$Id: Changes,v 1.40 2009-06-08 15:34:37 mike Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension Net::Z3950::Simple2ZOOM.
1.04 Mon Jun 8 16:31:57 BST 2009
Fix off-by-one in Present handler, as suggested by Simon
Jacob of the National Library of Australia.
1.03 Mon Apr 14 11:35:24 BST 2008
Improvements to _format_grs1(), provided by Simon Jacob of the
National Library of Australia <sjacob@nla.gov.au>:
The namespace prefix "x" is made available for GRS-1 record
configuration to refer to the top-level namespace.
Multiple occurrences of the same XML element are now
translated into separate occurrences of the corresponding
GRS-1 element rather than being concatenated into a single
Reporting of exception-handling is now requested by setting
the S2Z_EXCEPTION_DEBUG environment variable to 1 (or 2 for
extra verbosity).
1.02 Fri Nov 23 12:10:35 GMT 2007
Use the present handler to optimise situations in which the
client is requesting multiple records in a single bite:
previously, the server would be hit once for each record.
1.01 Wed Sep 26 13:18:47 BST 2007
Use Time::HiRes to instrument where time is spent.
Operation timings are emitted if the module-global $TIME is
set (so at present the only way to turn this on and off is
by tweaking the boolean in the source code).
1.00 Fri Sep 21 15:44:50 BST 2007
Add new "gsafd" database to test.xml. This is an OCLC SRU
server that correctly implements result-set IDs and RSID
Otherwise identical to v0.94 (which was really the last of
the 1.0-prerelease versions). With this version, the
software is ready for public release.
0.94 Fri Sep 14 15:42:48 BST 2007
Corrected handling of queries that include result-set
Result-set reference handling is now configurable to use
either a corresponding result-set reference at the back end
or a re-executed query.
Documentation of the above.
0.93 Wed Sep 12 11:04:10 BST 2007
Correct handling of record-surrogate diagnostics provided by
ZOOM-C (when YAZ version 3.0.12 or better is available).
0.92 Mon Sep 10 18:43:59 BST 2007
Pass username/password tokens through into ZOOM-C.
Support for translating result-set IDs in Type-1 queries.
Initial searches do not fetch any records (presentChunk is
set to 0) so that subsequent records fetches, when the
client's fetch request has arrived and so the required
schema is known, do not get bad cache-hits.
Request MARCXML schema if client wants USMARC records.
Correct handling of completeness attributes.
Handle BIB-1 relation attributes.
Correctly generate and recognise cql.resultSetId for
result-set references, rather than cql.resultSet as before.
Detect, parse, translate and report surrogate diagnostic
Configurable schema handling: each database may nominate a
set of Z39.50 schema OIDs which, if requested, cause a
particular SRU schema to be requested from the back-end, and
the resulting records translated into the appropriate MARC
format. NOTE that in its current form this only works for
the specific though common combination of Z39.50 front-end,
SRU back-end and MARC record syntax.
0.91 Sat Sep 1 10:38:21 BST 2007
Support for CCL queries added to the YAZ GFS, therefore to
SimpleServer, therefore to Simple2ZOOM. Requires YAZ
version 3.0.9 or later.
Added new files to etc directory to configure CCL support:
yazgfs.xml is a YAZ GFS configuration file, and
ccl-qualifiers maps qualifiers to BIB-1 attributes.
Support for the Scan service.
Support translation of truncation attributes 101 (process #
in search term) and 104 (Z39.58) into CQL. (Only partial in
the latter case since CQL wildcards have no equivalent of
Support for the Delete Result Set service -- sort of. Since
SRU in fact has no analogous service, all the gateway can do
is accept Delete requests and quietly no-op.
Configurable HTTP-based authentication.
Add a trivial sample authenticator script, etc/sru-auth
Add etc/README to describe the increasing number of files in
that directory.
Support for the Sort service, subject to several provisos,
the most important being that due to limitations in ZOOM-C
(as of YAZ 3.0.10), sorting no-ops against SRU 1.1
back-ends. It works correctly against both Z39.50 and SRU
1.2 back-ends.
Support for the SUTRS record syntax.
Support for the MARC record syntax.
Simple support for the GRS-1 record syntax.
0.90 Fri Aug 10 23:26:00 BST 2007
(INITIAL RELEASE of 10th August 2007 -- 1.0 pre-release)
Basic Z39.50/SRU Gateway implementing connection management
and the Init, Search and Present services, including Type-1
to CQL query translation, and XML to Z39.50 response record
translation. NOT INCLUDED IN THIS RELEASE although is was
scheduled to be: handling CCL queries by translation into
0.10 Fri Jul 6 16:59:47 BST 2007
Functionally equivalent to the old code, but now packaged in
a CPAN-friendly way. Version number bumped to 0.10 in this
initial "null release" to match the version number 0.1 in
the pre-framework code, which has been distributed to some
customers, since the functionality is identical.
0.01 Fri Jul 6 16:12:13 2007
original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
X --name=Net::Z3950::Simple2ZOOM --compat-version=5.8.0 --omit-constant --skip-exporter --skip-ppport
(The core code is rather older than this, and goes back at
least to Seb's CVS revision 1.1 of the main script, checked
in on 31st March 2006. The date above marks the first
version to be Perl-module packaged, as a step towards making
a public release.)