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# WING - Web-IMAP/NNTP Gateway
# maild
# Author: Malcolm Beattie,
# This program may be distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# 25 Aug 1998  Copied from development system to main cluster.
use IO::Socket;
use Mail::Cclient qw(set_callback);
use Wing::Shared;
use Mail::Address;	# for parsing sender address in sub list
use strict;

sub daemon;
sub handle;

my $imap_error = "";	# holds the last error message from the IMAP server
my $imap_info = "";	# holds the last info message from the IMAP server

print PID_FILE "$$\n";

setpgrp; # while debugging, we're running in the foreground so
	 # do this to stop current daemons getting keyboard interrupts

$| = 1; # while debugging, flush out debug messages straight away

my $s = IO::Socket->new(Domain => AF_UNIX,
			Type => SOCK_STREAM,
			Listen => 5,
    or die "failed to prepare socket: $!\n";

while (my $ns = $s->accept) {
#    print "got connection\n";
    my $child = fork;
    if (!defined($child)) {
	warn "child fork failed: $!\n";
    } else {
	if ($child == 0) {
	    my $grandchild = fork;
	    if (!defined($grandchild)) {
		warn "grandchild fork failed: $!\n";
	    } elsif ($grandchild) {
	    my $rc = daemon($ns);
	waitpid($child, 0);

sub daemon {
    my $s = shift;
    chomp(my $version = <$s>);
    chomp(my $session = <$s>);
    chomp(my $username = <$s>);
    chomp(my $password = <$s>);
    chomp(my $client_ip = <$s>);
    chomp(my $mailbox = <$s>);
#    print "pid $$ version=$version, session=$session, username=$username, client_ip=$client_ip, mailbox=$mailbox\n"; # debug
    $0 = "maild ($username)";
	login => sub {
	    my ($netmbx, $trial) = @_;
	    print "login {$netmbx->{host}}$netmbx->{mailbox} as $username\n"; # debug
	    return ($username, $password);
	"log" => sub {
	    my ($string, $type) = @_;
	    if ($type eq "info") {
		$imap_info = $string;
	    } elsif ($type eq "error") {
		$imap_error = $string;
	    my $time = substr(localtime, 4, 15);
	    print "$time $type: $string\n"; # debug

    # Prepare to create the mailclient handle.
    # If $session is "*authonly" then we're only being asked to
    # authenticate the user, not open a complete connection. So for
    # *authonly, we use the "halfopen" option so that it cannot
    # harm any other connections that happen to be present.
    # First, set some global parameters: prevent rsh attempts and
    # decrease the maximum number of login trials to 1.
    Mail::Cclient::parameters(undef, RSHTIMEOUT => 0, MAXLOGINTRIALS => 1);
    my $mc;
    my @options;
    push(@options, "halfopen") if $session eq "*authonly";
    $mc = Mail::Cclient->new($mailbox, @options);
    if (!defined($mc)) {
	warn "pid $$ session $session failed to open mailbox $mailbox\n"; #debug
	print $s "NO\n";
    if ($session eq "*authonly") {
	print $s "$$\n";	# Telling the client our PID indicates success
	# That's all folks
	return 0;

    my $sockname = make_session_socket($username, $session);
    my $sock = IO::Socket->new(
	Domain => AF_UNIX,
	Listen => 5,
	Local => $sockname
    if (!$sock) {
	warn "pid $$ failed to bind new socket: $!\n";
	print $s "NO\n";

