use utf8;

# txt2html.pl
# Convert raw text to something with a little HTML formatting
# Written by Seth Golub <seth@thehouse.org> 
#            http://www.thehouse.org/txt2html/
# $Revision: 1.25p1 $
# $Date: 1998/06/29 02:45:18 $

# Some initializations that need to go before the configuration

@links_dictionaries = 0;
$num_heading_styles = 0;


# Configurable options

# [-s <n>    ] | [--shortline <n>                 ]
$short_line_length = 40;        # Lines this short (or shorter) must be
				# intentionally broken and are kept
				# that short. <BR>

# [-p <n>    ] | [--prewhite <n>                  ]
$preformat_whitespace_min = 5;  # Minimum number of consecutive 
                                # whitespace characters to trigger 
                                # preformatting.  
				# NOTE: Tabs are now expanded to
				# spaces before this check is made. 
				# That means if $tab_width is 8 and
				# this is 5, then one tab may be
				# expanded to 8 spaces, which is
				# enough to trigger preformatting.

$par_indent = 2;		# Minumum number of spaces indented in 
				# first lines of paragraphs.
				#   Only used when there's no blank line
				# preceding the new paragraph.  (Like in
				# this comment)

# [-pb <n>   ] | [--prebegin <n>                  ]
$preformat_trigger_lines = 2;	# How many lines of preformatted-looking
				# text are needed to switch to <PRE>
				# <= 0 : Preformat entire document
				#    1 : one line triggers
				# >= 2 : two lines trigger

# [-pe <n>   ] | [--preend <n>                    ]
$endpreformat_trigger_lines = 2; # How many lines of unpreformatted-looking
				 # text are needed to switch from <PRE>
                                 # <= 0 : Never preformat within document
				 #    1 : one line triggers
				 # >= 2 : two lines trigger

# NOTE for --prebegin and --preend:
# A zero takes precedence.  If one is zero, the other is ignored.
# If both are zero, entire document is preformatted.

# [-r <n>    ] | [--hrule <n>                     ]
$hrule_min = 4;			# Min number of ---s for an HRule.

$DO_CAPS = 0;                   # enable / disable recognition of all-caps lines

# [-c <n>    ] | [--caps <n>                      ]
$min_caps_length = 3;		# min sequential CAPS for an all-caps line

# [-ct <tag> ] | [--capstag <tag>                 ]
$caps_tag = "STRONG";		# Tag to put around all-caps lines

# [-m/+m     ] | [--mail        / --nomail        ]
$mailmode = 0;			# Deal with mail headers & quoted text

# [-u/+u     ] | [--unhyphenate / --nounhyphenate ]
$unhyphenation = 1;		# Enables unhyphenation of text.

# [-a <file> ] | [--append <file>                 ]
# [-ab <file>] | [--append_body <file>            ]
# [+a        ] | [--noappend                      ]
# [+ab <file>] | [--noappend_body <file>          ]
$append_file = 0;		# If you want something appended by 
				# default, put the filename here.
				# The appended text will not be
				# processed at all, so make sure it's
				# plain text or decent HTML.  i.e. do
				# not have things like:
				#   Seth Golub <seth@cs.wustl.edu>
				# but instead, have:
				#   Seth Golub &lt;seth@cs.wustl.edu&gt;

# [-pp <file> ] | [--prepend_body <file>                 ]
# [+pp        ] | [--noprepend_body <file>                 ]
$prepend_file = 0;              # Same sort of thing, but goes before
                                # the processed body text, rather than after.

# [-ah <file> ] | [--append_head <file>                 ]
# [+ah        ] | [--noappend_head                      ]
$append_head = 0;               # If you want something appended to
                                # the head by default, put the
                                # filename here.  The appended text
                                # will not be processed at all, so
                                # make sure it's plain text or decent
                                # HTML. i.e.  do not have things like:
                                #   Seth Golub <seth@cs.wustl.edu>
                                # but instead, have:
                                #   Seth Golub &lt;seth@cs.wustl.edu&gt;

# [-t <title>] | [--title <title>                 ]
$title = 0;			# You can specify a title.
				# Otherwise it will use a blank one.

# [-tf/+tf   ] | [--titlefirst / --notitlefirst   ]
$titlefirst = 0;		# Use the first non-blank line as the title

# [-dt <doct> ] | [--doctype <doctype>             ]
# [+dt        ] | [--nodoctype                     ]
$doctype = "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN";
                                # This gets put in the DOCTYPE field at the
                                # top of the document, unless it's 0.

# [-ul <n>   ] | [--ulength <n>             ]
$underline_length_tolerance = 1; # How much longer or shorter can 
                                 # underlines be and still be underlines?

# [-uo <n>   ] | [--uoffset <n>            ]
$underline_offset_tolerance = 1; # How far offset can underlines 
				 # be and still be underlines?

# [-tw <n>   ] | [--tabwidth <n>                  ]
$tab_width = 8;			# How many spaces equal a tab?

# [-iw <n>   ] | [--indent <n>                    ]
$indent_width = 2;		# Indents this many spaces for each 
				# level of a list

# [-/+e      ] | [--extract / --noextract         ]
$extract = 0;			# Extract Mode (suitable for inserting)

# [-l <file> ] | [--link <dictfile>               ]
# [+l        ] | [--nolink                        ]
$make_links = 1;		# Should we try to link anything?

# [-ec/+ec   ] | [--escapechars / --noescapechars ]
$escape_HTML_chars = 1;         # turn & < > into &amp; &gt; &lt;

# [-LO/+LO    ] | [--linkonly / --nolinkonly       ]
$link_only = 0;                 # Do no escaping or marking up at all, 
                                # except for processing the links
                                # dictionary file and applying it. 
                                # This is useful if you want to use
                                # txt2html's linking feature on an
                                # HTML document.  If the HTML is a
                                # complete document (includes
                                # HTML,HEAD,BODY tags, etc) then you'll
                                # probably want to use the --extract
                                # option also.

# [-H <regexp>] | [--heading <regexp>              ]
@custom_heading_regexp = ();    # Add a regexp for headings.
                                # Header levels are assigned by regexp
                                # in order seen When a line matches a
                                # custom header regexp, it is tagged as
                                # a header.  If it's the first time
                                # that particular regexp has matched,
                                # the next available header level is
                                # associated with it and applied to
                                # the line.  Any later matches of that
                                # regexp will use the same header level.
                                # Therefore, if you want to match
                                # numbered header lines, you could use
                                # something like this:
# -H '^ *\d+\. \w+' -H '^ *\d+\.\d+\. \w+' -H '^ *\d+\.\d+\.\d+\. \w+'
                                # Then lines like " 1. Examples "
                                #                 " 1.1 Things"
                                #             and " 4.2.5 Cold Fusion"
                                # Would be marked as H1, H2, and H3
                                # (assuming they were found in that
                                # order, and that no other header
                                # styles were encountered).
                                # If you prefer that the first one 
                                # specified always be H1, the second
                                # always be H2, the third H3, etc,
                                # then use the -EH/--explicit-headings
                                # option.

