use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

print <<EOF;

** This module *MUST* be dynamically linked against exactly the same
** libmysqlclient as your DBD::mysql module (also dynamically).
** Otherwise it will die quickly when used.
** If desperate, you could also try linking against the DBD::mysql
** shared object itself.
** To adjust include and library path, edit the Makefile.PL, near the end.


my %wm = (
    dist	=> {
	            PREOP	=> 'pod2text | tee README >$(DISTVNAME)/README; chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX . ;',
	            COMPRESS	=> 'gzip -9v',
	            SUFFIX	=> '.gz',
    PREREQ_PM    => {
       Scalar::Util     => 0.00,
       Coro             => 5.1,
       Guard            => 1.0,
       DBI              => 0, # not actually a hard dependency
       DBD::mysql       => 0, # not actually a hard dependency
    NAME => "Coro::Mysql",
    VERSION_FROM => "",

    INC => '-I/usr/include/mysql',
    LIBS => ['-L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient'],

if (eval "require EV::MakeMaker; require Coro::MakeMaker; 1") {
   %wm = Coro::MakeMaker::coro_args (EV::MakeMaker::ev_args (%wm));
   $wm{DEFINE} .= " -DHAVE_EV=1";
} else {
   print <<EOF;

** Especially fast with EV!
** This module is especially fast when used together with EV as
** the event loop - but you don't have EV installed. Too bad,
** but I work with any event loop, including EV, using my
** generic code, so no sweat. If you plan to use EV, better
** install it before this module.


WriteMakefile %wm;