    print "pid $$ session $session started mailbox $mailbox OK\n";#debug
    # Create a secure temporary directory for holding the body of draft
    # messages and MIME attachments.
    # Note this is idempotent so it's OK if two concurrent sessions get
    # to this point.
    my $tmpdir = "$MAILD_TMPDIR/$username";
    mkdir($tmpdir, 0700);
    if ((stat($tmpdir))[4] != $> || (stat(_))[2] & 077 != 0) {
	warn "pid $$ session $session failed to create secure tmpdir $tmpdir\n";
	print $s "NO\n";
	return 0;
    my ($host, $protocol, $folder) = $mailbox =~ m(
	^(?:			# leading optional {host} or {host/protocol}
		( [^/}]+ )	# host part...
		    / ( [^}]+ ) # ...and optional /protocol
	(.*)$			# the rest is the mailbox folder name
    # Find the canonical FQDN of $host otherwise changing folders won't
    # reuse the same IMAP connection.
    $protocol ||= "imap";
    $host = gethostbyaddr(gethostbyname($host), AF_INET);
    if (!$host) {
	print $s "NO\n";
	return 0;

    my $host_spec = "{$host/$protocol}";

    my $conn = bless {
	session => $session,
	mc => $mc,
	username => $username,
	host_spec => $host_spec,
	host => $host,
	client_ip => $client_ip,
	protocol => $protocol,
	folder => $folder,
	top_of_page => 1,
	opt_sender => "$username\@$SENDMAIL_FROM_HOSTNAME",
	opt_cwd => $DEFAULT_CWD,
	opt_list_size => $DEFAULT_LINES_PER_PAGE,
	opt_compose_headers => $DEFAULT_COMPOSE_HEADERS,
	opt_abook_list => $username,
	attachments => [],
	attach_next => 1,
	tmpdir => $tmpdir,
	start => time,
	sockname => $sockname,
    }, "Wing::Connection";

    # We finally can tell the client that login is complete by telling
    # them our PID.
    print $s "$$\n";	# Telling the client our PID indicates success
    while (my $client = $sock->accept) {
#	print "pid $$ session $session accepted new client\n";#debug
	$conn->{client} = $client;
	last if $conn->{logout};
    unlink(make_session_socket($username, $session));
#    print "pid $$ session $session logout\n";
    return 0;

package Wing::Connection;
use Wing::Shared;
use Mail::Cclient qw(set_callback);
use MIME::Entity;
use Fcntl;
use IO::Socket;

sub handle {
    my $conn = shift;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    while(defined(my $cmd = <$client>)) {
        chomp $cmd;
#	print "pid $$ session $conn->{session} got command '$cmd'\n";
	my ($method, @args) = split(' ', $cmd);

	# Update the atime on the socket so that admin tools can easily
	# determine timeouts. Keep the mtime the same so that it
	# indicates start of session.
	utime(time, $conn->{start}, $conn->{sockname});

	# Invoke the requested command
	eval {
	last if $conn->{logout};
	if ($@) {
	    warn "command failed with error message: $@\n";

sub check_client_ip {
    my ($conn, $client_ip) = @_;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    if ($conn->{client_ip} eq $client_ip) {
	print $client "OK\n";
    } else {
	warn "Security alert: connection to session of $conn->{username} "
	    ."from $client_ip instead of $conn->{client_ip}\n";
	print $client "NO\n";

sub zap_draft {
    my $conn = shift;
    my $tmpdir = $conn->{tmpdir};
    foreach my $a (@{$conn->{attachments}}) {
    $conn->{attachments} = [];
    $conn->{next_attach} = 1;
    my @header_keys = grep(/^opt_hdr_/, keys %$conn);
    delete @$conn{@header_keys};

sub logout {
    my $conn = shift;
#    print "pid $$ session $conn->{session} about to logout\n";
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    # (Try to) clean up any leftover draft body and MIME attachment files.
    # We ignore any failures.