# [-EH/+EH    ] | [--explicit-headings / --noexplicit-headings ]
$explicit_headings = 0;         # Don't try to find any headings
                                # except the custom one specified.
                                # Also, the custom headings will not
                                # be assigned levels in the order they
                                # are encountered in the document, but
                                # in the order they are specified on
                                # the command line.

# Not implemented yet.
# [-T <t>:<r> ] | [--tag <tagname>:<regexp>        ]
@custom_tags = ();              # Similar to --heading, this lets you
                                # specify arbitrary patterns to tag. 
                                # The first subexpression, if one is
                                # present, will replace the entire
                                # matched text.  Example:
                                # "em:\*(\w+)\*" will match any word
                                # surrounded by asterisks and mark it
                                # as emphasized, removing the
                                # asterisks.

# [-db <n>   ] | [--debug <n>                      ]
$dict_debug = 0;		# Debug mode for link dictionaries
				# Bitwise-Or what you want to see:
				# 1: The parsing of the dictionary
				# 2: The code that will make the links

$system_link_dict = "/usr/local/lib/txt2html-linkdict"; # after options
$default_link_dict = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.txt2html-linkdict"; # before options

# Uncomment the following lines if you want to force the heading
# styles to match what Mosaic outputs.  (Underlined with "***"s is H1,
# with "==="s is H2, etc.)  This was the behavior of txt2html up to
# version 1.10.
#$heading_styles{"*"} = ++$num_heading_styles;
#$heading_styles{"="} = ++$num_heading_styles;
#$heading_styles{"+"} = ++$num_heading_styles;
#$heading_styles{"-"} = ++$num_heading_styles;
#$heading_styles{"~"} = ++$num_heading_styles;
#$heading_styles{"."} = ++$num_heading_styles;


# Definitions  (Don't change these)

# These are just constants I use for making bit vectors to keep track
# of what modes I'm in and what actions I've taken on the current and
# previous lines.  

$NONE       =   0;
$LIST       =   1;
$HRULE      =   2;
$PAR        =   4;
$PRE        =   8;
$END        =  16;
$BREAK      =  32;
$HEADER     =  64;
$MAILQUOTE  = 256;
$CAPS       = 512;
$LINK       =1024;

# Constants for Ordered Lists and Unordered Lists.  
# I use this in the list stack to keep track of what's what.

$OL = 1;
$UL = 2;

# Character entity names
%char_entities = ( 
     "\241", "&iexcl;",  "\242", "&cent;",   "\243", "&pound;",
     "\244", "&curren;", "\245", "&yen;",    "\246", "&brvbar;",
     "\247", "&sect;",   "\250", "&uml;",    "\251", "&copy;",
     "\252", "&ordf;",   "\253", "&laquo;",  "\254", "&not;",
     "\255", "&shy;",    "\256", "&reg;",    "\257", "&hibar;",
     "\260", "&deg;",    "\261", "&plusmn;", "\262", "&sup2;",
     "\263", "&sup3;",   "\264", "&acute;",  "\265", "&micro;",
     "\266", "&para;",   "\267", "&middot;", "\270", "&cedil;",
     "\271", "&sup1;",   "\272", "&ordm;",   "\273", "&raquo;",
     "\274", "&fraq14;", "\275", "&fraq12;", "\276", "&fraq34;",
     "\277", "&iquest;", "\300", "&Agrave;", "\301", "&Aacute;", 
     "\302", "&Acirc;",  "\303", "&Atilde;", "\304", "&Auml;",
     "\305", "&Aring;",  "\306", "&AElig;",  "\307", "&Ccedil;", 
     "\310", "&Egrave;", "\311", "&Eacute;", "\312", "&Ecirc;", 
     "\313", "&Euml;",   "\314", "&Igrave;", "\315", "&Iacute;", 
     "\316", "&Icirc;",  "\317", "&Iuml;",   "\320", "&ETH;", 
     "\321", "&Ntilde;", "\322", "&Ograve;", "\323", "&Oacute;",
     "\324", "&Ocirc;",  "\325", "&Otilde;", "\326", "&Ouml;", 
     "\327", "&times;",  "\330", "&Oslash;", "\331", "&Ugrave;",
     "\332", "&Uacute;", "\333", "&Ucirc;",  "\334", "&Uuml;", 
     "\335", "&Yacute;", "\336", "&THORN;",  "\337", "&szlig;", 
     "\340", "&agrave;", "\341", "&aacute;", "\342", "&acirc;", 
     "\343", "&atilde;", "\344", "&auml;",   "\345", "&aring;", 
     "\346", "&aelig;",  "\347", "&ccedil;", "\350", "&egrave;", 
     "\351", "&eacute;", "\352", "&ecirc;",  "\353", "&euml;", 
     "\354", "&igrave;", "\355", "&iacute;", "\356", "&icirc;",
     "\357", "&iuml;",   "\360", "&eth;",    "\361", "&ntilde;",
     "\362", "&ograve;", "\363", "&oacute;", "\364", "&ocirc;", 
     "\365", "&otilde;", "\366", "&ouml;",   "\367", "&divide;",
     "\370", "&oslash;", "\371", "&ugrave;", "\372", "&uacute;",
     "\373", "&ucirc;",  "\374", "&uuml;",   "\375", "&yacute;", 
     "\376", "&thorn;",  "\377", "&yuml;", 

$version = '$Revision: 1.25p1 $ ';  $version =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;

# Subroutine definitions

sub usage
    $0 =~ s#.*/##;
    print STDERR <<EOUsage;

