8;

typedef unsigned int array[];
typedef unsigned int multi[][2][3];

enum weekday {

struct xxx {
  int x, y, z;

struct bits {
  int a;
  int y : 15;
  int z : 17;
  int b;

struct test {
  int version;
  string type;
  u_8 data[13];
  struct {
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;
  } binary;
  struct {
    int x;
    int y[];
  } flex;
  u_8 pad_it;
  struct xxx yyy;


ok($@, '', "Couldn't parse C code");

for (qw( string test.flex )) {
  eval { $c->tag($_, Format => 'String') };
  ok($@, '');

for (qw( xxx flexbin )) {
  eval { $c->tag($_, Format => 'Binary') };
  ok($@, '');

ok($c->unpack('string', "Hello\0Worl"), "Hello");
ok($c->unpack('test.type', "Foo\0Bar!!!"), "Foo");

$data = "Hello World\0Flex Array";

ok($c->unpack('test.flex', $data), "Hell");
ok($c->unpack('flexbin', $data), $data);

eval {
  $c->tag('flexbin', Format => 'Binary');
  $c->tag('u_8', Format => 'String');
ok($c->pack('flexbin', undef), '');
ok($c->pack('u_8', undef), "\x00");
ok($c->pack('xxx', undef), "\x00"x12);

eval { $c->tag('u_8', Format => undef) };

eval { $c->tag('flexbin', Format => 'String') };
ok($c->unpack('flexbin', $data), "Hello World");
ok($c->pack('flexbin', undef), '');

eval { $c->tag('test.flex', Format => undef) };
eval { $c->tag('test.flex.y', Format => 'String') };

$data = "XXXXHello World\0Flex Array";
$rv = $c->unpack('test.flex', $data);
ok($rv->{x} != 0);
ok($rv->{y}, "Hello World");
eval { $c->tag('test.flex.y', Format => 'Binary') };
$rv = $c->unpack('test.flex', $data);
ok($rv->{x} != 0);
ok($rv->{y}, "Hello World\0Flex Arr");

$data = 'X' x $c->sizeof('test');
substr($data, $c->offsetof('test', 'type'), 8) = "String!\0";
substr($data, $c->offsetof('test', 'yyy'), 12) = "Hello,\0World";

$rv = $c->unpack('test', $data);

ok($rv->{type}, "String!");
ok($rv->{yyy}, "Hello,\0World");

eval { $c->tag('array', Format => 'String') };
ok($@, '');

$rv = $c->unpack('array', "Hello");
ok($rv, "Hell");

eval { $c->tag('array', Format => 'Binary') };
ok($@, '');

$rv = $c->unpack('array', "Hello\0W");
ok($rv, "Hell");


eval { $c->tag('xxx', Format => 'String') };
ok($@, '');

$string = "The big brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\0Just another Perl hacker,\n";
$data = pack("Vc10C13xVVVV", 123456789, 65 .. 74, 200 .. 212, 111111111, 222222222, 333333333, 444444444) . $string;

$rv = $c->unpack('test', $data);

ok($rv->{version}, 123456789);
ok($rv->{type}, join '', map chr, 65 .. 74);
ok(join(':', @{$rv->{data}}), join(':', 200 .. 212));
ok($rv->{binary}{a}, 111111111);
ok($rv->{binary}{b}, 222222222);
ok($rv->{binary}{c}, 333333333);
ok($rv->{flex}{x},   444444444);
ok($rv->{flex}{y},   "The big brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\0Just another Perl hacker,");
ok($rv->{pad_it},    ord 'T');
ok($rv->{yyy},       'big brown fo');

eval { $c->tag('test.flex.y', Format => 'String') };
ok($@, '');

$old_rv = $rv = $c->unpack('test', $data);

ok($rv->{version}, 123456789);
ok($rv->{type}, join '', map chr, 65 .. 74);
ok(join(':', @{$rv->{data}}), join(':', 200 .. 212));
ok($rv->{binary}{a}, 111111111);
ok($rv->{binary}{b}, 222222222);
ok($rv->{binary}{c}, 333333333);
ok($rv->{flex}{x},   444444444);
ok($rv->{flex}{y},   'The big brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.');
ok($rv->{pad_it},    ord 'T');
ok($rv->{yyy},       'big brown fo');

eval { $c->tag('test.flex', Format => 'Binary') };
ok($@, '');

$rv = $c->unpack('test', $data);
ok($rv->{flex}, pack 'V', 444444444);

eval { $c->tag('test.flex', Format => undef) };
ok($@, '');

$rv = $c->pack('test', $old_rv);

$data =~ s/\x00[^\x00]+$/\x00\x00/;

ok($rv, $data);

eval {
  $c->tag('weekday', Format => 'Binary',
                     Hooks  => { pack   => sub { push @p, @_; pack   'V', $_[0] },
                                 unpack => sub { push @u, @_; $_[0] ? unpack 'V', $_[0] : undef } });
ok($@, '');

$rv = $c->pack('weekday', 2);
ok($rv, pack('V', 2));
ok(scalar @p, 1);
ok($p[0], 2);

$rv = $c->unpack('weekday', pack('V', 3));
ok($rv, 3);
ok(scalar @u, 1);
ok($u[0], pack('V', 3));

@p = (); @u = ();

  my @w;
  local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };

  $rv = $c->unpack('weekday', 'x');
  ok(scalar @w, 1);
  ok($w[0], qr/Data too short/);
  ok(not defined $rv);
  ok(scalar @u, 1);
  ok($u[0], '');

  @w = ();
  $rv = $c->unpack('array', 'x');
  ok(scalar @w, 0);
  ok($rv, '');

eval { $c->tag('multi', Format => 'Binary') };
ok($@, '');

for (0 .. 23) {
  $rv = $c->unpack('multi', 'x'x$_);
  ok($rv, '');

for (24 .. 47) {
  $rv = $c->unpack('multi', 'x'x$_);
  ok($rv, 'x'x24);

$rv = $c->unpack('multi', 'abcd'x12);
ok($rv, 'abcd'x12);

$rv = $c->pack('multi', '');
ok($rv, '');

for (1 .. 24) {
  $rv = $c->pack('multi', 'x'x$_);
  ok($rv, ('x'x$_).("\x00"x(24-$_)));

eval { $c->tag('multi', Format => 'String') };
ok($@, '');

$rv = $c->pack('multi', '');
ok($rv, "\x00"x24);

# -----------------

# bitfields cannot be tagged

eval { $c->tag('bits.y', Format => 'Binary'); };

ok($@, qr/Cannot use 'Format' tag on bitfields/);