    print $client "OK\n";
    $conn->{logout} = 1;

sub username {
    my $conn = shift;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    my $username = $conn->{username};
    print $client $username, "\n";

sub tmpdir {
    my $conn = shift;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    my $tmpdir = $conn->{tmpdir};
    print $client $tmpdir, "\n";

sub set {
    my ($conn, $attr, $value) = @_;
    $conn->{"opt_$attr"} = maild_decode($value);

sub add_address {
    my ($conn, $hdr, $address) = @_;
    my $key = "opt_hdr_$hdr";
    $address = canon_decode($address);
    if ($conn->{$key} eq "") {
	$conn->{$key} = $address;
    } else {
	$conn->{$key} .= ", $address";
    my @headers = split(' ', $conn->{opt_compose_headers});
    grep { $_ eq $hdr } @headers
	or $conn->{opt_compose_headers} = "@headers $hdr";

sub get {
    my ($conn, $attr) = @_;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    print $client maild_encode($conn->{"opt_$attr"}), "\n";
sub unset {
    my ($conn, $attr) = @_;
    delete $conn->{"opt_$attr"};

# Get a human-readable non-blank (if possible) representation
# from an Address object.
# We don't cope with at-domain-lists/source routes.
sub _get_name_from {
    my $addr = shift;
    return undef unless ref $addr;
    my $name = $addr->personal;
    if (!$name) {
	$name = $addr->mailbox;
	my $host = $addr->host;
	$name .= "\@$host" unless $host eq ".MISSING-HOST-NAME.";
    return $name;

sub _format_size {
    my ($size, $even_tinies) = @_;
    if ($size > 1024*1024 - 513) {
	$size = int($size/(1024*1024) + 0.5) . "M";
    } elsif ($size > 1024) {
	$size = int($size/1024 + 0.5) . "K";
    } else {
	$size = $even_tinies ? "$size bytes" : "";
    return $size;

sub list {
    my ($conn, $from) = @_;
    my $mc = $conn->{mc};
    $mc->ping; # prod the server so we find out about new mail
    my $nmsgs = $mc->nmsgs;
    my $count = $conn->{opt_list_size} || $nmsgs;
    if ($from eq "") {
	$from = $conn->{top_of_page};
    } elsif ($from eq "prev") {
	$from = $conn->{top_of_page} - $count;
    } elsif ($from eq "next") {
	$from = $conn->{top_of_page} + $count;
    } elsif ($from eq "first") {
	$from = 1;
    } elsif ($from eq "last") {
	$from = $nmsgs - $count + 1;
    my $max = $nmsgs - $count + 1;
    $max = 1 if $max < 1;
    if ($from < 1) {
	$from = 1;
    } elsif ($from > $max) {
	$from = $max;
    my $to = $from + $count - 1;
    $to = $nmsgs if $to > $nmsgs;
    $conn->{top_of_page} = $from;
    my $poss_flags = "";
    my $protocol = $conn->{protocol};
    # D means can delete messages
    # S means can save messages (in a server-visible folder)
    $poss_flags .= "D" unless $protocol eq "nntp";
    $poss_flags .= "S" unless $protocol eq "nntp" || $protocol eq "pop3";

    my ($sender) = Mail::Address->parse($conn->{opt_sender});
    $sender = $sender->address if defined $sender;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    print $client $conn->{folder}, "\n",
		"$from $to $nmsgs", "\n",
		$poss_flags, "\n";
    for (my $i = $from; $count-- && $i <= $nmsgs; $i++) {
	my $env = $mc->fetchstructure($i);
	my $elt = $mc->elt($i);
	my $flags = "@{$elt->flags}";
	my $size = _format_size($elt->rfc822_size);
	my $date = $env->date;
	$date =~ s/^(\w+)\s*,\s*//; # strip optional leading day name
	if ($date =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\w+)/) {
	    $date = "$2 $1";
	$date =~ s/0(\d)/$1/g; # strip leading zeroes
	my $display_address;
	my $from = $env->from->[0];
	if ($from->mailbox . '@' . $from->host eq $sender) {
	    my $to = _get_name_from($env->to->[0]);
	    $display_address = $to ? "To $to" : "To (unknown recipient)";
	} else {
	    $display_address = _get_name_from($env->from->[0]) 
				|| _get_name_from($env->sender->[0])
				|| "(Unknown sender)";
	print $client $i, "\n",
		      $mc->uid($i), "\n",
		      $date, "\n",
		      $display_address, "\n",
		      $size, "\n",
		      $flags, "\n",
		      $env->subject, "\n";
    print $client ".\n";