Usage: $0 [options]

where options are:
     [-v         ] | [--version                       ]
     [-h         ] | [--help                          ]
     [-t <title> ] | [--title <title>                 ]
     [-tf/+tf    ] | [--titlefirst / --notitlefirst   ]
     [-dt <doct> ] | [--doctype <doctype>             ]
     [+dt        ] | [--nodoctype                     ]
     [-l <file>  ] | [--link <dictfile>               ]
     [+l         ] | [--nolink                        ]
     [-H <regexp>] | [--heading <regexp>              ]
     [-EH/+EH    ] | [--explicit-headings / --noexplicit-headings ]
     [-ab <file> ] | [--append_body <file>            ]
     [+ab        ] | [--noappend_body                 ]
     [-ah <file> ] | [--append_head <file>            ]
     [+ah        ] | [--noappend_head                 ]
     [-pp <file> ] | [--prepend_body <file>           ]
     [+pp        ] | [--noprepend_body <file>         ]
     [-ec/+ec    ] | [--escapechars / --noescapechars ]
     [-e/+e      ] | [--extract / --noextract         ]
     [-c <n>     ] | [--caps <n>                      ]
     [-ct <tag>  ] | [--capstag <tag>                 ]
     [-m/+m      ] | [--mail     / --nomail           ]
     [-u/+u      ] | [--unhyphen / --nounhyphen       ]
     [-ul <n>    ] | [--ulength <n>                   ]
     [-uo <n>    ] | [--uoffset <n>                   ]
     [-tw <n>    ] | [--tabwidth <n>                  ]
     [-iw <n>    ] | [--indent <n>                    ]
     [-s <n>     ] | [--shortline <n>                 ]
     [-p <n>     ] | [--prewhite <n>                  ]
     [-pb <n>    ] | [--prebegin <n>                  ]
     [-pe <n>    ] | [--preend <n>                    ]
     [-r <n>     ] | [--hrule <n>                     ]
     [-LO/+LO    ] | [--linkonly / --nolinkonly       ]
     [-db <n>    ] | [--debug <n>                     ]

  More complete explanations of these options can be found in 
  comments near the beginning of the script.

#     [-T <t>:<r> ] | [--tag <tagname>:<regexp>        ]

sub deal_with_options
    while (( $#ARGV > -1 ) && ( $ARGV[0] =~ /^[-+].+/ ) )
	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-l" || $ARGV[0] eq "--link") &&
	    if (-r $ARGV[1]) {
                $make_links = 1;
                # Stick it on the end of the list
		push(@links_dictionaries, $ARGV[1]);
	    } else {
		print STDERR "Can't find or read link-file $ARGV[1].\n";
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "+l" || $ARGV[0] eq "--nolink") )
            $system_link_dict = "";
            $make_links = 0;
            @links_dictionaries = 0;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-H" || $ARGV[0] eq "--heading") &&
            push(@custom_heading_regexp, $ARGV[1]);
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-EH" || $ARGV[0] eq "--explicit-headings") )
            $explicit_headings = 1;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "+EH" || $ARGV[0] eq "--noexplicit-headings") )
            $explicit_headings = 0;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-T" || $ARGV[0] eq "--tag") &&
            print STDERR "Sorry.  $ARGV[0] isn't supported yet.\n";
            push(@custom_tags, $ARGV[1]);
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-r" || $ARGV[0] eq "--hrule") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $hrule_min = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-s" || $ARGV[0] eq "--shortline") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $short_line_length = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-p" || $ARGV[0] eq "--prewhite") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $preformat_whitespace_min = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-pb" || $ARGV[0] eq "--prebegin") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^-?\d+$/)
	    $preformat_trigger_lines = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;
	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-pe" || $ARGV[0] eq "--preend") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^-?\d+$/)
	    $endpreformat_trigger_lines = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-e" || $ARGV[0] eq "--extract"))
	    $extract = 1;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "+e" || $ARGV[0] eq "--noextract"))
	    $extract = 0;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-c" || $ARGV[0] eq "--caps") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $min_caps_length = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-ct" || $ARGV[0] eq "--capstag") &&
	    $caps_tag = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "-m" || $ARGV[0] eq "--mail")
	    $mailmode = 1;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+m" || $ARGV[0] eq "--nomail")
	    $mailmode = 0;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "-u" || $ARGV[0] eq "--unhyphen")
	    $unhyphenation = 1;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+u" || $ARGV[0] eq "--nounhyphen")
	    $unhyphenation = 0;

        if (($ARGV[0] eq "-a" || $ARGV[0] eq "-ab" ||
             $ARGV[0] eq "--append" || $ARGV[0] eq "--append_body") &&
	    if (-r $ARGV[1]) {
		$append_file = $ARGV[1];
	    } else {
		print STDERR "Can't find or read $ARGV[1].\n";
	    shift @ARGV;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+a" || $ARGV[0] eq "+ab" ||
            $ARGV[0] eq "--noappend" || $ARGV[0] eq "--noappend_body")
	    $append_file = 0;

        if (($ARGV[0] eq "-pp" ||
             $ARGV[0] eq "--prepend" || $ARGV[0] eq "--prepend_body")
  	    && $ARGV[1])
	    if (-r $ARGV[1]) {
		$prepend_file = $ARGV[1];
	    } else {
		print STDERR "Can't find or read $ARGV[1].\n";
	    shift @ARGV;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+pp" ||
            $ARGV[0] eq "--noprepend" || $ARGV[0] eq "--noprepend_body")
	    $prepend_file = 0;

        if (($ARGV[0] eq "-ah" || $ARGV[0] eq "--append_head") &&
	    if (-r $ARGV[1]) {
		$append_head = $ARGV[1];
	    } else {
		print STDERR "Can't find or read $ARGV[1].\n";
	    shift @ARGV;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+ah" || $ARGV[0] eq "--noappend_head")
	    $append_head = 0;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-t" || $ARGV[0] eq "--title") &&
	    defined $ARGV[1])
	    $title = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "-tf" || $ARGV[0] eq "--titlefirst")
	    $titlefirst = 1;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+tf" || $ARGV[0] eq "--notitlefirst")
	    $titlefirst = 0;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-dt" || $ARGV[0] eq "--doctype") &&
	    $doctype = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+dt" || $ARGV[0] eq "--nodoctype")
	    $doctype = 0;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-ul" || $ARGV[0] eq "--ulength") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $underline_length_tolerance = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-uo" || $ARGV[0] eq "--uoffset") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $underline_offset_tolerance = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-tw" || $ARGV[0] eq "--tabwidth") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $tab_width = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-iw" || $ARGV[0] eq "--indentwidth") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $indent_width = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "-ec" || $ARGV[0] eq "--escapechars")
	    $escape_HTML_chars = 1;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+ec" || $ARGV[0] eq "--noescapechars")
	    $escape_HTML_chars = 0;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "-LO" || $ARGV[0] eq "--linkonly")
	    $link_only = 1;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "+LO" || $ARGV[0] eq "--nolinkonly")
	    $link_only = 0;

