
# decode all the files in the directory uusrc/ and copy
# the resulting files to uudst/

use Convert::UUlib ':all';

sub namefilter {
   my ($path) = @_;



sub busycb {
   my ($action, $curfile, $partno, $numparts, $percent, $fsize) = @_;
   print "busy_callback(", (join ",",@_), ")\n";

SetOption OPT_RBUF, 128*1024;
SetOption OPT_WBUF, 1024*1024;
SetOption OPT_IGNMODE, 1;
SetOption OPT_VERBOSE, 1;
SetOption OPT_DOTDOT, 1;

# show the three ways you can set callback functions. I normally
# prefer the one with the sub inplace.
SetFNameFilter \&namefilter;

SetBusyCallback "busycb", 333;

SetMsgCallback sub {
   my ($msg, $level) = @_;
   print uc strmsglevel $_[1], ": $msg\n";

# the following non-trivial FileNameCallback takes care
# of some subject lines not detected properly by uulib:
SetFileNameCallback sub {
   return unless $_[1]; # skip "Re:"-plies et al.
   local $_ = $_[0];

   if ($_[1] =~ /^(img_?\d+|\d+\w?)\./) {
      return "$1 $_[1]"
         if /^\s*\(([^)]+)\) \[\d+/;

   # the following rules are rather effective on some newsgroups,
   # like alt.binaries.games.anime, where non-mime, uuencoded data
   # is very common

   # File 06 of 33 - Kendo - Final - 0001.jpg (2/3)
   return $1 if /File \d+ of \d+ - (.*) \(\d+\/\d+\)/i;

   # if we find some *.rar, take it as the filename
   return $1 if /(\S{3,}\.(?:[rstuvwxyz]\d\d|rar))\s/i;

   # one common subject format
   return $1 if /- "(.{2,}?\..+?)" (?:yenc )?\(\d+\/\d+\)/i;

   # - filename.par (04/55)
   return $1 if /- "?(\S{3,}\.\S+?)"? (?:yenc )?\(\d+\/\d+\)/i;

   # - (xxx) No. 1 sayuri81.jpg 756565 bytes
   # - (20 files) No.17 Roseanne.jpg [2/2]
   return $1 if /No\.[ 0-9]+ (\S+\....) (?:\d+ bytes )?\[/;

   # try to detect some common forms of filenames
   return $1 if /([a-z0-9_\-+.]{3,}\.[a-z]{3,4}(?:.\d+))/i;

   # otherwise just pass what we have

# now read all files in the directory uusrc/*
for(<uusrc/*>) {
   my ($retval, $count) = LoadFile ($_, $_, 1);
   print "file($_), status(", strerror $retval, ") parts($count)\n";

Smerge -1;

SetOption OPT_SAVEPATH, "uudst/";

# now wade through all files and their source parts
$i = 0;
while ($uu = GetFileListItem $i) {
   print "file nr. $i";
   print " state ", $uu->state;
   print " mode ", $uu->mode;
   print " uudet ", strencoding $uu->uudet;
   print " size ", $uu->size;
   print " filename ", $uu->filename;
   print " subfname ", $uu->subfname;
   print " mimeid ", $uu->mimeid;
   print " mimetype ", $uu->mimetype;
   print "\n";

   # print additional info about all parts
   for ($uu->parts) {
      while (my ($k, $v) = each %$_) {
         print "$k > $v, ";
      print "\n";

   print $uu->filename;


   print "<s", $uu->state, ">";#d#
   if (my $err = $uu->decode) {
      print ", ", strerror $err, "\n";
   } else {
      print ", saved as uudst/", $uu->filename, "\n";

print "cleanup...\n";