sub headers {
    my ($conn, $msg, @opts) = @_;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    my $mc = $conn->{mc};
    my $hdr;
    if ($opts[0] eq "all") {
	$hdr = $mc->fetchheader($msg);
    } elsif (@opts) {
	$hdr = $mc->fetchheader($msg, \@opts);
    } else {
	my $headers = $conn->{optlist_headers} || \@DEFAULT_DISPLAY_HEADERS;
	$hdr = $mc->fetchheader($msg, $headers);
    print $client length($hdr), "\n", $hdr;

sub body {
    my ($conn, $msg, $part) = @_;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    my $mc = $conn->{mc};
    my $body;
    if ($part) {
	$body = $mc->fetchbody($msg, $part);
    } else {
	$body = $mc->fetchtext($msg);
    print $client length($body), "\n", $body;

sub set_body {
    my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
    my $mc = $conn->{mc};
    $conn->{opt_body} = $mc->fetchbody($msg, 1);

sub _output_structure {
    my ($client, $id, $body) = @_;
    my $type = lc($body->type);
#    print "_output_structure called with body of type $type\n";#debug
    if ($type eq "multipart") {
	$id .= "." if $id;
	my $nested = $body->nested;
	my $count = @$nested;
#	print "+\n";#debug
	print $client "+\n";
	for (my $i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
	    _output_structure($client, "$id$i", $nested->[$i - 1]);
#	print ".\n";#debug
	print $client ".\n";
    } else {
	my @raw_params = @{$body->parameter};
	my @params;
	while (my ($key, $value) = splice(@raw_params, 0, 2)) {
	    push(@params, qq($key="$value")); # XXX quote value better?
	# XXX We probably ought to extract any recommended filename
	# (name="...") from the params at our end and send it to the
	# Wing client so that it doesn't have to reparse.

#	print $id, "\n",
#		$type, "/", lc($body->subtype), "\n",
#		$body->description, "\n",
#		$body->lines, "\n"; # debug
	# Find the size in lines if possible, otherwise bytes.
	# Whichever we get: format it nicely.
	my $size = $body->lines;
	if ($size > 0) {
	    $size = "$size " . ($size == 1 ? "line" : "lines");
	} else {
	    $size = _format_size($body->bytes, 1);
	print $client $id, "\n",
		$type, "/", lc($body->subtype), "\n",
		$body->description, "\n",
		$size, "\n",
		$body->encoding, "\n",
		join("; ", @params), "\n"

sub structure {
    my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
    my ($e, $body) = $conn->{mc}->fetchstructure($msg);
    _output_structure($conn->{client}, "", $body);

sub ls {
    my ($conn, $pat) = @_;
    $pat = maild_decode($pat);
    my ($host_spec, $cwd, $client, $mc, $protocol)
	= @{$conn}{"host_spec", "opt_cwd", "client", "mc", "protocol"};
    # NNTP introduces duplicates which we filter out with %seen.
    # We also filter out any name starting with a ".".
    my %seen;
    set_callback "list" => sub {
	shift; # drop mailstream argument
	shift; # drop separator character
	my $name = shift;
	$name =~ s/^.*}//;
	return if substr($name, 0, 1) eq "." || $seen{$name}++;
#	print join(" ", canon_encode($name, @_)), "\n"; # debug
	print $client join(" ", canon_encode($name, @_)), "\n";
#    print "ls: ref=$host_spec, pat=$pat\n"; # debug
    $pat =~ tr(/)(.) if $protocol eq "nntp";
    $mc->list($host_spec, $pat);
#    print ".\n"; # debug
    print $client ".\n";