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "-v" || $ARGV[0] eq "--version")
	    print "txt2html $version\n";

	if ($ARGV[0] eq "-h" || $ARGV[0] eq "--help")

	if (($ARGV[0] eq "-db" || $ARGV[0] eq "--debug") &&
	    $ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/)
	    $dict_debug = $ARGV[1];
	    shift @ARGV;

        # 20020411 MJD
	if ($ARGV[0] eq "--setvar")
            my ($var, $val) = split /=/, $ARGV[1], 2;
            $$var = $val;
	    shift @ARGV;

        if ($ARGV[0] eq "--")

	print STDERR "Unrecognized option: $ARGV[0]\n";
	print STDERR " or bad paramater: $ARGV[1]\n" if($ARGV[1]);


    } continue {

	shift @ARGV;

    $preformat_trigger_lines = 0 if ($preformat_trigger_lines < 0);
    $preformat_trigger_lines = 2 if ($preformat_trigger_lines > 2);

    $endpreformat_trigger_lines = 1 if ($preformat_trigger_lines == 0);
    $endpreformat_trigger_lines = 0 if ($endpreformat_trigger_lines < 0);
    $endpreformat_trigger_lines = 2 if ($endpreformat_trigger_lines > 2);

sub is_blank
    return $_[0] =~ /^\s*$/;

sub escape
    $line =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
    $line =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
    $line =~ s/</&lt;/g;

sub hrule
    if ($line =~ /^\s*([-_~=\*]\s*){$hrule_min,}$/)
	$line = "<HR>\n";
	$prev =~ s/<P>//;
	$line_action |= $HRULE;
    } elsif ($line =~ /\014/)
	$line_action |= $HRULE;
        $line =~ s/\014/\n<HR>\n/g; # Linefeeds become horizontal rules

sub shortline

    # Short lines should be broken even on list item lines iff the
    # following line is more text.  I haven't figured out how to do
    # that yet.  For now, I'll just not break on short lines in lists.
    # (sorry)

    if (!($mode & ($PRE | $LIST))
	&& !&is_blank($line)
	&& !&is_blank($prev) 
	&& ($prev_line_length < $short_line_length) 
	&& !($line_action & ($END | $HEADER | $HRULE | $LIST | $PAR))
	&& !($prev_action & ($HEADER | $HRULE | $BREAK)))
	$prev .= "<BR>" . chop($prev);
        $prev_action |= $BREAK;

sub mailstuff
    if ((($line =~ /^\w*&gt/)    # Handle "FF> Werewolves."
         || ($line =~ /^\w*\|/)) # Handle "Igor| There wolves."
        && !&is_blank($nextline))
	$line =~ s/$/<BR>/;
	$line_action |= ($BREAK | $MAILQUOTE);
        if(!($prev_action & ($BREAK | $PAR)))
            $prev .= "<P>\n";
            $line_action |= $PAR;
    } elsif (($line =~ /^(From:?)|(Newsgroups:) /)
             && &is_blank($prev))
	&anchor_mail if !($prev_action & $MAILHEADER);
        chop $line;
	$line = "<!-- New Message -->\n<p>\n" . $line . "<BR>\n";        
	$line_action |= ($BREAK | $MAILHEADER | $PAR);
    } elsif (($line =~ /^[\w\-]*:/)  # Handle "Some-Header: blah"
	     && ($prev_action & $MAILHEADER) 
	     && !&is_blank($nextline))
	$line =~ s/$/<BR>/;
	$line_action |= ($BREAK | $MAILHEADER);
    } elsif (($line =~ /^\s+\S/) &&   # Handle multi-line mail headers
	     ($prev_action & $MAILHEADER) &&
	$line =~ s/$/<BR>/;
	$line_action |= ($BREAK | $MAILHEADER);

# Subtracts modes listed in $mask from $vector.
sub subtract_modes
    local($vector, $mask) = @_;
    ($vector | $mask) - $mask;

sub paragraph
       && !($mode & $PRE)
       && !&subtract_modes($line_action, $END | $MAILQUOTE | $CAPS | $BREAK)
       && (&is_blank($prev) 
	   || ($line_action & $END)
	   || ($line_indent > $prev_indent + $par_indent)))
	$prev .= "<P>\n";
	$line_action |= $PAR;

# If the line is blank, return the second argument.  Otherwise,
# return the number of spaces before any nonspaces on the line.
sub count_indent
    local($line, $prev_length) = @_;
	return $prev_length;
    local($ws) = $line =~ /^( *)[^ ]/;

sub listprefix
    local($line) = @_;
    local($prefix, $number, $rawprefix);

    return (0,0,0) if (!($line =~ /^\s*[-=\*o]+\s+\S/ ) &&
		       !($line =~ /^\s*(\d+|[^\W\d_])[\.\)\]:]\s+\S/ ));

    ($number) = $line =~ /^\s*(\d+|[^\W\d_])/;
    $number = 0 unless defined( $number );

    # That slippery exception of "o" as a bullet
    # (This ought to be determined using the context of what lists
    #  we have in progress, but this will probably work well enough.)
    if($line =~ /^\s*o\s/)
	$number = 0;

    if ($number)
	($rawprefix) = $line =~ /^(\s*(\d+|[^\W\d_]).)/;
	$prefix = $rawprefix;
	$prefix =~ s/(\d+|[^\W\d_])//;	# Take the number out
    } else {
	($rawprefix) = $line =~ /^(\s*[-=o\*]+.)/;
	$prefix = $rawprefix;
    ($prefix, $number, $rawprefix);

sub startlist
    local($prefix, $number, $rawprefix) = @_;

    $listprefix[$listnum] = $prefix;
	# It doesn't start with 1,a,A.  Let's not screw with it.
	if (($number ne "1") && ($number ne "a") && ($number ne "A"))
	    return 0;
	$prev .= "$list_indent<OL>\n";
	$list[$listnum] = $OL;
    } else {
	$prev .= "$list_indent<UL>\n";
	$list[$listnum] = $UL;

    $list_indent = " " x $listnum x $indent_width;
    $line_action |= $LIST;
    $mode |= $LIST;

sub endlist			# End N lists
    local($n) = @_;
    for(; $n > 0; $n--, $listnum--)
	$list_indent = " " x ($listnum-1) x $indent_width;
	if($list[$listnum-1] == $UL)
	    $prev .= "$list_indent</UL>\n";
	} elsif($list[$listnum-1] == $OL)
	    $prev .= "$list_indent</OL>\n";
	} else
	    print STDERR "Encountered list of unknown type\n";
    $line_action |= $END;
    $mode ^= $LIST if (!$listnum);

sub continuelist
    $line =~ s/^\s*[-=o\*]+\s*/$list_indent<LI><p> / if $list[$listnum-1] == $UL;
    $line =~ s/^\s*(\d+|[^\W\d_]).\s*/$list_indent<LI><p> /    
        if $list[$listnum-1] == $OL;
    $line_action |= $LIST;
    $line =~ s,\n,<!-- list end--></p>\n,;

sub liststuff

    local($prefix, $number, $rawprefix) = &listprefix($line);

    if (!$prefix)
	return if !&is_blank($prev); # inside a list item
	# This ain't no list.  We'll want to end all of them.
        &endlist($listnum) if $listnum;
    # If numbers with more than one digit grow to the left instead of
    # to the right, the prefix will shrink and we'll fail to match the
    # right list.  We need to account for this.
    local ( $prefix_alternate );
    if ( length( "" . $number ) > 1 )
        $prefix_alternate = ( " " x ( length( "" . $number ) -1 )) . $prefix;
    # Maybe we're going back up to a previous list
    for($i = $listnum - 1; ($i >= 0) && ($prefix ne $listprefix[$i]); $i--)
        if ( length( "" . $number ) > 1 )
            last if $prefix_alternate eq $listprefix[$i];


    # Measure the indent from where the text starts, not where the
    # prefix starts.  This won't screw anything up, and if we don't do
    # it, the next line might appear to be indented relative to this
    # line, and get tagged as a new paragraph.
    local($total_prefix) = $line =~ /^(\s*[\w-=o\*]+.\s*)/;
    # Of course, we only use it if it really turns out to be a list.

    $islist = 1;
    if (($i > 0) && ($i != $listnum))
	&endlist($listnum - $i);
        $islist = 0;
    } elsif (!$listnum || ($i != $listnum))
        if ( ($line_indent > 0) 
            || &is_blank($prev) 
            || ($prev_action & ($BREAK | $HEADER)))
            $islist = &startlist($prefix, $number, $rawprefix);
        } else 
            # We have something like this: "- foo" which usually
            # turns out not to be a list.

    &continuelist($prefix, $number, $rawprefix) if ($mode & $LIST);
    $line_indent = length($total_prefix) if $islist;

# Returns true if the passed string is considered to be preformatted
sub is_preformatted
  (($_[0] =~ /\s{$preformat_whitespace_min,}\S+/o) # whitespaces
   || ($_[0] =~ /^\#\*\s/)    #  purple tag MJD PREF
   || ($_[0] =~ /\.{$preformat_whitespace_min,}\S+/o)); # dots

sub endpreformat
       && ($endpreformat_trigger_lines == 1 
           || !&is_preformatted($nextline)))
	$prev .= "</PRE>\n";
	$mode ^= ($PRE & $mode);
	$line_action |= $END;

sub preformat
  if($preformat_trigger_lines == 0 
     || (&is_preformatted($line) &&
         ($preformat_trigger_lines == 1 || &is_preformatted($nextline)))) {
      if ($line =~ s/^\#\*/  /) {
          $line = expand_escape('C', $line); #MJD PRE
      $line =~ s/^/<PRE>\n/;
      $prev =~ s/<P>//;
      $mode |= $PRE;
      $line_action |= $PRE;

sub make_new_anchor
    local( $heading_level ) = @_;
    local($anchor, $i);

    return sprintf("%d", $non_header_anchor++) if(!$heading_level);

    $anchor = "section-";

    # Reset lower order counters
    for($i=$#heading_count + 1; $i > $heading_level; $i--)
        $heading_count[$i-1] = 0;

    for($i=0; $i < $heading_level; $i++)
        $heading_count[$i] = 1 if !$heading_count[$i]; # In case they skip any
        $anchor .= sprintf("%d.", $heading_count[$i]);

sub anchor_mail
    local($anchor) = &make_new_anchor(0);
    $line =~ s/([^ ]*)/<A NAME="$anchor">$1<\/A>/;

sub anchor_heading
    local($level) = @_;
    local($anchor) = &make_new_anchor( $level );
    $line =~ s/(<H.>)(.*)(<\/H.>)/$1<A NAME="$anchor">$2<\/A>$3/;

sub heading_level
    local($style) = @_;
    $heading_styles{$style} = ++$num_heading_styles
        if !$heading_styles{$style};

sub heading
    local($hoffset, $heading) = $line =~ /^(\s*)(.+)$/;
    $hoffset = "" unless defined( $hoffset );
    $heading = "" unless defined( $heading );
    local($uoffset, $underline) = $nextline =~ /^(\s*)(\S+)\s*$/;
    $uoffset = "" unless defined( $uoffset );
    $underline = "" unless defined( $underline );
    local($lendiff, $offsetdiff);
    $lendiff = length($heading) - length($underline);
    $lendiff *= -1 if $lendiff < 0;

    $offsetdiff = length($hoffset) - length($uoffset);
    $offsetdiff *= -1 if $offsetdiff < 0;

       ||($lendiff > $underline_length_tolerance)
       ||($offsetdiff > $underline_offset_tolerance))

    $underline = substr($underline,0,1);

    $underline .= "C" if &iscaps($line); # Call it a different style if the
                                         # heading is in all caps.
    $nextline = &getline;             # Eat the underline
    $heading_level = &heading_level($underline);
    &tagline("H" . $heading_level);
    &anchor_heading( $heading_level );
    $line_action |= $HEADER;

sub custom_heading
    local($i, $level);
    for($i=0; $i <= $#custom_heading_regexp; $i++)
        if ($line =~ /$custom_heading_regexp[$i]/)
            if ( $explicit_headings )
                $level = $i + 1;
            } else {
                $level = &heading_level("Cust" . $i);
            &tagline("H" . $level);
            &anchor_heading( $level );
            $line_action |= $HEADER;

sub unhyphenate

    # This looks hairy because of all the quoted characters.
    # All I'm doing is pulling out the word that begins the next line.
    # Along with it, I pull out any punctuation that follows.
    # Preceding whitespace is preserved.  We don't want to screw up
    # our own guessing systems that rely on indentation.
    ($second) = $nextline =~ /^\s*([^\W\d_]+[\)\}\]\.,:;\'\"\>]*\s*)/; # "
    $nextline =~ s/^(\s*)[^\W\d_]+[\)\}\]\.,:;\'\"\>]*\s*/$1/; # "
    # (The silly comments are for my less-than-perfect code hilighter)