sub save {
    my ($conn, $type, $seq, $folder) = @_;
#    print "save $seq $folder\n"; # debug
    my ($client, $mc, $host_spec) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc", "host_spec"};
    $folder = maild_decode($folder);
#    print "saving sequence $seq to folder $folder\n"; # debug
    my $result;
    if ($type ne "move") {
	$type = "copy";
    $result = $mc->$type($seq, $folder);
    if ($result) {
	print $client "OK\n";
    # See if the IMAP server suggests we try creating it
    if ($imap_error =~ /^\[TRYCREATE\]/) {
	# Try to create it and, if it that works, retry the save
	$result = $mc->create("$host_spec$folder") && $mc->$type($seq, $folder);
    if ($result) {
	print $client "OK\n";
    printf $client "NO %s\n", maild_encode($imap_error);

sub setflag {
    my ($conn, $seq, $flag) = @_;
    $conn->{mc}->setflag($seq, $flag);

sub clearflag {
    my ($conn, $seq, $flag) = @_;
    $conn->{mc}->clearflag($seq, $flag);

sub flags {
    my ($conn, $msgno) = @_;
    my ($client, $mc) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc"};
    my $elt = $mc->elt($msgno);
    print $client "@{$elt->flags}\n";

sub expunge {
    my $conn = shift;

sub nmsgs {
    my $conn = shift;
    my ($client, $mc) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc"};
    print $client $mc->nmsgs, "\n";

sub prev_next {
    my ($conn, $msgno) = @_;
    my ($client, $mc) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc"};
    my ($prev_uid, $prev_msgno, $next_uid, $next_msgno);
    my $nmsgs = $mc->nmsgs;
    if ($msgno < 1 || $msgno > $nmsgs) {
	print $client "\n";
    if ($msgno == 1) {
	$prev_msgno = $prev_uid = 0;
    } else {
	$prev_msgno = $msgno - 1;
	$prev_uid = $mc->uid($prev_msgno);
    if ($msgno == $nmsgs) {
	$next_msgno = $next_uid = 0;
    } else {
	$next_msgno = $msgno + 1;
	$next_uid = $mc->uid($next_msgno);
    print $client "$prev_uid $prev_msgno $next_uid $next_msgno\n";

sub change {
    my ($conn, $folder) = @_;
    my ($client, $mc, $host_spec) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc", "host_spec"};
    my $old_folder = $mc->{folder};
    $folder = maild_decode($folder);
    # Disallow opening any files beginning with "."
    if ($folder =~ m{(^|/)\.}) {
	print $client "NO\n";
#    print qq{doing open("$host_spec$folder")\n}; # debug
    $imap_error = "";
    if ($mc->open("$host_spec$folder") && !$imap_error) {
	print $client "OK\n";
	$conn->{top_of_page} = 1;
	$conn->{folder} = $folder;
    } else {
	my $error = $imap_error || "open failed";
	# try to recover
	$imap_error = "";
	if ($mc->open("${host_spec}INBOX") && !$imap_error) {
	    $conn->{folder} = "INBOX";
	    $conn->{top_of_page} = 1;
	printf $client "NO %s\n", maild_encode($error);

# See "attach" below for how attachments are stored. lsattach lists
# out the associated comments with filesize appended, one per line
# (and the client can deduce the logical number of each from this).
sub lsattach {
    my $conn = shift;
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    my $tmpdir = $conn->{"tmpdir"};
    foreach my $a (@{$conn->{attachments}}) {
	my $size = _format_size((stat("$tmpdir/attach.$a->[0]"))[7], 1);
	my $comment = $a->[1];
	$comment .= " ($size)" if $size;
	$comment .= " of type $a->[2]";
	print $client maild_encode($comment), "\n";
    print $client ".\n";