    $nextline = &getline if $nextline eq "";
    $line =~ s/\-\s*$/$second/;
    $line .= "\n";

sub untabify
    local($line) = @_;
    while($line =~ /\011/)
        $line =~ s/\011/" " x ($tab_width - (length($`) % $tab_width))/e;

sub tagline
    local($tag) = @_;
    chop $line;                 # Drop newline
    $line =~ s/^\s*(.*)$/<$tag>$1<\/$tag>\n/;

sub iscaps
    local($_) = @_;
    # This is ugly, but I don't know a better way to do it.
    # (And, yes, I could use the literal characters instead of the 
    # numeric codes, but this keeps the script 8-bit clean, which will
    # save someone a big headache when they transfer via ASCII ftp.

sub caps
	$line_action |= $CAPS;

# Convert very simple globs to regexps
sub glob2regexp
    local($glob) = @_;
    # Escape funky chars
    $glob =~ s/[^\w\[\]\*\?\|\\]/\\$&/g;
    local($regexp,$i,$len,$escaped) = ("",0,length($glob),0);
    for(;$i < $len; $i++)
	$char = substr($glob,$i,1);
	    $escaped = 0;
	    $regexp .= $char;
	if ($char eq "\\") {
	    $escaped = 1; next;
	    $regexp .= $char;
	if ($char eq "?") {
	    $regexp .= "."; next;
	if ($char eq "*") {
	    $regexp .= ".*"; next;
	$regexp .= $char;	# Normal character
    "\\b" . $regexp . "\\b";

sub add_regexp_to_links_table
    local($key,$URL,$switches) = @_;
	# No sense adding a second one if it's already in there.
	# It would never get used.
	    # Keep track of the order they were added so we can
	    # look for matches in the same order
	    push(@links_table_order, ($key));

	    $links_table{$key} = $URL;        # Put it in The Table
	    $links_switch_table{$key} = $switches;
	    print STDERR 
 " ($#links_table_order)\tKEY: $key\n\tVALUE: $URL\n\tSWITCHES: $switches\n\n"
		if ($dict_debug & 1);
	} else 
	    if($dict_debug & 1) {
		print STDERR " Skipping entry.  Key already in table.\n";
		print STDERR "\tKEY: $key\n\tVALUE: $URL\n\n";

sub add_literal_to_links_table
    local($key,$URL,$switches) = @_;
    $key =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; # Escape non-alphanumeric chars
    $key = "\\b$key\\b"; # Make a regexp out of it

sub add_glob_to_links_table
    local($key,$URL,$switches) = @_;

# This is the only function you should need to change if you want to
# use a different dictionary file format.
sub parse_dict
    local($dictfile, $dict) = @_;

    print STDERR "Parsing dictionary file $dictfile\n" if ($dict_debug & 1);

    $dict =~ s/^\#.*$//g;	 # Strip lines that start with '#'
    $dict =~ s/^.*[^\\]:\s*$//g; # Strip lines that end with unescaped ':'

    if($dict =~ /->\s*->/)
	$message = "Two consecutive '->'s found in $dictfile\n";

	# Print out any useful context so they can find it.
	($near) = $dict =~ /([\S ]*\s*->\s*->\s*\S*)/;
	$message .= "\n$near\n" if $near =~ /\S/; 
	die $message;

    while($dict =~ /\s*(.+)\s+\-+([ieho]+\-+)?\>\s*(.*\S+)\s*\n/ig)
	local($key, $URL,$switches,$options);
	$key = $1;
	$options = $2;
        $options = "" unless defined($options);
	$URL = $3;
	$switches = 0;
	$switches += 1 if $options =~ /i/i; # Case insensitivity
	$switches += 2 if $options =~ /e/i; # Evaluate as Perl code
	$switches += 4 if $options =~ /h/i; # provides HTML, not just URL
	$switches += 8 if $options =~ /o/i; # Only do this link once

	$key =~ s/\s*$//;	# Chop trailing whitespace

	if($key =~ m|^/|)	# Regexp
	    $key = substr($key,1);
	    $key =~ s|/$||;	# Allow them to forget the closing /
	} elsif($key =~ /^\|/)	# alternate regexp format
	    $key = substr($key,1);
	    $key =~ s/\|$//;	# Allow them to forget the closing |
	    $key =~ s|/|\\/|g;	# Escape all slashes
	} elsif ($key =~ /\"/)
	    $key = substr($key,1);
	    $key =~ s/\"$//;	# Allow them to forget the closing "
	} else

sub in_link_context
    local($match, $before) = @_;
    return 1 if $match =~ m@</?A>@i; # No links allowed inside match

    local($final_open, $final_close);
    $final_open = rindex($before, "<A ") - $[;
    $final_close = rindex($before, "</A>") - $[;

    return 1 if ($final_open >= 0) # Link opened 
	&& (($final_close < 0)	   # and not closed    or
	    || ($final_open > $final_close)); # one opened after last close

    # Now check to see if we're inside a tag, matching a tag name, 
    # or attribute name or value
    $final_open  = rindex($before, "<") - $[;
    $final_close = rindex($before, ">") - $[;
    ($final_open >= 0)          # Tag opened 
	&& (($final_close < 0)  # and not closed    or
	    || ($final_open > $final_close)); # one opened after last close

# This subroutine looks a little odd.  Rather than build up some code
# and keep "eval"ing later, I'm building a new subroutine.  This way I
# can declare local vars and not worry about the namespace in the
# calling context.  I don't know how much it really gains me, but I
# don't know of any real costs and it seems like it could be
# friendlier to optimization.  (And it's fun to define new
# subroutines at runtime.  :-)

# I once thought that storing the finished dynamic_make_dictionary_links
# in a file and using it for subsequent invokations (when the
# dictionaries were the same) would save time.  I tried it, and the
# speed gain is insignificant.  (Using the standard links dictionary,
# it speeds up by 0.1 seconds per invokation on a 386/33 with a slow
# old hard drive.  I couldn't measure a difference on my fast machine.)

sub make_dictionary_links_code
    $code = <<EOCode;
sub dynamic_make_dictionary_links
    local(\$line_link) = (\$line_action | \$LINK);
    for($i=1; $i <= $#links_table_order; $i++)
	$pattern = $links_table_order[$i];
	$key = $pattern;
	$switches = $links_switch_table{$key};
	$s_sw = "";		# Options for searching
	$s_sw .= "i" if($switches & 1);
	$r_sw = "";		# Options for replacing
	$r_sw .= "i" if($switches & 1);
	$r_sw .= "e" if($switches & 2);

	$href = $links_table{$key};

	$href =~ s@/@\\/@g;
	$href = '<A HREF="' . $href . '">$&<\\/A>'
	    if !($switches & 4);