# Prepare to attach a file. We figure out the appropriate filename,
# create a new zero length file (or truncate an existing one) and
# then tell the client
#     relnum filename
# We set up a default comment of "Attachment $i" which can be
# changed by the client, as can the MIME type and filename fields.
# If something goes wrong, we send the client "." instead.
# $conn->{attachments} is a ref to an array of attachments, each
# of which is an array ref
#     [$n, $comment, $mime_type, $client_filename]
# meaning that the filename is "$conn->{tmpdir}/attach.$n" with an
# associated Content-Description of $comment, MIME type of $mime_type
# (which can be undef) and client filename (which can also be undef).
# $conn->{attach_next} gives the next free number for attachments
# (starts at 1).
sub attach {
    my ($conn, $relnum, $field, $data) = @_;
    my ($client, $a, $tmpdir) = @{$conn}{"client", "attachments", "tmpdir"};
    if (defined($relnum)) {
	# alter a data field of an existing MIME attachment
	my $attach = $a->[$relnum - 1];
	$data = maild_decode($data);
	if ($attach) {
	    if ($field eq "comment") {
		$attach->[1] = $data;
	    } elsif ($field eq "type") {
		$attach->[2] = $data;
	    } elsif ($field eq "filename") {
		$attach->[3] = $data;
	    } else {
		warn "bad field in attach: $relnum $field $data\n";
	} else {
	    warn "bad attachment number: $relnum\n";
    else {
	# create a new attachment file and tell the client the filename
	my $n = $conn->{attach_next}++;
	my $filename = "$tmpdir/attach.$n";
	if (sysopen(ATTACH, $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600)) {
	    push(@$a, [$n, "Attachment $n", undef, undef]);
	    print $client scalar(@$a), " $filename\n";
	else {
	    warn "pid $$ failed to create $filename\n";
	    print $client ".\n";

sub detach {
    my ($conn, $relnum) = @_;
    my $det = splice(@{$conn->{attachments}}, $relnum - 1, 1);
    if ($det) {
	my $filename = "$conn->{'tmpdir'}/attach.$det->[0]";
	unlink($filename) or warn "failed to unlink $filename: $!\n";

sub sendmail {
    my $conn = shift;
    my ($client, $attachments, $tmpdir, $username, $mc, $host_spec) =
	@{$conn}{"client", "attachments", "tmpdir", "username",
		 "mc", "host_spec"};
    my @header_keys = grep(/^opt_hdr_/, keys %$conn);
    # MIME::Entity->new wants a list of headers and values where the
    # header names include a trailing ":" (so that any non-standard
    # headers get recognised as header options).
    my @headers = map {
	my $val = $conn->{$_};
	("$_:" => $val);
    } @header_keys;
    my $entity = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "$tmpdir/body",
				     Filename => undef,
				     Type => "text/plain",
				     From => $conn->{opt_sender},
    foreach my $a (@$attachments) {
	my @args = (Path => "$tmpdir/attach.$a->[0]",
		    Disposition => "attachment",
		    Encoding => "-SUGGEST",
		    Filename => $a->[3]);
	push(@args, Description => "$a->[1]") if defined $a->[1];
	push(@args, Type => $a->[2]) if defined $a->[2];

    # Fire up sendmail and send the message out
    my $pid = open(SENDMAIL,
    if (!defined($pid)) {
	warn "failed to start sendmail: $!\n";
	print $client "NO\n";
    if (!close(SENDMAIL)) {
	warn "sendmail failed to complete OK: $!\n";
	print $client "NO\n";
    my $response = "OK Message has been sent";
    # Save copy in outgoing mailbox if necessary
    if ($conn->{opt_copy_outgoing}) {
	my $text = $entity->as_string;
	$text =~ s/\n/\r\n/g; # CRLF termination mandatory for mbx format
	my $result = $mc->append("$host_spec$SENT_MAIL_MAILBOX", $text);
	if (!$result) {
	    # Failed to append--maybe we just need to create it first
	    if ($imap_error =~ /^\[TRYCREATE\]/) {
		$result = $mc->create("$host_spec$SENT_MAIL_MAILBOX")
			&& $mc->append("$host_spec$SENT_MAIL_MAILBOX", $text);
	if (!$result) {
	    $response = "OK Message has been sent but attempt to save a "
			. "copy in mailbox $SENT_MAIL_MAILBOX failed";
    print $client "$response\n";

sub create {
    my ($conn, $imap_name) = @_;
    my ($client, $mc, $host_spec) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc", "host_spec"};
    $imap_name = maild_decode($imap_name);
    # Sanity check length of name
    if (length($imap_name) > 1024) {
	print $client "NO Mailbox name too long\n";
    my $result = $mc->create("$host_spec$imap_name");
    if ($result) {
	print $client "OK\n";
    } else {
	printf $client "NO %s\n", maild_encode($imap_error);

sub rm {
    my ($conn, $imap_name) = @_;
    my ($client, $mc, $host_spec) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc", "host_spec"};
    $imap_name = maild_decode($imap_name);
    my $result = $mc->delete("$host_spec$imap_name");
    if ($result) {
	print $client "OK\n";
    } else {
	printf $client "NO %s\n", maild_encode($imap_error);

sub move {
    my ($conn, $imap_oldname, $imap_newname) = @_;
    my ($client, $mc, $host_spec) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc", "host_spec"};
    $imap_oldname = maild_decode($imap_oldname);
    $imap_newname = maild_decode($imap_newname);
    my $result = $mc->rename("$host_spec$imap_oldname",
    if ($result) {
	print $client "OK\n";
    } else {
	printf $client "NO %s\n", maild_encode($imap_error);

sub copy {
    my ($conn, $imap_oldname, $imap_newname) = @_;
    my ($client, $mc, $host_spec) = @{$conn}{"client", "mc", "host_spec"};
    $imap_oldname = maild_decode($imap_oldname);
    $imap_newname = maild_decode($imap_newname);

    printf $client "NO %s\n", maild_encode("not yet implemented");

# Address book support.
# $conn->{abooks} is a ref to a list of abooks, each of the form
#     [$id, $flags, $name]
# ($flags & 1) indicates that the abook is in the (active) search path
# ($flags & 2) indicates that the client owns the abook.
sub abook_add {
    my ($conn, $id, $flags, $name) = @_;
    print "abook_add $id $flags $name\n"; # debug
    push(@{$conn->{abooks}}, [maild_decode($id, $flags, $name)]);

sub abook_drop {
    my ($conn, $ix) = @_;
    print "abook_drop $ix\n"; # debug
    splice(@{$conn->{abooks}}, $ix, 1);

# deprecated
sub abook_update {
    my ($conn, $ix, $id, $flags, $name) = @_;
    print "abook_update $ix $id $flags $name\n"; # debug
    $conn->{abooks}->[$ix] = [maild_decode($id, $flags, $name)];

sub abook_flags {
    my ($conn, $ix, $flags) = @_;
    $conn->{abooks}->[$ix]->[1] = $flags;

sub abook_reposition {
    my ($conn, $oldpos, $newpos) = @_;
    print "abook_reposition $oldpos $newpos\n"; # debug
    my $abooks = $conn->{abooks};
    my $abook = splice(@$abooks, $oldpos, 1);
    splice(@$abooks, $newpos, 0, $abook);

sub lsabooks {
    my $conn = shift;
    my $abooks = $conn->{abooks};
    my $client = $conn->{client};
    print "lsabooks\n"; # debug
    foreach my $abook (@{$conn->{abooks}}) {
	my ($id, $flags, $name) = @$abook;
	printf $client "%s %d %s\n", maild_encode($id, $flags, $name);
	print "$id $flags $name\n"; # debug
    print $client ".\n";
    print ".\n"; # debug