	$code .= "    \$line_with_links = \"\";";
        if($switches & 8) # Do link only once
	$code .= "
    while(!\$done_with_link[$i] && \$line =~ /$pattern/$s_sw)
        \$done_with_link[$i] = 1;
        } else {
            $code .= "\n    while(\$line =~ /$pattern/$s_sw)\n    {";
	$code .= <<EOCode;
	\$link_line = $LINK if(!\$link_line);
	\$before = \$\`;
	\$linkme = \$&;

	\$line = substr(\$line, length(\$before) + length(\$linkme));
	\$linkme =~ s/$pattern/$href/$r_sw
	    if(!&in_link_context(\$linkme,\$line_with_links . \$before));
	\$line_with_links .= \$before . \$linkme;
    \$line = \$line_with_links . \$line;
    $code .= <<EOCode;

    \$line_action |= \$line_link; # Cheaper only to do bitwise OR once.
    print STDERR "$code" if ($dict_debug & 2);
    eval "$code";
        print STDERR "Problem making dictionary eval code\n";
        die $@;

sub load_dictionary_links
    local( $dict, $contents );
    @links_table_order = 0;
    %links_table = ();
    foreach $dict ( @links_dictionaries )
        next unless $dict;
        open(DICT, "$dict") || die "Can't open Dictionary file $dict\n";
        $contents = "";
        $contents .= $_ while(<DICT>);
        &parse_dict($dict, $contents);

sub make_dictionary_links
    eval "&dynamic_make_dictionary_links;";
    warn $@ if $@;

sub getline
    $line = <>;
    $line = "" unless defined ($line);
    $line =~ s/[ \011]*\015$//;	# Chop trailing whitespace and DOS CRs
    $line = &untabify($line);   # Change all tabs to spaces

my %escape_table;
sub main
    $* = 1;			# Turn on multiline searches
        if ($make_links && (-f $default_link_dict));
    %escape_table = load_escape_table();  # MJD
        push(@links_dictionaries,($system_link_dict)) if -f $system_link_dict;

    $non_header_anchor = 0;

    # Moved this way up here so we can grab the first line and use it
    # as the title (if --titlefirst is set)
    $mode = 0;
    $listnum = 0;
    $list_indent = "";
    $line_action = $NONE;
    $prev_action = $NONE;
    $prev_line_length = 0;
    $prev_indent = 0;
    $prev     = "";
    $line     = &getline;
    $nextline = 0;
    $nextline = &getline if $line;

    # Skip leading blank lines
    while( &is_blank($line) && $line )
	$prev = $line;
	$line = $nextline;
	$nextline = &getline if $nextline;

        print '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "' . $doctype . "\">\n" unless !$doctype;
	print "<HTML>\n";
	print "<HEAD>\n";

        # if --titlefirst is set and --title isn't, use the first line
        # as the title.
        if ($titlefirst && !$title)
            ($title) = $line =~ /^ *(.*)/; # grab first line
            $title =~ s/ *$//; # strip trailing whitespace
        $title = "" if !$title;
	print "<TITLE>$title</TITLE>\n";

        if ($append_head)
            open(APPEND, $append_head) || die "Failed to open $append_head\n";
            print while <APPEND>;

        print "<META NAME=\"generator\" CONTENT=\"txt2html v$version\">\n";
	print "<LINK REL='start' HREF='$MJD_FIRST_FILE' TYPE='text/html; charset=utf-8'>\n";
	print "<LINK REL='first' HREF='$MJD_FIRST_FILE' TYPE='text/html; charset=utf-8'>\n";
	print "<LINK REL='last' HREF='$MJD_LAST_FILE' TYPE='text/html; charset=utf-8'>\n";
	print "<LINK REL='next' HREF='$MJD_NEXT_FILE' TYPE='text/html; charset=utf-8'>\n";
	print "<LINK REL='previous' HREF='$MJD_PREV_FILE' TYPE='text/html; charset=utf-8'>\n";
	print "<LINK REL='contents' HREF='TABLE_OF_CONTENTS.html' TYPE='text/html; charset=utf-8'>\n";
	print "</HEAD>\n";
	print "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\" BACKGROUND=\"background.jpg\"><FONT SIZE=4>\n";

    if ($prepend_file)
	if(-r $prepend_file)
	    open( PREPEND, $prepend_file );
	    binmode PREPEND, ":encoding($ENCODING)" if $ENCODING;
	    my $PREPEND_TEXT;
	    { local $/;
            close( PREPEND );
#	    setup_extra_vars();  # Use --setvar options instead 20020411 MJD
	    local $^W; # no warnings 'utf8';
	    print $PREPEND_TEXT;
	} else {
	    print STDERR "Can't find or read file $prepend_file to prepend.\n";


        if ( !$link_only )
          $line_length = length($line); # Do this before tags go in
          $line_indent = &count_indent($line, $prev_indent);

	  # MJD
#	  $line =~ s/^\#X\#/\#HTML\# <input type=checkbox>/;
#	  $line =~ s/^\#O\#/  /;
	  if ($line =~ /^\#BACKTRACK\#/) {
	    if (! $backtrack_mode) {
	      $backtrack_mode = 1;
	      $line = qq{\#HTML\# <FORM><PRE>\n};
	    } else {
	      $backtrack_mode = 0;
	      $line = qq{\#HTML\# </PRE></FORM>\n};
	  } elsif ($backtrack_mode) {
	    my %subs = ( '=' => '<FONT color=purple><b>|</b></font>',
			 '<' => '<FONT color=red><b>&lt;</b></font>',
			 '>' => '<FONT color=red><b>&gt;</b></font>',
	    $line =~ s{([=<>])}{$subs{$1}}g;
#	    $line =~ s{^\#X\#}{<input type=checkbox>};  # For display
	    $line =~ s{^\#X\#}{&nbsp;&nbsp;};                 # For printing
	    $line =~ s{^\#O\#}{&nbsp;&nbsp;};
	    $line =~ s{^}{\#HTML\# };

	  my $is_image = $line =~ s/^\#IMG\#\s+//;
	  if ($is_image) {
	    chomp $line;
	    $line .= '.gif' unless $line =~ /\./;
	    $line = qq{#HTML# <p align=center><img src="$line"></p>\n};
	  my $is_rtimage = $line =~ s/^\#RTIMG\#\s+//;
	  if ($is_rtimage) {
	    chomp $line;
	    $line .= '.gif' unless $line =~ /\./;
	    $line = qq{#HTML# <img align=right src="$line">\n};
	  my $is_ltimage = $line =~ s/^\#LTIMG\#\s+//;
	  if ($is_ltimage) {
	    chomp $line;
	    $line .= '.gif' unless $line =~ /\./;
	    $line = qq{#HTML# <img align=left src="$line">\n};
	  my $is_regex = $line =~ s/^\#REGEX\#\s+//;
          if ($is_regex) {
	    chomp $line;
	    $line = qq{#HTML# <p align=center><font size="+1" color=blue><tt>/$line/</tt></font></p>\n};
          if ($line =~ /^\#RANDIMG\#/) {
            $line = rand_img(); # MJD random images
	  my $is_raw_html = $line =~ s/^\#HTMLx?\#\s+//;

          &escape if $escape_HTML_chars && !$is_raw_html; 

          $line =~ s{IMG:([^:]+):}{<img src="$1">}g;

            if (($mode & $PRE) && $line =~ s/^\#\*/  /) {
              $line = expand_escape('C', $line); # MJD PRE
          &endpreformat if (($mode & $PRE) && ($preformat_trigger_lines != 0));

          &hrule if !($mode & $PRE);

          &custom_heading if (($#custom_heading_regexp > -1)
                              && !($mode & $PRE));

          &liststuff if (!($mode & $PRE) && 

          &heading   if (!$explicit_headings &&
                         !($mode & ($PRE | $HEADER)) && 
                         $nextline =~ /^\s*[=\-\*\.~\+]+\s*$/);

#        &custom_tag if (($#custom_tags > -1)
#                        && !($mode & $PRE)
#                        && !($line_action & $HEADER));

          &mailstuff if ($mailmode && 
                         !($mode & $PRE) && 
                         !($line_action & $HEADER));

          &preformat if (!($line_action & ($HEADER | $LIST | $MAILHEADER)) && 
                         !($mode & ($LIST | $PRE)) &&
                         ($endpreformat_trigger_lines != 0));

          &shortline unless $is_raw_html;

          &unhyphenate if ($unhyphenation && 
                           ($line =~ /[^\W\d_]\-$/) && # ends in hyphen
                           # next line starts w/letters
                           ($nextline =~ /^\s*[^\W\d_]/) && 
                           !($mode & ($PRE | $HEADER | $MAILHEADER | $BREAK)));

	  # DO_CAPS 19991006 MJD
	  &caps if  $DO_CAPS && !($mode & $PRE);


	&make_dictionary_links if ($make_links
                                   && !&is_blank($line)
				   && $#links_table_order);

        # All the matching and formatting is done.  Now we can 
        # replace non-ASCII characters with character entities.
#         @chars = split(//,$line);
#         foreach $_ (@chars)
#         {
#             $_ = $char_entities{$_} if defined( $char_entities{$_} );
#         }
#         $line = join( "", @chars );

	# Print it out and move on.

	# MJD
        $line =~ s{ // }
        $line =~ s{\[(\w)\[([^\]]*)\]\1\]}
                  {expand_escape($1, $2)}ge;
	$line =~ s{class\(([^)]*)\)}
                  {<FONT COLOR="blue"><TT>[$1]</TT></FONT>}g;
	$line =~ s{\[\[((?:[^\]]|\][^\]])*)\]\]}

	print $prev;

	if (!&is_blank($nextline))
	    $prev_action = $line_action;
	    $line_action     = $NONE;
	    $prev_line_length = $line_length;
	    $prev_indent = $line_indent;

	$prev = $line;
	$line = $nextline;
	$nextline = &getline if $nextline;
    } until (!$nextline && !$line && !$prev);

    $prev = "";
    &endlist($listnum) if ($mode & $LIST); # End all lists
    print $prev;

    print "\n";

    print "</PRE>\n" if ($mode & $PRE);

    if ($append_file)
	if(-r $append_file)
	    open( APPEND, $append_file );
	    binmode APPEND, ":encoding($ENCODING)" if $ENCODING;
	    my $APPEND_TEXT;
	    { local $/;
            close( APPEND );
#	    setup_extra_vars();  # Use --setvar options instead 20020411 MJD
	    local $^W; # no warnings 'utf8'
	    print $APPEND_TEXT;
	} else {
	    print STDERR "Can't find or read file $append_file to append.\n";

	print "</FONT></BODY>\n";
	print "</HTML>\n";

sub load_escape_table {
  local *EC;
  %default_escape_table = 
      ('R' => '#ff0000',           
       'G' => '#00ff00', 
       'B' => '#0000ff',
       'P' => '#0000ff',
       'V' => 'purple',
       'E' => sub { "&$_;" },
       'C' => sub { qq{<FONT COLOR="purple"><B><TT>$_</TT></B></FONT>} },
  my %esc;
  return %default_escape_table unless open EC, "< ESCAPE_CODES";
  while (<EC>) {
    next if /^#/;
    my ($letter, $code) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
    if ($letter !~ /^\w$/) {
      warn "Malformed escape code definition for '$letter'; should be one letter or digit; ignoring\n";
    if ($code =~ /^sub\s/) {
      my $ref = eval $code;
      unless (defined $ref) {
        warn "Escape code definition for '$letter' couldn't be compiled:\n\t$@\n";
      $esc{$letter} = $ref;
    } else {
      $esc{$letter} = $code;

sub expand_escape {
  my ($code, $text) = @_;
  unless (exists $escape_table{$code}) {
    warn "Unrecognized escape sequence [$code\[...\]$code] at input line $.\n";
    return $text;
  my $exp = $escape_table{$code};
  if (ref $exp eq 'CODE') {
    local $_ = $text;
    return $exp->($text);
  } elsif (not ref $exp) {
    return qq{<FONT COLOR="$exp"><TT>$text</TT></FONT>};
  } else {
    die "Escape code table entry for [$code\[...\]$code] was neither plain text nor a subroutine; aborting";

sub substitute_vars {
  $_[0] =~ s/([@\$](?:\w+::)?\w+)/$1/eeg;

# Use --setvar options instead 20020411 MJD
sub setup_extra_vars {
  $MJD_NEXT_FILE =~ s/\.txt$/\.html/;
  $MJD_NEXT_FILE =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf("%03d", $1 + 1)/e;
  $MJD_PREV_FILE =~ s/\.txt$/\.html/;
  $MJD_PREV_FILE =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf("%03d", $1 - 1)/e;
  $MJD_SLIDE_NUMBER = $1 + 0;

my $images_disabled = 0;
sub rand_img {
  return '' if $images_disabled;
  unless (@rand_images) {
    if (opendir RD, "rand_images") {
      @rand_images = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } (readdir RD);
      closedir RD;
    } else {
      $images_disabled = 1;

  my $img = $rand_images[rand @rand_images];
  qq{#HTML# <img src="rand_images/$img" align=right>};

